Source code for supervisely.volume.volume

# coding: utf-8
"""Functions for processing volumes"""

import os
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pydicom
import SimpleITK as sitk
import stringcase

import supervisely.volume.nrrd_encoder as nrrd_encoder
from supervisely import logger
from import get_file_ext, get_file_name, list_files_recursively

# Do NOT use directly for extension validation. Use is_valid_ext() /  has_valid_ext() below instead.

class UnsupportedVolumeFormat(Exception):

[docs]def get_extension(path: str): """ Get extension for given path. :param path: Path to volume. :type path: str :return: Path extension :rtype: str :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "src/upload/folder/CTACardio.nrrd" ext = sly.volume.get_extension(path=path) # .nrrd """ # magic.from_file("path", mime=True) # for nrrd: # application/octet-stream # for nifti(nii): # application/octet-stream # for dicom: # "application/dicom" ext = get_file_ext(path) if ext in ALLOWED_VOLUME_EXTENSIONS: return ext # case when dicom file does not have an extension import magic mime = magic.from_file(path, mime=True) if mime == "application/dicom": return ".dcm" return None
[docs]def is_valid_ext(ext: str) -> bool: """ Checks if given extension is supported. :param ext: Volume file extension. :type ext: str :return: True if extensions is in the list of supported extensions else False :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly sly.volume.is_valid_ext(".nrrd") # True sly.volume.is_valid_ext(".mp4") # False """ if type(ext) is not str: return False return ext.lower() in ALLOWED_VOLUME_EXTENSIONS
[docs]def has_valid_ext(path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if Volume file from given path has supported extension. :param path: Path to volume file. :type path: str :return: True if Volume file has supported extension else False :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly volume_path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" sly.volume.has_valid_ext(volume_path) # True """ return is_valid_ext(get_extension(path))
[docs]def validate_format(path: str): """ Raise error if Volume file from given path couldn't be read or file extension is not supported. :param path: Path to Volume file. :type path: str :raises: :class:`UnsupportedVolumeFormat` if Volume file from given path couldn't be read or file extension is not supported. :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly volume_path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.mp4" sly.volume.validate_format(volume_path) # File /home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.mp4 has unsupported volume extension. Supported extensions: [".nrrd", ".dcm"]. """ if not has_valid_ext(path): raise UnsupportedVolumeFormat( f"File {path} has unsupported volume extension. Supported extensions: {ALLOWED_VOLUME_EXTENSIONS}" )
[docs]def is_valid_format(path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if a given file has a supported format. :param path: Path to file. :type path: str :return: True if file format in list of supported Volume formats, False - in otherwise :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly sly.volume.is_valid_format('/volumes/dcm01.dcm') # True sly.volume.is_valid_format('/volumes/') # False """ try: validate_format(path) return True except UnsupportedVolumeFormat: return False
[docs]def rescale_slope_intercept(value: float, slope: float, intercept: float) -> float: """ Rescale intensity value using the given slope and intercept. :param value: The intensity value to be rescaled. :type value: float :param slope: The slope for rescaling. :type slope: float :param intercept: The intercept for rescaling. :type intercept: float :return: The rescaled intensity value. :rtype: float :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly meta["intensity"]["min"] = sly.volume.volume.rescale_slope_intercept( meta["intensity"]["min"], meta["rescaleSlope"], meta["rescaleIntercept"], ) """ return value * slope + intercept
