
class VolumeAnnotationAPI[source]

Bases: supervisely.api.entity_annotation.entity_annotation_api.EntityAnnotationAPI

VolumeAnnotation for a single volume. VolumeAnnotationAPI object is immutable.

api : Api

API connection to the server.

Usage example
import supervisely as sly

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import supervisely as sly

# Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended)
# Learn more here: https://developer.supervisely.com/getting-started/basics-of-authentication
if sly.is_development():
api = sly.Api.from_env()

# Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended)
# api = sly.Api(server_address="https://app.supervise.ly", token="4r47N...xaTatb")

volume_id = 19581134
ann_info = api.volume.annotation.download(volume_id)



Loads VolumeAnnotation to a given volume ID in the API.


Add new VolumeObjects to a volume annotation in Supervisely project.




Download information about VolumeAnnotation by volume ID from API.


Download information about VolumeAnnotation by volume ID from API asynchronously.


Download a list of content (annotations with given ids from dataset with given id).


Download information about VolumeAnnotation in bulk by volume IDs from API asynchronously.


Checks if an entity with the given parent_id and name exists


Generates a free name for an entity with the given parent_id and name.


Get information about an entity by its ID from the Supervisely server.


Get information about an entity by its name from the Supervisely server.


Get list of entities in parent entity with given parent ID.


Get list of all or limited quantity entities from the Supervisely server.


This generator function retrieves a list of all or a limited quantity of entities from the Supervisely server, yielding batches of entities as they are retrieved


Get the list of items for a given page number.


Yields list of images in dataset asynchronously page by page.


Get list of all class field names.


Get string name of NamedTuple.


Loads VolumeAnnotations from a given paths to a given volumes IDs in the API.



Maximum number of attempts that will be made to wait for a certain condition to be met.


Number of seconds for intervals between attempts.

append(volume_id, ann, key_id_map=None, volume_info=None)[source]

Loads VolumeAnnotation to a given volume ID in the API.

volume_id : int

Volume ID in Supervisely.

ann : VolumeAnnotation

VolumeAnnotation object.

key_id_map : KeyIdMap, optional

KeyIdMap object.



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

volume_id = 19581134
api.volume.annotation.append(volume_id, volume_ann)
append_objects(volume_id, objects, key_id_map=None)[source]

Add new VolumeObjects to a volume annotation in Supervisely project.

volume_id : int

The ID of the volume.

objects : List[VolumeObject] or VolumeObjectCollection

New volume objects.

key_id_map : KeyIdMap, optional

The KeyIdMap (optional).



Return type


Usage example
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import supervisely as sly

# Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended)
# Learn more here: https://developer.supervisely.com/getting-started/basics-of-authentication
if sly.is_development():
api = sly.Api.from_env()

volume_id = 151344
volume_info = api.volume.get_info_by_id(volume_id)
mask_3d_path = "data/mask/lung.nrrd"
lung_obj_class = sly.ObjClass("lung", sly.Mask3D)
lung = sly.VolumeObject(lung_obj_class, mask_3d=mask_3d_path)
objects = sly.VolumeObjectCollection([lung])
api.volume.annotation.append_objects(volume_info.id, objects)
classmethod convert_info_to_json(info)


Return type



Download information about VolumeAnnotation by volume ID from API. :type volume_id: int :param volume_id: Volume ID in Supervisely. :type volume_id: int :return: Information about VolumeAnnotation in json format :rtype: dict :Usage example:

import supervisely as sly

from pprint import pprint

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

volume_id = 19581134
ann_info = api.volume.annotation.download(volume_id)
# Output:
# {
#     'createdAt': '2023-03-29T12:30:37.078Z',
#     'datasetId': 61803,
#     'description': '',
#     'objects': [],
#     'planes': [],
#     'spatialFigures': [],
#     'tags': [{'createdAt': '2023-04-03T13:21:53.368Z',
#             'id': 12259702,
#             'labelerLogin': 'almaz',
#             'name': 'info',
#             'tagId': 385328,
#             'updatedAt': '2023-04-03T13:21:53.368Z',
#             'value': 'age 31'}],
#     'updatedAt': '2023-03-29T12:30:37.078Z',
#     'volumeId': 19581134,
#     'volumeMeta': {
#             'ACS': 'RAS',
#             'IJK2WorldMatrix': [0.7617, 0, 0,
#                                 -194.2384, 0, 0.76171,
#                                 0, -217.5384, 0,
#                                 0, 2.5, -347.75,
#                                 0, 0, 0, 1],
#             'channelsCount': 1,
#             'dimensionsIJK': {'x': 512, 'y': 512, 'z': 139},
#             'intensity': {'max': 3071, 'min': -3024},
#             'rescaleIntercept': 0,
#             'rescaleSlope': 1,
#             'windowCenter': 23.5,
#             'windowWidth': 6095
# },
#     'volumeName': 'CTChest.nrrd'
# }
async download_async(volume_id, semaphore=None, integer_coords=True, progress_cb=None)[source]

Download information about VolumeAnnotation by volume ID from API asynchronously.

volume_id : int

Volume ID in Supervisely.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore to limit the number of parallel downloads.

integer_coords : bool, optional

If True, returns coordinates as integers for objects. If False, returns as floats.

progress_cb : tqdm or callable, optional

Function for tracking download progress.


