
class PointcloudApi[source]

Bases: supervisely.api.module_api.RemoveableBulkModuleApi

API for working with Pointcloud. PointcloudApi object is immutable.

api : Api

API connection to the server.

Usage example
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import supervisely as sly

# Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended)
# Learn more here: https://developer.supervisely.com/getting-started/basics-of-authentication
if sly.is_development():
api = sly.Api.from_env()

# Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended)
# api = sly.Api(server_address="https://app.supervise.ly", token="4r47N...xaTatb")

pcd_id = 19618654
pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(pcd_id) # api usage example



Attach images to point cloud.


Check if point clouds with given hashes are exist.


Download point cloud with given id on the given path.


Downloads Point cloud with given ID to local path.


Download Point clouds with given IDs and saves them to given local paths asynchronously.


Download a related context image from Supervisely to local directory by image id.


Downloads a related context image from Supervisely to local directory by image id.


Downloads a related context image from Supervisely to local directory by image id.


Checks if an entity with the given parent_id and name exists


Generates a free name for an entity with the given parent_id and name.


Returns list of free names for given dataset.


Get point cloud information by ID in PointcloudInfo<PointcloudInfo> format.


Get information about an entity by its name from the Supervisely server.


Get list of information about all point cloud for a given dataset ID.


Get list of all or limited quantity entities from the Supervisely server.


This generator function retrieves a list of all or a limited quantity of entities from the Supervisely server, yielding batches of entities as they are retrieved


Get the list of items for a given page number.


Yields list of images in dataset asynchronously page by page.


Get information about related context images.


Get list of all PointcloudInfo field names.


Get string name of PointcloudInfo NamedTuple.


Raises error if pointclouds with given names already exist in dataset.


Remove an entity with the specified ID from the Supervisely server.


Remove entities in batches from the Supervisely server.


Uploads all pointclouds with supported extensions from given directory to Supervisely.


Uploads all pointclouds with supported extensions from given directories to Supervisely.


Upload Pointcloud from given hash to Dataset.


Upload point clouds from given hashes to Dataset.


Upload point cloud with given path to Dataset.


Upload point clouds with given paths to Dataset.


Upload an image to the Supervisely.


Upload a batch of related images to the Supervisely.



Maximum number of attempts that will be made to wait for a certain condition to be met.


Number of seconds for intervals between attempts.


alias of supervisely.api.module_api.PointCloudInfo

Attach images to point cloud.

images_json : List[Dict]

List of dictionaries with dataset id, image name, hash and meta.

camera_names : List[Dict]

List of camera informations.


Response object

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

img_paths = ["src/input/img/000001.png", "src/input/img/000002.png"]
cam_paths = ["src/input/cam_info/000001.json", "src/input/cam_info/000002.json"]

img_hashes = api.pointcloud.upload_related_images(img_paths)
img_infos = []
for i, cam_info_file in enumerate(cam_paths):
    # reading cam_info
    with open(cam_info_file, "r") as f:
        cam_info = json.load(f)
    img_info = {
        "entityId": pcd_infos[i].id,
        "name": f"img_{i}.png",
        "hash": img_hashes[i],
        "meta": cam_info,

Check if point clouds with given hashes are exist.

paths : List[str]

Point clouds hashes to check.


List of point clouds hashes that are exist.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

pointcloud_id = 19618685
pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id)
hash = api.pointcloud.check_existing_hashes([pcd_info.hash])

# Output:
# ['5w69Vv1i6JrqhU0Lw1UJAJFGPhgkIhs7O3f4QSwRfmE=']
download_path(id, path)[source]

Download point cloud with given id on the given path.

id : int

Point cloud ID in Supervisely.

path : str

Local save path for point cloud.



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

storage_dir = sly.app.get_data_dir()
pcd_id = 19373403
pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(pcd_id)
save_path = os.path.join(storage_dir, pcd_info.name)

api.pointcloud.download_path(pcd_id, save_path)

# Output: ['000063.pcd']
async download_path_async(id, path, semaphore=None, range_start=None, range_end=None, headers=None, chunk_size=1048576, check_hash=True, progress_cb=None, progress_cb_type='number')[source]

Downloads Point cloud with given ID to local path.

id : int

Point cloud ID in Supervisely.

path : str

Local save path for Point cloud.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous downloads.

range_start : int, optional

Start byte of range for partial download.

range_end : int, optional

End byte of range for partial download.

headers : dict, optional

Headers for request.

chunk_size : int, optional

Size of chunk for partial download. Default is 1MB.

check_hash : bool, optional

If True, checks hash of downloaded file. Check is not supported for partial downloads. When range is set, hash check is disabled.

progress_cb : Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]]

Function for tracking download progress.

progress_cb_type : Literal["number", "size"], optional

Type of progress callback. Can be “number” or “size”. Default is “number”.



