Source code for supervisely.video_annotation.video_annotation

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import uuid
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from uuid import UUID

from supervisely._utils import take_with_default
from supervisely.project.project_meta import ProjectMeta
from supervisely.video_annotation.constants import (
from supervisely.video_annotation.frame_collection import FrameCollection
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
from supervisely.video_annotation.video_figure import VideoFigure
from supervisely.video_annotation.video_object_collection import VideoObjectCollection
from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag_collection import VideoTagCollection

[docs]class VideoAnnotation: """ VideoAnnotation for a single video. :class:`VideoAnnotation<VideoAnnotation>` object is immutable. :param img_size: Size of the image (height, width). :type img_size: Tuple[int, int] or List[int, int] :param frames_count: Number of frames in VideoAnnotation. :type frames_count: int :param objects: VideoObjectCollection object. :type objects: VideoObjectCollection, optional :param frames: FrameCollection object. :type frames: FrameCollection, optional :param tags: VideoTagCollection object. :type tags: VideoTagCollection, optional :param description: Video description. :type description: str, optional :param key: UUID object. :type key: UUID, optional :raises: :class:`TypeError`, if img_size is not tuple or list :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly # Simple VideoAnnotation example height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 10 video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count) print(video_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "size": { # "height": 500, # "width": 700 # }, # "description": "", # "key": "abef780b01ad4063b4b961ab2ba2f410", # "tags": [], # "objects": [], # "frames": [], # "framesCount": 10 # } # More complex VideoAnnotation example height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 # VideoObjectCollection obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) # FrameCollection fr_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) # VideoTagCollection meta_car = sly.TagMeta('car_tag', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag import VideoTag vid_tag = VideoTag(meta_car, value='acura') from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag_collection import VideoTagCollection video_tags = VideoTagCollection([vid_tag]) # Description descr = 'car example' video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames, video_tags, descr) print(video_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "size": { # "height": 500, # "width": 700 # }, # "description": "car example", # "key": "a85b282e5e174e7ebad6f878b6919244", # "tags": [ # { # "name": "car_tag", # "value": "acura", # "key": "540a8212b0344788953996cea220ea8b" # } # ], # "objects": [ # { # "key": "7c74b8a495044ea0ac127f32751c8f5c", # "classTitle": "car", # "tags": [] # } # ], # "frames": [ # { # "index": 7, # "figures": [ # { # "key": "82dcbf2e3c5f42a99eeea2ad34173793", # "objectKey": "7c74b8a495044ea0ac127f32751c8f5c", # "geometryType": "rectangle", # "geometry": { # "points": { # "exterior": [ # [ # 0, # 0 # ], # [ # 100, # 100 # ] # ], # "interior": [] # } # } # } # ] # } # ], # "framesCount": 1 # } """ def __init__( self, img_size: Tuple[int, int], frames_count: int, objects: Optional[VideoObjectCollection] = None, frames: Optional[FrameCollection] = None, tags: Optional[VideoTagCollection] = None, description: Optional[str] = "", key: Optional[UUID] = None, ): if not isinstance(img_size, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError( '{!r} has to be a tuple or a list. Given type "{}".'.format( "img_size", type(img_size) ) ) self._img_size = tuple(img_size) self._frames_count = frames_count self._description = description self._tags = take_with_default(tags, VideoTagCollection()) self._objects = take_with_default(objects, VideoObjectCollection()) self._frames = take_with_default(frames, FrameCollection()) self._key = take_with_default(key, uuid.uuid4()) self.validate_figures_bounds() @property def img_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Size of the image (height, width). :return: Image size :rtype: :class:`Tuple[int, int]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count) print(video_ann.img_size) # Output: (500, 700) """ return deepcopy(self._img_size) @property def frames_count(self) -> int: """ Number of frames. :return: Frames count :rtype: :class:`int` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 15 video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count) print(video_ann.frames_count) # Output: 15 """ return self._frames_count @property def objects(self) -> VideoObjectCollection: """ VideoAnnotation objects. :return: VideoObjectCollection object :rtype: :class:`VideoObjectCollection` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 # VideoObjectCollection obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects) print(video_ann.objects.