Information about VolumeAnnotation in json format

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

volume_id = 198702499
loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
ann_info = loop.run_until_complete(api.volume.annotation.download_async(volume_id))
download_bulk(dataset_id, entity_ids)

Download a list of content (annotations with given ids from dataset with given id).

dataset_id : int


entity_ids : List[int]

list of integers

Return type



list of content(annotations with given ids from dataset with given id), received after execution post request

async download_bulk_async(volume_ids, semaphore=None, integer_coords=True, progress_cb=None)[source]

Download information about VolumeAnnotation in bulk by volume IDs from API asynchronously.

volume_ids : int

List of Volume IDs in Supervisely. All volumes must be from the same dataset.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore to limit the number of parallel downloads.

integer_coords : bool, optional

If True, returns coordinates as integers for objects. If False, returns as floats.

progress_cb : tqdm or callable, optional

Function for tracking download progress.


Information about VolumeAnnotations in json format

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

volume_ids = [198702499, 198702500, 198702501]
loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
ann_infos = loop.run_until_complete(api.volume.annotation.download_bulk_async(volume_ids))
exists(parent_id, name)

Checks if an entity with the given parent_id and name exists

parent_id : int

ID of the parent entity.

name : str

Name of the entity.


Returns True if entity exists, and False if not

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

name = "IMG_0315.jpeg"
dataset_id = 55832
exists = api.image.exists(dataset_id, name)
print(exists) # True
get_free_name(parent_id, name)

Generates a free name for an entity with the given parent_id and name. Adds an increasing suffix to original name until a unique name is found.

parent_id : int

ID of the parent entity.

name : str

Name of the entity.


Returns free name.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

name = "IMG_0315.jpeg"
dataset_id = 55832
free_name = api.image.get_free_name(dataset_id, name)
print(free_name) # IMG_0315_001.jpeg

Get information about an entity by its ID from the Supervisely server.

id : int

ID of the entity.

get_info_by_name(parent_id, name, fields=[])

Get information about an entity by its name from the Supervisely server.

parent_id : int

ID of the parent entity.

name : str

Name of the entity for which the information is being retrieved.

fields : List[str]

The list of api fields which will be returned with the response.

Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

dataset_id = 55832
name = "IMG_0315.jpeg"
info = api.image.get_info_by_name(dataset_id, name)
# Output: ImageInfo(id=19369643, name='IMG_0315.jpeg', ...)
get_list(parent_id, filters=None)

Get list of entities in parent entity with given parent ID.

parent_id : int

parent ID in Supervisely.

filters : List[Dict[str, str]], optional

List of parameters to sort output entities.

Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

dataset_id = 55832
images = api.image.get_list(dataset_id)
# Output: [
    ImageInfo(id=19369642, ...)
    ImageInfo(id=19369643, ...)
    ImageInfo(id=19369644, ...)
get_list_all_pages(method, data, progress_cb=None, convert_json_info_cb=None, limit=None, return_first_response=False)

Get list of all or limited quantity entities from the Supervisely server.

method : str

Request method name

data : dict

Dictionary with request body info

progress_cb : Progress, optional

Function for tracking download progress.

convert_json_info_cb : Callable, optional

Function for convert json info

limit : int, optional

Number of entity to retrieve

return_first_response : bool, optional

Specify if return first response

get_list_all_pages_generator(method, data, progress_cb=None, convert_json_info_cb=None, limit=None, return_first_response=False)

This generator function retrieves a list of all or a limited quantity of entities from the Supervisely server, yielding batches of entities as they are retrieved

method : str

Request method name

data : dict

Dictionary with request body info

progress_cb : Progress, optional

Function for tracking download progress.

convert_json_info_cb : Callable, optional

Function for convert json info

limit : int, optional

Number of entity to retrieve

return_first_response : bool, optional

Specify if return first response

async get_list_idx_page_async(method, data)

Get the list of items for a given page number. Page number is specified in the data dictionary.

method : str

Method to call for listing items.

data : dict

Data to pass to the API method.


List of items.

Return type

Tuple[int, List[NamedTuple]]

async get_list_page_generator_async(method, data, pages_count=None, semaphore=None)

Yields list of images in dataset asynchronously page by page.

method : str

Method to call for listing items.

data : dict

Data to pass to the API method.

pages_count : int, optional

Preferred number of pages to retrieve if used with a per_page limit. Will be automatically adjusted if the pagesCount differs from the requested number.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous requests.


Additional arguments.


List of images in dataset.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly
import asyncio

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

method = 'images.list'
data = {
    'datasetId': 123456

loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
images = loop.run_until_complete(api.image.get_list_generator_async(method, data))
static info_sequence()

Get list of all class field names.

static info_tuple_name()

Get string name of NamedTuple.

upload_paths(volume_ids, ann_paths, project_meta, interpolation_dirs=None, progress_cb=None, mask_dirs=None)[source]

Loads VolumeAnnotations from a given paths to a given volumes IDs in the API. Volumes IDs must be from one dataset.

volume_ids : List[int]

Volumes IDs in Supervisely.

ann_paths : List[str]

Paths to annotation files

project_meta : ProjectMeta

Input ProjectMeta for VolumeAnnotations

interpolation_dirs : List[str], optional

Paths to dirs with interpolation STL files

progress_cb : tqdm or callable, optional

Function for tracking download progress

mask_dirs : List[str], optional

Paths to dirs with Mask3D geometries



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

volume_ids = [121236918, 121236919]
ann_pathes = ['/home/admin/work/supervisely/example/ann1.json', '/home/admin/work/supervisely/example/ann2.json']
api.volume.annotation.upload_paths(volume_ids, ann_pathes, meta)