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly
import asyncio

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(19373403)
save_path = os.path.join("/path/to/save/", pcd_info.name)

semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(100)
loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
            api.pointcloud.download_path_async(pcd_info.id, save_path, semaphore)
async download_paths_async(ids, paths, semaphore=None, headers=None, chunk_size=1048576, check_hash=True, progress_cb=None, progress_cb_type='number')[source]

Download Point clouds with given IDs and saves them to given local paths asynchronously.

ids : List[int]

List of Point cloud IDs in Supervisely.

paths : List[str]

Local save paths for Point clouds.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous downloads.

headers : dict, optional

Headers for request.

show_progress : bool, optional

If True, shows progress bar.

chunk_size : int, optional

Size of chunk for partial download. Default is 1MB.

check_hash : bool, optional

If True, checks hash of downloaded file.

progress_cb : Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]]

Function for tracking download progress.

progress_cb_type : Literal["number", "size"], optional

Type of progress callback. Can be “number” or “size”. Default is “number”.


ValueError if len(ids) != len(paths)



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly
import asyncio

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

ids = [19373403, 19373404]
paths = ["/path/to/save/000063.pcd", "/path/to/save/000064.pcd"]
loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(api.pointcloud.download_paths_async(ids, paths))

Download a related context image from Supervisely to local directory by image id.

id : int

Related context imgage ID in Supervisely.

path : str

Local save path for point cloud.


List of dictionaries with informations about related images

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

save_path = "src/output/img_0.png"
img_info = api.pointcloud.get_list_related_images(pcd_info.id)[0]
api.pointcloud.download_related_image(img_info["id"], save_path)
print(f"Context image has been successfully downloaded to '{save_path}'")

# Output: # Context image has been successfully downloaded to ‘src/output/img_0.png’

Downloads a related context image from Supervisely to local directory by image id.

id : int

Point cloud ID in Supervisely.

path : str

Local save path for Point cloud.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous downloads.

headers : dict, optional

Headers for request.

chunk_size : int, optional

Size of chunk for partial download. Default is 1MB.

check_hash : bool, optional

If True, checks hash of downloaded file.

progress_cb : Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]]

Function for tracking download progress.

progress_cb_type : Literal["number", "size"], optional

Type of progress callback. Can be “number” or “size”. Default is “number”.



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly
import asyncio

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

img_info = api.pointcloud.get_list_related_images(19373403)[0]
save_path = os.path.join("/path/to/save/", img_info.name)

semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(100)
loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
        api.pointcloud.download_related_image_async(19373403, save_path, semaphore)

Downloads a related context image from Supervisely to local directory by image id.

ids : int

Related context imgage IDs in Supervisely.

paths : str

Local save paths for Point clouds.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous downloads.

headers : dict, optional

Headers for request.

check_hash : bool, optional

If True, checks hash of downloaded file.

progress_cb : Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]]

Function for tracking download progress.

progress_cb_type : Literal["number", "size"], optional

Type of progress callback. Can be “number” or “size”. Default is “number”.



Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly
import asyncio

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

img_infos = api.pointcloud.get_list_related_images(19373403)
ids = [img_info.id for img_info in img_infos]
save_paths = [os.path.join("/path/to/save/", img_info.name) for img_info in img_infos]

semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(100)
loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
        api.pointcloud.download_related_images_async(ids, save_paths, semaphore)
exists(parent_id, name)

Checks if an entity with the given parent_id and name exists

parent_id : int

ID of the parent entity.

name : str

Name of the entity.


Returns True if entity exists, and False if not

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

name = "IMG_0315.jpeg"
dataset_id = 55832
exists = api.image.exists(dataset_id, name)
print(exists) # True
get_free_name(parent_id, name)

Generates a free name for an entity with the given parent_id and name. Adds an increasing suffix to original name until a unique name is found.

parent_id : int

ID of the parent entity.

name : str

Name of the entity.


Returns free name.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

name = "IMG_0315.jpeg"
dataset_id = 55832
free_name = api.image.get_free_name(dataset_id, name)
print(free_name) # IMG_0315_001.jpeg
get_free_names(dataset_id, names)[source]

Returns list of free names for given dataset.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

names : List[str]

List of names to check.


