Create tar archive from directory and optionally split it into parts of specified size. |
Change directory name in path by index. |
Recursively delete a directory tree, but save root directory. |
Copy file from one path to another, if destination directory doesn't exist it will be created. |
Check whether directory is empty or not. |
Check whether directory exists or not. |
Generator that yields paths to directories that meet the requirements of the check_function. |
Generator that yields paths to directories that contain markers files. |
Load image from url to host by target path. |
Recursively create parent directory for target path. |
Check whether file exists or not. |
Get the size of a directory. |
Extracts file extension from a given path. |
Get hash from target file. |
Extracts file name from a given path. |
Extracts file name with ext from a given path. |
Get the size of a file. |
Get list containing the names of the directories in the given directory. |
Returns a dictionary representing the directory tree. |
Converts global path to relative path. |
Creates a hard link pointing to src named dst. |
Creates a hard links pointing to src named dst files recursively. |
Checks if the file is an archive by its mimetype using list of the most common archive mimetypes. |
Check if remote_path starts is on agent (e.g. |
Recursively walks through directory and returns list with all file paths, and optionally subdirectory paths. |
Returns list with file paths presented in given directory. |
Recursively walks through directory and returns list with all file paths. |
Get tree for target directory and displays it in the log. |
Creates a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. |
Return agent id and path in agent folder from remote_path. |
Recursively delete a directory tree. |
Cleans the given directory from junk files and dirs (e.g. |
Remove file which may not exist. |
Check if string is a valid URL. :type string: |
Returns integer representation of byte size from string representation. |
Generator that yields directories in the directory tree, starting from the level below the root directory and then going down the tree. |
Sets access and modification times for a file. |
Get tree for target directory. |
Unpacks archive to the target directory, removes junk files and directories. |
archive_directory(dir_, tar_path, split=
, chunk_size_mb=50
)[source]¶ Create tar archive from directory and optionally split it into parts of specified size. You can adjust the size of the chunk to read from the file, while archiving the file into parts. Be careful with this parameter, it can affect the performance of the function. When spliting, if the size of split is less than the chunk size, the chunk size will be adjusted to fit the split size.
- Parameters
- dir : str
Target directory path.
- tar_path : str
Path for output tar archive.
- split : Union[int, str]
Split archive into parts of specified size (in bytes) or size with suffix (e.g. ‘1Kb’ = 1024, ‘1Mb’ = 1024 * 1024). Default is None.
- chunk_size_mb : int
Size of the chunk to read from the file. Default is 50Mb.
- Returns
None or list of archive parts if split is not None
- Return type
Union[None, List[str]]
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import archive_directory # If split is not needed. archive_directory('/home/admin/work/projects/examples', '/home/admin/work/examples.tar') # If split is specified. archive_parts_paths = archive_directory('/home/admin/work/projects/examples', '/home/admin/work/examples/archive.tar', split=1000000) print(archive_parts_paths) # ['/home/admin/work/examples/archive.tar.001', '/home/admin/work/examples/archive.tar.002']
- change_directory_at_index(path, dir_name, dir_index)[source]¶
Change directory name in path by index. If you use counting from the end, keep in mind that if the path ends with a file, the file will be assigned to the last index.
- Parameters
- Returns
New path
- Return type
- Raises
IndexError – If the catalog index is out of bounds for a given path
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly input_path = 'head/dir_1/file.txt' new_path = sly.io.fs.change_directory_at_index(input_path, 'dir_2', -2) print(new_path)
clean_dir(dir_, ignore_errors=
)[source]¶ Recursively delete a directory tree, but save root directory.
- Parameters
- dir : str
Target directory path.
- Ignore_errors
Ignore possible errors while removes directory content.
- Ignore_errors
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import clean_dir clean_dir('/home/admin/work/projects/examples')
- copy_file(src, dst)[source]¶
Copy file from one path to another, if destination directory doesn’t exist it will be created.
- dirs_filter(input_path, check_function)[source]¶
Generator that yields paths to directories that meet the requirements of the check_function.
