Transform 4x4 matrix from voxels to world coordinates. |
Convert NIFTI volume to NRRD format. |
Encodes a volume from NumPy format into a NRRD format. |
Get extension for given path. |
Get normalized meta-data for a volume. |
Checks if Volume file from given path has supported extension. |
Search for DICOM series in the directory and its subdirectories. |
Inspect a directory for NRRD series by recursively listing files with the ".nrrd" extension and returns a list of NRRD file paths found in the directory. |
Check if the file is a NIFTI file. |
Checks if given extension is supported. |
Checks if a given file has a supported format. :type path: |
Normalize volume metadata. |
Read DICOM series volumes with given paths. |
Read DICOM series volumes with given paths. |
Read DICOM tags from a DICOM file. |
Read NRRD volume with given path. |
Read NRRD volume with given path. |
Rescale intensity value using the given slope and intercept. |
Raise error if Volume file from given path couldn't be read or file extension is not supported. |
Transform 4x4 matrix from world to voxels coordinates. |
Functions for processing volumes
- convert_nifti_to_nrrd(path)[source]¶
Convert NIFTI volume to NRRD format. Volume automatically reordered to RAS orientation as closest to canonical.
- Parameters
- path : str
Path to NIFTI volume file.
- Returns
Volume data in NumPy array format and dictionary with metadata (NRRD header).
- Return type
Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nii" data, header = sly.volume.convert_nifti_to_nrrd(path)
- encode(volume_np, volume_meta)[source]¶
Encodes a volume from NumPy format into a NRRD format.
- Parameters
- volume_np : np.ndarray
NumPy array representing the volume data.
- volume_meta : dict
Metadata of the volume.
- Returns
Encoded volume data in bytes.
- Return type
- Usage example
import numpy as np import supervisely as sly volume_np = np.random.rand(256, 256, 256) volume_meta = { "ACS": "RAS", "channelsCount": 1, "dimensionsIJK": { "x": 512, "y": 512, "z": 139 }, "directions": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "intensity": { "max": 3071.0, "min": -3024.0 }, "origin": (-194.238403081894, -217.5384061336518, -347.7500000000001), "rescaleIntercept": 0, "rescaleSlope": 1, "spacing": (0.7617189884185793, 0.7617189884185793, 2.5), "windowCenter": 23.5, "windowWidth": 6095.0 } encoded_volume = sly.volume.encode(volume_np, volume_meta)
get_meta(sitk_shape, min_intensity, max_intensity, spacing, origin, directions, dicom_tags=
)[source]¶ Get normalized meta-data for a volume.
- Parameters
- sitk_shape : tuple
Tuple representing the shape of the volume in (x, y, z) dimensions.
- min_intensity : float
Minimum intensity value in the volume.
- max_intensity : float
Maximum intensity value in the volume.
- spacing : tuple
Tuple representing the spacing between voxels in (x, y, z) dimensions.
- origin : tuple
Tuple representing the origin of the volume in (x, y, z) dimensions.
- directions : tuple
Tuple representing the direction matrix of the volume.
- dicom_tags : dict, optional
Dictionary containing additional DICOM tags for the volume meta-data.
- Returns
Dictionary containing the normalized meta-data for the volume.
- Return type
- Usage example
import SimpleITK as sitk import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader() reader.SetFileNames(path) sitk_volume = reader.Execute() sitk_volume = _sitk_image_orient_ras(sitk_volume) dicom_tags = read_dicom_tags(paths[0], anonymize=anonymize) f_min_max = sitk.MinimumMaximumImageFilter() f_min_max.Execute(sitk_volume) meta = get_meta( sitk_volume.GetSize(), f_min_max.GetMinimum(), f_min_max.GetMaximum(), sitk_volume.GetSpacing(), sitk_volume.GetOrigin(), sitk_volume.GetDirection(), dicom_tags, )
inspect_dicom_series(root_dir, logging=
)[source]¶ Search for DICOM series in the directory and its subdirectories. If several series with the same UID are found in the directory, then the series are numbered in the format: “series_uid_01”, “series_uid_02”, etc.
- Parameters
- Returns
Dictionary with DICOM volumes IDs and corresponding file names.
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly path = "src/upload/Dicom_files/" series_infos = sly.volume.inspect_dicom_series(root_dir=path)
inspect_nrrd_series(root_dir, logging=
)[source]¶ Inspect a directory for NRRD series by recursively listing files with the “.nrrd” extension and returns a list of NRRD file paths found in the directory.