List of free names.

Return type



Get point cloud information by ID in PointcloudInfo<PointcloudInfo> format.

id : int

Point cloud ID in Supervisely.

raise_error : bool

Return an error if the point cloud info was not received.


Information about point cloud. See info_sequence

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

pcd_id = 19373403
pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(pcd_id)

# Output:
# PointcloudInfo(
#     id=19373403,
#     frame=None,
#     description='',
#     name='000063.pcd',
#     team_id=435,
#     workspace_id=687,
#     project_id=17231,
#     dataset_id=55875,
#     link=None,
#     hash='7EcJCyhq15V4NnZ8oiPrKQckmXXypO4saqFN7kgH08Y=',
#     path_original='/h5unms4-public/point_clouds/Z/h/bc/roHZP5nP2.pcd',
#     cloud_mime='image/pcd',
#     figures_count=4,
#     objects_count=4,
#     tags=[],
#     meta={},
#     created_at='2023-02-07T19:36:44.897Z',
#     updated_at='2023-02-07T19:36:44.897Z'
# )
get_info_by_name(parent_id, name, fields=[])

Get information about an entity by its name from the Supervisely server.

parent_id : int

ID of the parent entity.

name : str

Name of the entity for which the information is being retrieved.

fields : List[str]

The list of api fields which will be returned with the response.

Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

dataset_id = 55832
name = "IMG_0315.jpeg"
info = api.image.get_info_by_name(dataset_id, name)
# Output: ImageInfo(id=19369643, name='IMG_0315.jpeg', ...)
get_list(dataset_id, filters=None)[source]

Get list of information about all point cloud for a given dataset ID.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

filters : List[Dict[str, str]], optional

List of parameters to sort output Pointclouds. See: https://api.docs.supervisely.com/#tag/Point-Clouds/paths/~1point-clouds.list/get


List of the point clouds objects from the dataset with given id.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

dataset_id = 62664
pcd_infos = api.pointcloud_episode.get_list(dataset_id)
# Output: [PointcloudInfo(...), PointcloudInfo(...)]

id_list = [19618654, 19618657, 19618660]
filtered_pointcloud_infos = api.pointcloud.get_list(dataset_id, filters=[{'field': 'id', 'operator': 'in', 'value': id_list}])
# Output:
# [PointcloudInfo(id=19618654, ...), PointcloudInfo(id=19618657, ...), PointcloudInfo(id=19618660, ...)]
get_list_all_pages(method, data, progress_cb=None, convert_json_info_cb=None, limit=None, return_first_response=False)

Get list of all or limited quantity entities from the Supervisely server.

method : str

Request method name

data : dict

Dictionary with request body info

progress_cb : Progress, optional

Function for tracking download progress.

convert_json_info_cb : Callable, optional

Function for convert json info

limit : int, optional

Number of entity to retrieve

return_first_response : bool, optional

Specify if return first response

get_list_all_pages_generator(method, data, progress_cb=None, convert_json_info_cb=None, limit=None, return_first_response=False)

This generator function retrieves a list of all or a limited quantity of entities from the Supervisely server, yielding batches of entities as they are retrieved

method : str

Request method name

data : dict

Dictionary with request body info

progress_cb : Progress, optional

Function for tracking download progress.

convert_json_info_cb : Callable, optional

Function for convert json info

limit : int, optional

Number of entity to retrieve

return_first_response : bool, optional

Specify if return first response

async get_list_idx_page_async(method, data)

Get the list of items for a given page number. Page number is specified in the data dictionary.

method : str

Method to call for listing items.

data : dict

Data to pass to the API method.


List of items.

Return type

Tuple[int, List[NamedTuple]]

async get_list_page_generator_async(method, data, pages_count=None, semaphore=None)

Yields list of images in dataset asynchronously page by page.

method : str

Method to call for listing items.

data : dict

Data to pass to the API method.

pages_count : int, optional

Preferred number of pages to retrieve if used with a per_page limit. Will be automatically adjusted if the pagesCount differs from the requested number.

semaphore : asyncio.Semaphore, optional

Semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous requests.


Additional arguments.


List of images in dataset.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly
import asyncio

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

method = 'images.list'
data = {
    'datasetId': 123456

loop = sly.utils.get_or_create_event_loop()
images = loop.run_until_complete(api.image.get_list_generator_async(method, data))

Get information about related context images.

id : int

Point cloud ID in Supervisely.