[docs]def normalize_volume_meta(meta: dict) -> dict: """ Normalize volume metadata. :param meta: Metadata of the volume. :type meta: dict :return: Normalized volume metadata. :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly normalized_meta = sly.volume.volume.volume.normalize_volume_meta(volume_meta) print(normalized_meta) # Output: # { # 'ACS': 'RAS', # 'channelsCount': 1, # 'dimensionsIJK': {'x': 512, 'y': 512, 'z': 139}, # 'directions': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), # 'intensity': {'max': 3071.0, 'min': -3024.0}, # 'origin': (-194.238403081894, -217.5384061336518, -347.7500000000001), # 'rescaleIntercept': 0, # 'rescaleSlope': 1, # 'spacing': (0.7617189884185793, 0.7617189884185793, 2.5), # 'windowCenter': 23.5, # 'windowWidth': 6095.0 # } """ meta["intensity"]["min"] = rescale_slope_intercept( meta["intensity"]["min"], meta["rescaleSlope"], meta["rescaleIntercept"], ) meta["intensity"]["max"] = rescale_slope_intercept( meta["intensity"]["max"], meta["rescaleSlope"], meta["rescaleIntercept"], ) if "windowWidth" not in meta: meta["windowWidth"] = meta["intensity"]["max"] - meta["intensity"]["min"] if "windowCenter" not in meta: meta["windowCenter"] = meta["intensity"]["min"] + meta["windowWidth"] / 2 return meta
[docs]def read_dicom_serie_volume_np(paths: List[str], anonymize=True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: """ Read DICOM series volumes with given paths. :param paths: Paths to DICOM volume files. :type paths: List[str] :param anonymize: Specify whether to hide PatientID and PatientName fields. :type anonymize: bool :return: Volume data in NumPy array format and dictionary with metadata :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, dict] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly volume_path = ["/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd"] volume_np, meta = sly.volume.read_dicom_serie_volume_np(volume_path) """ import SimpleITK as sitk sitk_volume, meta = read_dicom_serie_volume(paths, anonymize=anonymize) # for debug: # sitk.WriteImage(sitk_volume, "/work/output/sitk.nrrd", useCompression=False, compressionLevel=9) # with open("/work/output/test.nrrd", "wb") as file: # file.write(b) volume_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_volume) volume_np = np.transpose(volume_np, (2, 1, 0)) return volume_np, meta
_anonymize_tags = ["PatientID", "PatientName"] _default_dicom_tags = [ "SeriesInstanceUID", "Modality", "WindowCenter", "WindowWidth", "RescaleIntercept", "RescaleSlope", "PhotometricInterpretation", ] _default_dicom_tags.extend(_anonymize_tags) _photometricInterpretationRGB = set( [ "RGB", "PALETTE COLOR", "YBR_FULL", "YBR_FULL_422", "YBR_PARTIAL_422", "YBR_PARTIAL_420", "YBR_RCT", ] )
[docs]def read_dicom_tags( path: str, allowed_keys: Union[None, List[str]] = _default_dicom_tags, anonymize: bool = True, ): """ Read DICOM tags from a DICOM file. :param path: Path to the DICOM file. :type path: str :param allowed_keys: List of allowed DICOM keywords to be extracted. Default is None, which means all keywords are allowed. :type allowed_keys: Union[None, List[str]], optional :param anonymize: Flag to indicate whether to anonymize certain tags or not. :type anonymize: bool, optional :return: Dictionary containing the extracted DICOM tags. :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "src/upload/Dicom_files/nnn.dcm" dicom_tags = sly.volume.read_dicom_tags(path=path) """ import SimpleITK as sitk reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() reader.SetFileName(path) reader.LoadPrivateTagsOn() reader.ReadImageInformation() vol_info = {} for k in reader.GetMetaDataKeys(): v = reader.GetMetaData(k) tag = pydicom.tag.Tag(k.split("|")[0], k.split("|")[1]) keyword = pydicom.datadict.keyword_for_tag(tag) if allowed_keys is not None and keyword not in allowed_keys: continue if anonymize is True and keyword in _anonymize_tags: v = "anonymized" keyword = stringcase.camelcase(keyword) vol_info[keyword] = v if keyword in [ "windowCenter", "windowWidth", "rescaleIntercept", "rescaleSlope", ]: vol_info[keyword] = float(vol_info[keyword].split("\\")[0]) elif keyword == "photometricInterpretation" and v in _photometricInterpretationRGB: vol_info["channelsCount"] = 3 return vol_info