- Parameters
- Returns
List of NRRD file paths found in the given directory.
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/" nrrd_paths = sly.volume.inspect_nrrd_series(root_dir=path)
- is_valid_format(path)[source]¶
Checks if a given file has a supported format. :type path:
:param path: Path to file. :type path: str :return: True if file format in list of supported Volume formats, False - in otherwise :rtype:bool
:Usage example:
- normalize_volume_meta(meta)[source]¶
Normalize volume metadata.
- Parameters
- meta : dict
Metadata of the volume.
- Returns
Normalized volume metadata.
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly normalized_meta = sly.volume.volume.volume.normalize_volume_meta(volume_meta) print(normalized_meta) # Output: # { # 'ACS': 'RAS', # 'channelsCount': 1, # 'dimensionsIJK': {'x': 512, 'y': 512, 'z': 139}, # 'directions': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), # 'intensity': {'max': 3071.0, 'min': -3024.0}, # 'origin': (-194.238403081894, -217.5384061336518, -347.7500000000001), # 'rescaleIntercept': 0, # 'rescaleSlope': 1, # 'spacing': (0.7617189884185793, 0.7617189884185793, 2.5), # 'windowCenter': 23.5, # 'windowWidth': 6095.0 # }
read_dicom_serie_volume(paths, anonymize=
)[source]¶ Read DICOM series volumes with given paths.
- Parameters
- Returns
Volume data in SimpleITK.Image format and dictionary with metadata.
- Return type
Tuple[SimpleITK.Image, dict]
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly paths = ["/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd"] sitk_volume, meta = sly.volume.read_dicom_serie_volume(paths)
read_dicom_serie_volume_np(paths, anonymize=
)[source]¶ Read DICOM series volumes with given paths.
- Parameters
- Returns
Volume data in NumPy array format and dictionary with metadata
- Return type
Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly volume_path = ["/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd"] volume_np, meta = sly.volume.read_dicom_serie_volume_np(volume_path)
read_dicom_tags(path, allowed_keys=
['SeriesInstanceUID', 'Modality', 'WindowCenter', 'WindowWidth', 'RescaleIntercept', 'RescaleSlope', 'PhotometricInterpretation', 'PatientID', 'PatientName']
, anonymize=True
)[source]¶ Read DICOM tags from a DICOM file.
- Parameters
- Returns
Dictionary containing the extracted DICOM tags.
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly path = "src/upload/Dicom_files/nnn.dcm" dicom_tags = sly.volume.read_dicom_tags(path=path)
- read_nrrd_serie_volume(path)[source]¶
Read NRRD volume with given path.
- Parameters
- path : List[str]
Paths to DICOM volume files.
- Returns
Volume data in SimpleITK.Image format and dictionary with metadata.
- Return type
Tuple[SimpleITK.Image, dict]
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" sitk_volume, meta = sly.volume.read_nrrd_serie_volume(path)
- read_nrrd_serie_volume_np(paths)[source]¶
Read NRRD volume with given path.
- Parameters
- path : List[str]
Paths to NRRD volume file.
- Returns
Volume data in NumPy array format and dictionary with metadata.
- Return type
Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" np_volume, meta = sly.volume.read_nrrd_serie_volume_np(path)
- rescale_slope_intercept(value, slope, intercept)[source]¶
Rescale intensity value using the given slope and intercept.
- Parameters
- Returns
The rescaled intensity value.
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly meta["intensity"]["min"] = sly.volume.volume.rescale_slope_intercept( meta["intensity"]["min"], meta["rescaleSlope"], meta["rescaleIntercept"], )
- validate_format(path)[source]¶
Raise error if Volume file from given path couldn’t be read or file extension is not supported.
- Parameters
- path : str
Path to Volume file.
- Raises
if Volume file from given path couldn’t be read or file extension is not supported.- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly volume_path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.mp4" sly.volume.validate_format(volume_path) # File /home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.mp4 has unsupported volume extension. Supported extensions: [".nrrd", ".dcm"].
- world_2_ijk_mat(ijk_2_world)[source]¶
Transform 4x4 matrix from world to voxels coordinates.
- Parameters
- ijk_2_world : np.ndarray
4x4 matrix.
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly mat = sly.volume.volume.world_2_ijk_mat(world_mat) # Output: # [ # [ 1.3128201 0. 0. 255.00008013] # [ 0. 1.3128201 0. 285.58879251] # [ 0. 0. 0.4 139.1 ] # [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ] # ]
- Return type