List of dictionaries with informations about related images

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

pcd_id = 19373403
img_infos = api.pointcloud.get_list_related_images(pcd_id)
img_info = img_infos[0]

# Output:
# {
#     'pathOriginal': '/h5un6qgms4-public/images/original/S/j/hJ/PwMg.png',
#     'id': 473302,
#     'entityId': 19373403,
#     'createdAt': '2023-01-09T08:50:33.225Z',
#     'updatedAt': '2023-01-09T08:50:33.225Z',
#     'meta': {
#         'deviceId': 'cam_2'},
#         'fileMeta': {'mime': 'image/png',
#         'size': 893783,
#         'width': 1224,
#         'height': 370
#     },
#     'hash': 'vxA+emfDNUkFP9P6oitMB5Q0rMlnskmV2jvcf47OjGU=',
#     'link': None,
#     'preview': '/previews/q/ext:jpeg/resize:fill:50:0:0/q:50/plain/h5ad-public/images/original/S/j/hJ/PwMg.png',
#     'fullStorageUrl': 'https://app.supervisely.com/hs4-public/images/original/S/j/hJ/PwMg.png',
#     'name': 'img00'
# }
static info_sequence()[source]

Get list of all PointcloudInfo field names.


List of PointcloudInfo field names.`

Return type


static info_tuple_name()[source]

Get string name of PointcloudInfo NamedTuple.


NamedTuple name.

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

tuple_name = api.pointcloud.info_tuple_name()
print(tuple_name) # PointCloudInfo
raise_name_intersections_if_exist(dataset_id, names, message=None)[source]

Raises error if pointclouds with given names already exist in dataset. Default error message: “Pointclouds with the following names already exist in dataset [ID={dataset_id}]: {name_intersections}. Please, rename pointclouds and try again or set change_name_if_conflict=True to rename automatically on upload.”

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

names : List[str]

List of names to check.

message : str, optional

Error message.



Return type



Remove an entity with the specified ID from the Supervisely server.

id : int

Entity ID in Supervisely.

Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

image_id = 19369643
remove_batch(ids, progress_cb=None, batch_size=50)

Remove entities in batches from the Supervisely server. All entity IDs must belong to the same nesting (for example team, or workspace, or project, or dataset). Therefore, it is necessary to sort IDs before calling this method.

ids : List[int]

IDs of entities in Supervisely.

progress_cb : Callable

Function for control remove progress.

Usage example
import supervisely as sly

# You can connect to API directly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)

# Or you can use API from environment
os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

image_ids = [19369645, 19369646, 19369647]
upload_dir(dataset_id, dir_path, recursive=True, change_name_if_conflict=True, progress_cb=None)[source]

Uploads all pointclouds with supported extensions from given directory to Supervisely. Optionally, uploads pointclouds from subdirectories of given directory.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

dir_path : str

Path to directory with pointclouds.

recursive : bool, optional

If True, will upload pointclouds from subdirectories of given directory recursively. Otherwise, will upload pointclouds only from given directory.

change_name_if_conflict : bool, optional

If True adds suffix to the end of Pointcloud name when Dataset already contains an Pointcloud with identical name, If False and pointclouds with the identical names already exist in Dataset raises error.

progress_cb : Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]]

Function for tracking upload progress.


List of uploaded pointclouds infos

Return type


upload_dirs(dataset_id, dir_paths, recursive=True, change_name_if_conflict=True, progress_cb=None)[source]

Uploads all pointclouds with supported extensions from given directories to Supervisely. Optionally, uploads pointclouds from subdirectories of given directories.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

dir_paths : List[str]

List of paths to directories with pointclouds.

recursive : bool, optional

If True, will upload pointclouds from subdirectories of given directories recursively. Otherwise, will upload pointclouds only from given directories.

change_name_if_conflict : bool, optional

If True adds suffix to the end of Pointclouds name when Dataset already contains an Pointclouds with identical name, If False and pointclouds with the identical names already exist in Dataset raises error.

progress_cb : Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]]

Function for tracking upload progress.


List of uploaded pointclouds infos

Return type


upload_hash(dataset_id, name, hash, meta=None)[source]

Upload Pointcloud from given hash to Dataset.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

name : str

Point cloud name with extension.

hash : str

Point cloud hash.

meta : dict, optional

Point cloud metadata.