[docs]def encode(volume_np: np.ndarray, volume_meta: dict) -> bytes: """ Encodes a volume from NumPy format into a NRRD format. :param volume_np: NumPy array representing the volume data. :type volume_np: np.ndarray :param volume_meta: Metadata of the volume. :type volume_meta: dict :return: Encoded volume data in bytes. :rtype: bytes :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import supervisely as sly volume_np = np.random.rand(256, 256, 256) volume_meta = { "ACS": "RAS", "channelsCount": 1, "dimensionsIJK": { "x": 512, "y": 512, "z": 139 }, "directions": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), "intensity": { "max": 3071.0, "min": -3024.0 }, "origin": (-194.238403081894, -217.5384061336518, -347.7500000000001), "rescaleIntercept": 0, "rescaleSlope": 1, "spacing": (0.7617189884185793, 0.7617189884185793, 2.5), "windowCenter": 23.5, "windowWidth": 6095.0 } encoded_volume = sly.volume.encode(volume_np, volume_meta) """ directions = np.array(volume_meta["directions"]).reshape(3, 3) directions *= volume_meta["spacing"] volume_bytes = nrrd_encoder.encode( volume_np, header={ "encoding": "gzip", # "space": "left-posterior-superior", "space": "right-anterior-superior", "space directions": directions.T.tolist(), "space origin": volume_meta["origin"], }, compression_level=1, ) # with open("/work/output/test.nrrd", "wb") as file: # file.write(volume_bytes) return volume_bytes
[docs]def inspect_dicom_series(root_dir: str, logging: bool = True) -> dict: """ Search for DICOM series in the directory and its subdirectories. If several series with the same UID are found in the directory, then the series are numbered in the format: "series_uid_01", "series_uid_02", etc. :param root_dir: Directory path with volumes. :type root_dir: str :param logging: Specify whether to print logging messages. :type logging: bool :return: Dictionary with DICOM volumes IDs and corresponding file names. :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "src/upload/Dicom_files/" series_infos = sly.volume.inspect_dicom_series(root_dir=path) """ import SimpleITK as sitk found_series = {} for d in os.walk(root_dir): dir = d[0] reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader() sitk.ProcessObject_SetGlobalWarningDisplay(False) series_found = reader.GetGDCMSeriesIDs(dir) sitk.ProcessObject_SetGlobalWarningDisplay(True) if logging:"Found {len(series_found)} series in directory {dir}") for serie in series_found: dicom_names = reader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(dir, serie) new_key = serie new_suffix = 1 while new_key in found_series: new_key = "{}_{:02d}".format(serie, new_suffix) new_suffix += 1 found_series[new_key] = dicom_names if logging:"Total {len(found_series)} series in directory {root_dir}") return found_series
def _sitk_image_orient_ras(sitk_volume): import SimpleITK as sitk if sitk_volume.GetDimension() == 4 and sitk_volume.GetSize()[3] == 1: sitk_volume = sitk_volume[:, :, :, 0] sitk_volume = sitk.DICOMOrient(sitk_volume, "RAS") # RAS reorient image using filter # orientation_filter = sitk.DICOMOrientImageFilter() # orientation_filter.SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation("RAS") # sitk_volume = orientation_filter.Execute(sitk_volume) # origin = list(sitk_volume.GetOrigin()) directions = list(sitk_volume.GetDirection()) origin[0] *= -1 origin[1] *= -1 directions[0] *= -1 directions[1] *= -1 directions[3] *= -1 directions[4] *= -1 directions[6] *= -1 directions[7] *= -1 sitk_volume.SetOrigin(origin) sitk_volume.SetDirection(directions) return sitk_volume