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "key": "79fc07a4a6ca4b2796279bc033b9ec9a", # "classTitle": "car", # "tags": [] # } # ] """ return self._objects @property def frames(self) -> FrameCollection: """ VideoAnnotation frames. :return: FrameCollection object :rtype: :class:`FrameCollection` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) fr_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames) print(video_ann.frames.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "index": 7, # "figures": [ # { # "key": "2842f561b1924f6abd6ab6f696ed9b65", # "objectKey": "7f30fa9b78444ad69e02b37edbf9a902", # "geometryType": "rectangle", # "geometry": { # "points": { # "exterior": [ # [ # 0, # 0 # ], # [ # 100, # 100 # ] # ], # "interior": [] # } # } # } # ] # } # ] """ return self._frames @property def figures(self) -> List[VideoFigure]: """ VideoAnnotation figures. :return: List of VideoFigures from all frames in VideoAnnotation :rtype: :class:`List[VideoFigure]<supervisely.video_annotation.video_figure.VideoFigure>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) fr_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames) print(len(video_ann.figures)) # 1 """ return self.frames.figures @property def tags(self) -> VideoTagCollection: """ VideoAnnotation tags. :return: VideoTagCollection object :rtype: :class:`VideoTagCollection` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) fr_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) meta_car = sly.TagMeta('car_tag', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag import VideoTag vid_tag = VideoTag(meta_car, value='acura') from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag_collection import VideoTagCollection tags = VideoTagCollection([vid_tag]) video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames, tags) print(video_ann.tags.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "car_tag", # "value": "acura", # "key": "c63e8259589a4fa5b4fb15a48c1f6a63" # } # ] """ return self._tags
[docs] def key(self) -> UUID: """ Annotation key value. :returns: Key value of annotation object. :rtype: str :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 # VideoObjectCollection obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects) print(video_ann.key()) # Output: 6e5bd622-4d7b-45ee-8bc5-807d5a5e2134 """ return self._key
@property def description(self) -> str: """ Video description. :return: Video description :rtype: :class:`str` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 descr = 'example' video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, description=descr) print(video_ann.description) # example """ return self._description # def get_tags_on_frame(self, frame_index: int) -> VideoTagCollection: # """ # Get all existing video tags from frame of video. # :param frame_index: Video frame index. # :type frame_index: :class:`int` # :return: Tags from the given frame. # :rtype: :class:`VideoTagCollection<supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag_collection.VideoTagCollection>` # :Usage example: # .. code-block:: python # import supervisely as sly # height, width = 50, 700 # frames_count = 1 # obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) # video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) # objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) # fr_index = 7 # geometry = sly.Rectangle(10, 10, 40, 40) # video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) # frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) # frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) # meta_car = sly.TagMeta('car', sly.TagValueType.NONE) # tag_car = sly.VideoTag(meta_car, frame_range=(fr_index, fr_index)) # tags = sly.VideoTagCollection([tag_car]) # video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames, tags) # tags_on_frame = video_ann.get_tags_on_frame(fr_index) # print(len(tags_on_frame)) # # Output: 1 # """ # tags = [] # for tag in self._tags: # if frame_index >= tag.frame_range[0] and frame_index <= tag.frame_range[1]: # tags.append(tag) # return VideoTagCollection(tags) # def get_objects_on_frame(self, frame_index: int) -> VideoObjectCollection: # """ # Get all existing video objects from frame of video. # :param frame_index: Video frame index. # :type frame_index: :class:`int` # :return: Objects from the given frame. # :rtype: :class:`VideoObjectCollection<supervisely.video_annotation.video_object_collection.VideoObjectCollection>` # :Usage example: # .. code-block:: python # import supervisely as sly # height, width = 50, 700 # frames_count = 1 # obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) # video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) # objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) # fr_index = 7 # geometry = sly.Rectangle(10, 10, 40, 40) # video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) # frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) # frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) # video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames) # objs_on_frame = video_ann.get_objects_on_frame(fr_index) # print(len(objs_on_frame)) # # Output: 1 # """ # frame = self._frames.get(frame_index, None) # if frame is None: # raise ValueError(f"No frame with index {frame_index} in annotation.") # frame_objects = {} # for fig in frame.figures: # if fig.parent_object.key() not in frame_objects.keys(): # frame_objects[fig.parent_object.key()] = fig.parent_object # return VideoObjectCollection(list(frame_objects.values()))
