Source code for supervisely.volume_annotation.slice

# coding: utf-8

from typing import Optional

from supervisely.video_annotation.frame import Frame
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
from supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_figure import VolumeFigure
from supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_object_collection import VolumeObjectCollection
from supervisely.volume_annotation.constants import FIGURES, INDEX

[docs]class Slice(Frame): """ A class representing a single slice of a medical image. Slice object for :class:`VolumeAnnotation<supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_annotation.VolumeAnnotation>`. :class:`Frame<Frame>` object is immutable. :param index: Index of the Slice. :type index: int :param figures: List of :class:`VolumeFigures<supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_figure.VolumeFigure>`. :type figures: Optional[List[VolumeFigure]] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly frame_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) object_car = sly.VolumeObject(class_car) figure_car = sly.VolumeFigure(object_car, geometry, frame_index) frame = sly.Slice(frame_index, figures=[figure_car]) print(frame.to_json()) # Output: { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "points": { # "exterior": [ # [0, 0], # [100, 100] # ], # "interior": [] # } # }, # "geometryType": "rectangle", # "key": "eb0ab5f772054f70b6a9f5b583a47287", # "meta": { # "normal": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 1 }, # "planeName": "axial", # "sliceIndex": 7 # }, # "objectKey": "dbd236a6a6f440139fd0299905fcc46e" # } # ], # "index": 7 # } """ figure_type = VolumeFigure # @classmethod # def from_json(cls, data, objects, slices_count=None, key_id_map=None): # raise NotImplementedError() # _frame = super().from_json(data, objects, slices_count, key_id_map) # return cls(index=_frame.index, figures=_frame.figures)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json( cls, data: dict, objects: VolumeObjectCollection, plane_name: str, slices_count: Optional[int] = None, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None, ): """ Deserialize a `Slice` object from a JSON representation. :param data: The JSON representation of the `Slice`. :type data: dict :param objects: A collection of objects in volume. :type objects: VolumeObjectCollection :param plane_name: The name of the plane. :type plane_name: str :param slices_count: The total number of slices in the volume, if known. :type slices_count: Optional[int] :param key_id_map: A mapping of keys to IDs used for referencing objects. :type key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] :return: The deserialized `Slice<Slice>` object. :rtype: Slice :raises ValueError: If the slice index is negative or greater than the total number of slices. :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly slice_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) object_car = sly.VolumeObject(class_car) objects = sly.VolumeObjectCollection([object_car]) figure_car = sly.VolumeFigure(object_car, geometry, sly.Plane.AXIAL, slice_index) slice = sly.Slice(slice_index, figures=[figure_car]) slice_json = slice.to_json() new_slice = sly.Slice.from_json(slice_json, objects, sly.Plane.AXIAL) """ index = data[INDEX] if index < 0: raise ValueError("Frame Index have to be >= 0") if slices_count is not None: if index > slices_count: raise ValueError( "Item contains {} frames. Frame index is {}".format(slices_count, index) ) figures = [] for figure_json in data.get(FIGURES, []): figure = cls.figure_type.from_json(figure_json, objects, plane_name, index, key_id_map) figures.append(figure) return cls(index=index, figures=figures)