- Parameters
- input_path : str
path to the directory in which the search will be performed
- check_function : Callable
function to check that directory meets the requirements and returns bool
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly input_path = '/home/admin/work/projects/examples' # Prepare the check function. def check_function(directory) -> bool: images_dir = os.path.join(directory, "images") annotations_dir = os.path.join(directory, "annotations") return os.path.isdir(images_dir) and os.path.isdir(annotations_dir) for directory in sly.fs.dirs(input_path, check_function): # Now you can be sure that the directory meets the requirements. # Do something with it. print(directory)
- Return type
dirs_with_marker(input_path, markers, check_function=
, ignore_case=False
)[source]¶ Generator that yields paths to directories that contain markers files. If the check_function is specified, then the markered directory will be yielded only if the check_function returns True. The check_function must take a single argument - the path to the markered directory and return True or False.
- Parameters
- input_path : str
path to the directory in which the search will be performed
- markers : Union[str, List[str]]
single marker or list of markers (e.g. ‘config.json’ or [‘config.json’, ‘config.yaml’])
- check_function : Callable
function to check that directory meets the requirements and returns bool
- ignore_case : bool
ignore case when searching for markers
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly input_path = '/home/admin/work/projects/examples' # You can pass a string if you have only one marker. # markers = 'config.json' # Or a list of strings if you have several markers. # There's no need to pass one marker in different cases, you can use ignore_case=True for this. markers = ['config.json', 'config.yaml'] # Check function is optional, if you don't need the directories to meet any requirements, # you can omit it. def check_function(dir_path): test_file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'test.txt') return os.path.exists(test_file_path) for directory in sly.fs.dirs_with_marker(input_path, markers, check_function, ignore_case=True): # Now you can be sure that the directory contains the markers and meets the requirements. # Do something with it. print(directory)
- Return type
download(url, save_path, cache=
, progress=None
, headers=None
, timeout=None
)[source]¶ Load image from url to host by target path.
- Parameters
- url : str
Target file path.
- url
The path where the file is saved.
- cache : FileCache, optional
An instance of FileCache class that provides caching functionality for the downloaded content. If None, caching is disabled.
- progress : Progress, optional
Function for tracking download progress.
- headers : Dict, optional.
A dictionary of HTTP headers to include in the request.
- timeout : int, optional.
The maximum number of seconds to wait for a response from the server. If the server does not respond within the timeout period, a TimeoutError is raised.
- Returns
Full path to downloaded image
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import download img_link = 'https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTYwOTEwNjAzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc5MTUwMw@@._V1_.jpg' im_path = download(img_link, '/home/admin/work/projects/examples/avatar.jpeg') print(im_path) # Output: # /home/admin/work/projects/examples/avatar.jpeg # if you need to specify some headers headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', } im_path = download(img_link, '/home/admin/work/projects/examples/avatar.jpeg', headers=headers) print(im_path) # Output: # /home/admin/work/projects/examples/avatar.jpeg
- ensure_base_path(path)[source]¶
Recursively create parent directory for target path.
- Parameters
- path : str
Target dir path.
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import ensure_base_path ensure_base_path('/home/admin/work/projects/example')
get_subdirs(dir_path, recursive=
)[source]¶ Get list containing the names of the directories in the given directory.
- Parameters
- Returns
List containing directories names.
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import get_subdirs subdirs = get_subdirs('/home/admin/work/projects/examples') print(subdirs) # Output: ['tests', 'users', 'ds1']
- get_subdirs_tree(dir_path)[source]¶
Returns a dictionary representing the directory tree. It will have only directories and subdirectories (not files).
- Parameters
- dir_path : str
Target directory path.
- Returns
Dictionary representing the directory tree.
- Return type
Dict[str, Union[str, Dict]]
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import get_subdirs_tree tree = get_subdirs_tree('/home/admin/work/projects/examples') print(tree) # Output: {'examples': {'tests': {}, 'users': {}, 'ds1': {}}}
- global_to_relative(global_path, base_dir)[source]¶
Converts global path to relative path.
- Parameters
- Returns
Relative path.
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import global_to_relative relative_path = global_to_relative('/home/admin/work/projects/examples/1.jpeg', '/home/admin/work/projects') print(relative_path) # Output: examples/1.jpeg
- hardlink_or_copy_file(src, dst)[source]¶
Creates a hard link pointing to src named dst. If the link cannot be created, the file will be copied.
- hardlink_or_copy_tree(src, dst)[source]¶
Creates a hard links pointing to src named dst files recursively. If the link cannot be created, the file will be copied.
- is_archive(file_path)[source]¶
Checks if the file is an archive by its mimetype using list of the most common archive mimetypes.
- is_on_agent(remote_path)[source]¶
Check if remote_path starts is on agent (e.g. starts with ‘agent://<agent-id>/’).
list_dir_recursively(dir, include_subdirs=
, use_global_paths=False
)[source]¶ Recursively walks through directory and returns list with all file paths, and optionally subdirectory paths.