Information about point cloud. See info_sequence

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

dst_dataset_id = 62693

src_pointcloud_id = 19618685
pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(src_pointcloud_id)
hash, name, meta = pcd_info.hash, pcd_info.name, pcd_info.meta

new_pcd_info = api.pointcloud.upload_hash(dst_dataset_id.id, name, hash, meta)

# Output:
# PointcloudInfo(
#     id=19619507,
#     frame=None,
#     description='',
#     name='0000000031.pcd',
#     team_id=None,
#     workspace_id=None,
#     project_id=None,
#     dataset_id=62694,
#     link=None,
#     hash='5w69Vv1i6JrqhU0Lw1UJAJFGPVWUzDG7O3f4QSwRfmE=',
#     path_original='/j8a9qgms4-public/point_clouds/I/3/6U/L7YBY.pcd',
#     cloud_mime='image/pcd',
#     figures_count=None,
#     objects_count=None,
#     tags=None,
#     meta={'frame': 31},
#     created_at='2023-04-05T10:59:44.656Z',
#     updated_at='2023-04-05T10:59:44.656Z'
# )
upload_hashes(dataset_id, names, hashes, metas=None, progress_cb=None)[source]

Upload point clouds from given hashes to Dataset.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

names : List[str]

Point cloud name with extension.

hashes : List[str]

Point cloud hash.

metas : Optional[List[Dict]], optional

Point cloud metadata.

progress_cb : Progress, optional

Function for tracking upload progress.


List of informations about Pointclouds. See info_sequence

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

src_dataset_id = 62664
dst_dataset_id = 62690

src_pcd_infos = api.pointcloud.get_list(src_dataset_id)

names = [pcd.name for pcd in src_pcd_infos[:4]]
hashes = [pcd.hash for pcd in src_pcd_infos[:4]]
metas = [pcd.meta for pcd in src_pcd_infos[:4]]

dst_pcd_infos = api.pointcloud.get_list(dst_dataset_id)
print(f"{len(dst_pcd_infos)} pointcloud before upload.")
# Output:
# 0 pointcloud before upload.

new_pcd_infos = api.pointcloud.upload_hashes(dst_dataset_id, names, hashes, metas)
print(f"{len(new_pcd_infos)} pointcloud after upload.")
# Output:
# 4 pointcloud after upload.
upload_path(dataset_id, name, path, meta=None)[source]

Upload point cloud with given path to Dataset.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

name : str

Point cloud name with extension.

path : str

Path to point cloud.

meta : Optional[Dict]

Dictionary with metadata for point cloud.


Information about point cloud

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

pcd_file = "src/input/pcd/000000.pcd"
pcd_info = api.pointcloud.upload_path(dataset.id, name="pcd_0.pcd", path=pcd_file)
print(f'Point cloud "{pcd_info.name}" uploaded to Supervisely with ID:{pcd_info.id}')

# Output:
# Point cloud "pcd_0.pcd" uploaded to Supervisely with ID:19618685
upload_paths(dataset_id, names, paths, progress_cb=None, metas=None)[source]

Upload point clouds with given paths to Dataset.

dataset_id : int

Dataset ID in Supervisely.

names : List[str]

Point clouds names with extension.

paths : List[str]

Paths to point clouds.

progress_cb : Progress, optional

Function for tracking upload progress.

metas : Optional[List[Dict]]

List of dictionary with metadata for point cloud.


List of informations about point clouds

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

paths = ["src/input/pcd/000001.pcd", "src/input/pcd/000002.pcd"]
pcd_infos = api.pointcloud.upload_paths(dataset.id, names=["pcd_1.pcd", "pcd_2.pcd"], paths=paths)
print(f'Point clouds uploaded to Supervisely with IDs: {[pcd_info.id for pcd_info in pcd_infos]}')

# Output:
# Point clouds uploaded to Supervisely with IDs: [19618685, 19618686]

Upload an image to the Supervisely. It generates us a hash for image.

path : str

Image path.


Hash for image. See info_sequence

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

img_file = src/input/img/000000.png"
img_hash = api.pointcloud.upload_related_image(img_file)

# Output:
# +R6dFy8nMEq6k82vHLxuakpqVBmyTTPj5hXdPfjAv/c=

Upload a batch of related images to the Supervisely. It generates us a hashes for images.

paths : List[str]

Images pathes.


List of hashes for images. See info_sequence

Return type


Usage example
import supervisely as sly

os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = 'https://app.supervisely.com'
os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api.from_env()

img_paths = ["src/input/img/000001.png", "src/input/img/000002.png"]
img_hashes = api.pointcloud.upload_related_images(img_paths)

# Output:
# [+R6dFy8nMEq6k82vHLxuakpqVBmyTTPjdfGdPfjAv/c=, +hfjbufnbkLhJb32vHLxuakpqVBmyTTPj5hXdPfhhj1c]