[docs]def read_dicom_serie_volume(paths: List[str], anonymize: bool = True) -> Tuple[sitk.Image, dict]: """ Read DICOM series volumes with given paths. :param paths: Paths to DICOM volume files. :type paths: List[str] :param anonymize: Specify whether to hide PatientID and PatientName fields. :type anonymize: bool :return: Volume data in SimpleITK.Image format and dictionary with metadata. :rtype: Tuple[SimpleITK.Image, dict] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly paths = ["/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd"] sitk_volume, meta = sly.volume.read_dicom_serie_volume(paths) """ import SimpleITK as sitk reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader() reader.SetFileNames(paths) sitk_volume = reader.Execute() sitk_volume = _sitk_image_orient_ras(sitk_volume) dicom_tags = read_dicom_tags(paths[0], anonymize=anonymize) f_min_max = sitk.MinimumMaximumImageFilter() f_min_max.Execute(sitk_volume) meta = get_meta( sitk_volume.GetSize(), f_min_max.GetMinimum(), f_min_max.GetMaximum(), sitk_volume.GetSpacing(), sitk_volume.GetOrigin(), sitk_volume.GetDirection(), dicom_tags, ) return sitk_volume, meta
[docs]def compose_ijk_2_world_mat(meta: dict) -> np.ndarray: """ Transform 4x4 matrix from voxels to world coordinates. :param meta: Volume metadata. :type meta: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly mat = sly.volume.volume.compose_ijk_2_world_mat(volume_meta) # Output: # [ # [ 0.76171899 0. 0. -194.23840308] # [ 0. 0.76171899 0. -217.53840613] # [ 0. 0. 2.5 -347.75 ] # [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ] # ] """ try: spacing = meta["spacing"] origin = meta["origin"] directions = meta["directions"] except KeyError as e: raise IOError( f"Need the meta '{e}'' field to determine the mapping from voxels to world coordinates." ) mat = np.eye(4) mat[:3, :3] = (np.array(directions).reshape(3, 3) * spacing).T mat[:3, 3] = origin return mat
[docs]def world_2_ijk_mat(ijk_2_world) -> np.ndarray: """ Transform 4x4 matrix from world to voxels coordinates. :param ijk_2_world: 4x4 matrix. :type ijk_2_world: np.ndarray :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly mat = sly.volume.volume.world_2_ijk_mat(world_mat) # Output: # [ # [ 1.3128201 0. 0. 255.00008013] # [ 0. 1.3128201 0. 285.58879251] # [ 0. 0. 0.4 139.1 ] # [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ] # ] """ return np.linalg.inv(ijk_2_world)
[docs]def get_meta( sitk_shape: tuple, min_intensity: float, max_intensity: float, spacing: tuple, origin: tuple, directions: tuple, dicom_tags: dict = {}, ) -> dict: """ Get normalized meta-data for a volume. :param sitk_shape: Tuple representing the shape of the volume in (x, y, z) dimensions. :type sitk_shape: tuple :param min_intensity: Minimum intensity value in the volume. :type min_intensity: float :param max_intensity: Maximum intensity value in the volume. :type max_intensity: float :param spacing: Tuple representing the spacing between voxels in (x, y, z) dimensions. :type spacing: tuple :param origin: Tuple representing the origin of the volume in (x, y, z) dimensions. :type origin: tuple :param directions: Tuple representing the direction matrix of the volume. :type directions: tuple :param dicom_tags: Dictionary containing additional DICOM tags for the volume meta-data. :type dicom_tags: dict, optional :return: Dictionary containing the normalized meta-data for the volume. :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import SimpleITK as sitk import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader() reader.SetFileNames(path) sitk_volume = reader.Execute() sitk_volume = _sitk_image_orient_ras(sitk_volume) dicom_tags = read_dicom_tags(paths[0], anonymize=anonymize) f_min_max = sitk.MinimumMaximumImageFilter() f_min_max.Execute(sitk_volume) meta = get_meta( sitk_volume.GetSize(), f_min_max.GetMinimum(), f_min_max.GetMaximum(), sitk_volume.GetSpacing(), sitk_volume.GetOrigin(), sitk_volume.GetDirection(), dicom_tags, ) """ # x = 1 - sagittal # y = 1 - coronal # z = 1 - axial volume_meta = normalize_volume_meta( { **dicom_tags, "channelsCount": 1, "rescaleSlope": 1, "rescaleIntercept": 0, "intensity": { "min": min_intensity, "max": max_intensity, }, "dimensionsIJK": { "x": sitk_shape[0], "y": sitk_shape[1], "z": sitk_shape[2], }, "ACS": "RAS", # instead of IJK2WorldMatrix field "spacing": spacing, "origin": origin, "directions": directions, } ) return volume_meta