- Parameters
- Returns
List containing file paths, and optionally subdirectory paths.
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly list_dir = sly.fs.list_dir_recursively("/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/") print(list_dir) # Output: ['meta.json', 'ds1/ann/IMG_0748.jpeg.json', 'ds1/ann/IMG_4451.jpeg.json', 'ds1/img/IMG_0748.jpeg', 'ds1/img/IMG_4451.jpeg']
list_files(dir, valid_extensions=
, filter_fn=None
, ignore_valid_extensions_case=False
)[source]¶ Returns list with file paths presented in given directory. Can be filtered by valid extensions and filter function. Also can be case insensitive for valid extensions.
- Parameters
- dir :
Target dir path.
- dir
- valid_extensions : List[str]
List with valid file extensions.
- filter_fn : Callable, optional
Function with a single argument. Argument is a file path. Function determines whether to keep a given file path. Must return True or False.
- ignore_valid_extensions_case : bool
If True, validation of file extensions will be case insensitive.
- dir :
- Returns
List with file paths
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly list_files = sly.fs.list_files("/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/ds1/img/") print(list_files) # Output: ['/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/ds1/img/IMG_0748.jpeg', '/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/ds1/img/IMG_4451.jpeg']
list_files_recursively(dir, valid_extensions=
, filter_fn=None
)[source]¶ Recursively walks through directory and returns list with all file paths. Can be filtered by valid extensions and filter function.
- param dir
Target dir path.
- param dir
- param valid_extensions
List with valid file extensions.
- type valid_extensions
List[str], optional
- param filter_fn
Function with a single argument. Argument is a file path. Function determines whether to keep a given file path. Must return True or False.
- type filter_fn
Callable, optional
- returns
List with file paths
- rtype
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly list_files = sly.fs.list_files_recursively("/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/ds1/img/") print(list_files) # Output: ['/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/ds1/img/IMG_0748.jpeg', '/home/admin/work/projects/lemons_annotated/ds1/img/IMG_4451.jpeg']
log_tree(dir_path, logger, level=
)[source]¶ Get tree for target directory and displays it in the log.
- Parameters
- dir_path : str
Target directory path.
- logger : logger
Logger to display data.
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import log_tree logger = sly.logger log_tree('/home/admin/work/projects/examples', logger)
mkdir(dir, remove_content_if_exists=
)[source]¶ Creates a leaf directory and all intermediate ones.
- Parameters
- dir :
Target dir path.
- dir
- dir :
- Remove_content_if_exists
Remove directory content if it exist.
- Remove_content_if_exists
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import mkdir mkdir('/home/admin/work/projects/example')
- parse_agent_id_and_path(remote_path)[source]¶
Return agent id and path in agent folder from remote_path.
- Parameters
- remote_path : str
path to parse
- Returns
agent id and path in agent folder
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – if remote_path doesn’t start with ‘agent://<agent-id>/’
- Usage example
import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: https://developer.supervisely.com/getting-started/basics-of-authentication load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Parse agent id and path in agent folder from remote_path remote_path = "agent://1/agent_folder/subfolder/file.txt" agent_id, path_in_agent_folder = sly.fs.parse_agent_id_and_path(remote_path) print(agent_id) # 1 print(path_in_agent_folder) # /agent_folder/subfolder/file.txt
- remove_dir(dir_)[source]¶
Recursively delete a directory tree.
- Parameters
- dir : str
Target directory path.
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import remove_dir remove_dir('/home/admin/work/projects/examples')
- remove_junk_from_dir(dir)[source]¶
Cleans the given directory from junk files and dirs (e.g. .DS_Store, __MACOSX, Thumbs.db, etc.).
- silent_remove(file_path)[source]¶
Remove file which may not exist.
- Parameters
- file_path : str
File path.
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import silent_remove silent_remove('/home/admin/work/projects/examples/1.jpeg')
- str_is_url(string)[source]¶
Check if string is a valid URL. :type string:
:param string: string to check :type string: str :return: True if string is a valid URL, False otherwise :rtype: bool :Usage example:
- string_to_byte_size(string)[source]¶
- Returns integer representation of byte size from string representation.
If input is integer, returns the same integer for convenience.