[docs]def inspect_nrrd_series(root_dir: str, logging: bool = True) -> List[str]: """ Inspect a directory for NRRD series by recursively listing files with the ".nrrd" extension and returns a list of NRRD file paths found in the directory. :param root_dir: Directory to inspect for NRRD series. :type root_dir: str :param logging: Specify whether to print logging messages. :type logging: bool :return: List of NRRD file paths found in the given directory. :rtype: List[str] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/" nrrd_paths = sly.volume.inspect_nrrd_series(root_dir=path) """ nrrd_paths = list_files_recursively(root_dir, [".nrrd"]) if logging:"Total {len(nrrd_paths)} NRRD series in directory {root_dir}") return nrrd_paths
[docs]def read_nrrd_serie_volume(path: str) -> Tuple[sitk.Image, dict]: """ Read NRRD volume with given path. :param path: Paths to DICOM volume files. :type path: List[str] :return: Volume data in SimpleITK.Image format and dictionary with metadata. :rtype: Tuple[SimpleITK.Image, dict] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" sitk_volume, meta = sly.volume.read_nrrd_serie_volume(path) """ import SimpleITK as sitk # find custom NRRD loader in gitlab supervisely_py/-/blob/feature/import-volumes/plugins/import/volumes/src/loaders/ reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() # reader.SetImageIO("NrrdImageIO") reader.SetFileName(path) sitk_volume = reader.Execute() sitk_volume = _sitk_image_orient_ras(sitk_volume) f_min_max = sitk.MinimumMaximumImageFilter() f_min_max.Execute(sitk_volume) meta = get_meta( sitk_volume.GetSize(), f_min_max.GetMinimum(), f_min_max.GetMaximum(), sitk_volume.GetSpacing(), sitk_volume.GetOrigin(), sitk_volume.GetDirection(), {}, ) return sitk_volume, meta
[docs]def read_nrrd_serie_volume_np(paths: List[str]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: """ Read NRRD volume with given path. :param path: Paths to NRRD volume file. :type path: List[str] :return: Volume data in NumPy array format and dictionary with metadata. :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, dict] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nrrd" np_volume, meta = sly.volume.read_nrrd_serie_volume_np(path) """ import SimpleITK as sitk sitk_volume, meta = read_nrrd_serie_volume(paths) volume_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_volume) volume_np = np.transpose(volume_np, (2, 1, 0)) return volume_np, meta
[docs]def convert_nifti_to_nrrd(path: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: """Convert NIFTI volume to NRRD format. Volume automatically reordered to RAS orientation as closest to canonical. :param path: Path to NIFTI volume file. :type path: str :return: Volume data in NumPy array format and dictionary with metadata (NRRD header). :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, dict] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "/home/admin/work/volumes/vol_01.nii" data, header = sly.volume.convert_nifti_to_nrrd(path) """ import nibabel as nib # pylint: disable=import-error nifti = nib.load(path) reordered_to_ras_nifti = nib.as_closest_canonical(nifti) data = reordered_to_ras_nifti.get_fdata() affine = reordered_to_ras_nifti.affine orientation = nib.aff2axcodes(affine) header = { "space": "".join(orientation), "space directions": affine.tolist(), "sizes": data.shape, "type": str(data.dtype), "dimension": len(data.shape), } return data, header
[docs]def is_nifti_file(path: str) -> bool: """Check if the file is a NIFTI file. :param filepath: Path to the file. :type filepath: str :return: True if the file is a NIFTI file, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ try: import nibabel as nib except ImportError: raise ImportError( "No module named nibabel. Please make sure that module is installed from pip and try again." ) try: nib.load(path) return True except nib.filebasedimages.ImageFileError: return False