- param string
string representation of byte size (e.g. 1.5Kb, 2Mb, 3.7Gb, 4.2Tb) or integer
- type string
Union[str, int]
- return
integer representation of byte size (or the same integer if input is integer)
- rtype
- raises ValueError
if input string is invalid
- Usage example
- Return type
subdirs_tree(dir_path, ignore=
, ignore_content=None
)[source]¶ Generator that yields directories in the directory tree, starting from the level below the root directory and then going down the tree. If ignore is specified, it will ignore paths which end with the specified directory names. All subdirectories of ignored directories will still be yielded.
- Parameters
- dir_path : str
Target directory path.
- ignore : List[str]
List of directories to ignore. Note, that function still will yield subdirectories of ignored directories. It will only ignore paths which end with the specified directory names.
- ignore_content : List[str]
List of directories which subdirectories should be ignored.
- Returns
Generator that yields directories in the directory tree.
- Return type
Generator[str, None, None]
- touch(path)[source]¶
Sets access and modification times for a file.
- Parameters
- path : str
Target file path.
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import touch touch('/home/admin/work/projects/examples/1.jpeg')
- tree(dir_path)[source]¶
Get tree for target directory.
- Parameters
- dir_path : str
Target directory path.
- Returns
Tree with directory files and subdirectories
- Return type
- Usage example
from supervisely.io.fs import tree dir_tree = tree('/home/admin/work/projects/examples') print(dir_tree) # Output: /home/admin/work/projects/examples # ├── [4.0K] 1 # │ ├── [165K] crop.jpeg # │ ├── [169K] fliplr.jpeg # │ ├── [169K] flipud.jpeg # │ ├── [166K] relative_crop.jpeg # │ ├── [167K] resize.jpeg # │ ├── [169K] rotate.jpeg # │ ├── [171K] scale.jpeg # │ └── [168K] translate.jpeg # ├── [ 15K] 123.jpeg # ├── [158K] 1.jpeg # ├── [188K] 1.txt # ├── [1.3M] 1.zip # ├── [4.0K] 2 # ├── [ 92K] acura.png # ├── [1.2M] acura_PNG122.png # ├── [198K] aston_martin_PNG55.png # ├── [4.0K] ds1 # │ ├── [4.0K] ann # │ │ ├── [4.3K] IMG_0748.jpeg.json # │ │ ├── [ 151] IMG_0777.jpeg.json # │ │ ├── [ 151] IMG_0888.jpeg.json # │ │ ├── [3.7K] IMG_1836.jpeg.json # │ │ ├── [8.1K] IMG_2084.jpeg.json # │ │ ├── [5.5K] IMG_3861.jpeg.json # │ │ ├── [6.0K] IMG_4451.jpeg.json # │ │ └── [5.0K] IMG_8144.jpeg.json # │ └── [4.0K] img # │ ├── [152K] IMG_0748.jpeg # │ ├── [210K] IMG_0777.jpeg # │ ├── [210K] IMG_0888.jpeg # │ ├── [137K] IMG_1836.jpeg # │ ├── [139K] IMG_2084.jpeg # │ ├── [145K] IMG_3861.jpeg # │ ├── [133K] IMG_4451.jpeg # │ └── [136K] IMG_8144.jpeg # ├── [152K] example.jpeg # ├── [2.4K] example.json # ├── [153K] flip.jpeg # ├── [ 65K] hash1.jpeg # ├── [ 336] meta.json # └── [5.4K] q.jpeg # 5 directories, 37 files
unpack_archive(archive_path, target_dir, remove_junk=
, is_split=False
, chunk_size_mb=50
)[source]¶ Unpacks archive to the target directory, removes junk files and directories. To extract a split archive, you must pass the path to the first part in archive_path. Archive parts must be in the same directory. Format: archive_name.tar.001, archive_name.tar.002, etc. Works with tar and zip. You can adjust the size of the chunk to read from the file, while unpacking the file from parts. Be careful with this parameter, it can affect the performance of the function.
- Parameters
- archive_path : str
Path to the archive.
- target_dir : str
Path to the target directory.
- remove_junk : bool
Remove junk files and directories. Default is True.
- is_split : bool
Determines if the source archive is split into parts. If True, archive_path must be the path to the first part. Default is False.
- chunk_size_mb : int
Size of the chunk to read from the file. Default is 50Mb.
- Returns
- Return type
- Usage example
import supervisely as sly archive_path = '/home/admin/work/examples.tar' target_dir = '/home/admin/work/projects' sly.fs.unpack_archive(archive_path, target_dir)