[docs] def validate_figures_bounds(self) -> None: """ Checks if image contains figures from all frames in collection. :raises: :class:`OutOfImageBoundsException<supervisely.video_annotation.video_figure.OutOfImageBoundsException>`, if figure is out of image bounds :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 50, 700 frames_count = 1 obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) fr_index = 7 geometry = sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100) video_figure_car = sly.VideoFigure(video_obj_car, geometry, fr_index) frame = sly.Frame(fr_index, figures=[video_figure_car]) frames = sly.FrameCollection([frame]) video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count, objects, frames) video_ann.validate_figures_bounds() # raise OutOfImageBoundsException("Figure is out of image bounds") """ for frame in self.frames: frame.validate_figures_bounds(self.img_size)
[docs] def to_json(self, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None) -> Dict: """ Convert the VideoAnnotation to a json dict. Read more about `Supervisely format <>`_. :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional :return: Json format as a dict :rtype: :class:`dict` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 10 video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count) print(video_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "size": { # "height": 500, # "width": 700 # }, # "description": "", # "key": "abef780b01ad4063b4b961ab2ba2f410", # "tags": [], # "objects": [], # "frames": [], # "framesCount": 10 # } """ res_json = { IMG_SIZE: { IMG_SIZE_HEIGHT: int(self.img_size[0]), IMG_SIZE_WIDTH: int(self.img_size[1]), }, DESCRIPTION: self.description, KEY: self.key().hex, TAGS: self.tags.to_json(key_id_map), OBJECTS: self.objects.to_json(key_id_map), FRAMES: self.frames.to_json(key_id_map), FRAMES_COUNT: self.frames_count, } if key_id_map is not None: video_id = key_id_map.get_video_id(self.key()) if video_id is not None: res_json[VIDEO_ID] = video_id return res_json
[docs] @classmethod def from_json( cls, data: Dict, project_meta: ProjectMeta, key_id_map: KeyIdMap = None ) -> VideoAnnotation: """ Convert a json dict to VideoAnnotation. Read more about `Supervisely format <>`_. :param data: Dict in json format. :type data: dict :param project_meta: Input :class:`ProjectMeta<supervisely.project.project_meta.ProjectMeta>`. :type project_meta: ProjectMeta :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: Union[KeyIdMap, None] :return: VideoAnnotation object :rtype: :class:`VideoAnnotation` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly video_ann_json = { "size": { "height": 500, "width": 700 }, "tags": [], "objects": [], "frames": [], "framesCount": 1 } key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() meta = sly.ProjectMeta() video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation.from_json(video_ann_json, meta, key_id_map) """ # video_name = data[VIDEO_NAME] video_key = uuid.UUID(data[KEY]) if KEY in data else uuid.uuid4() if key_id_map is not None: key_id_map.add_video(video_key, data.get(VIDEO_ID, None)) img_size_dict = data[IMG_SIZE] img_height = img_size_dict[IMG_SIZE_HEIGHT] img_width = img_size_dict[IMG_SIZE_WIDTH] img_size = (img_height, img_width) description = data.get(DESCRIPTION, "") frames_count = data[FRAMES_COUNT] tags = VideoTagCollection.from_json(data[TAGS], project_meta.tag_metas, key_id_map) objects = VideoObjectCollection.from_json(data[OBJECTS], project_meta, key_id_map) frames = FrameCollection.from_json(data[FRAMES], objects, frames_count, key_id_map) return cls( img_size=img_size, frames_count=frames_count, objects=objects, frames=frames, tags=tags, description=description, key=video_key, )
[docs] @classmethod def load_json_file( cls, path: str, project_meta: ProjectMeta, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None ) -> VideoAnnotation: """ Loads json file and converts it to VideoAnnotation. :param path: Path to the json file. :type path: str :param project_meta: Input :class:`ProjectMeta<supervisely.project.project_meta.ProjectMeta>`. :type project_meta: ProjectMeta :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional :return: VideoAnnotation object :rtype: :class:`VideoAnnotation<VideoAnnotation>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) team_name = 'Vehicle Detection' workspace_name = 'Cities' project_name = 'London' team = workspace = api.workspace.get_info_by_name(, workspace_name) project = api.project.get_info_by_name(, project_name) meta_json = api.project.get_meta( meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json) # Load json file path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json" ann = sly.VideoAnnotation.load_json_file(path, meta) """ with open(path) as fin: data = json.load(fin) return cls.from_json(data, project_meta, key_id_map)
[docs] def clone( self, img_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, frames_count: Optional[int] = None, objects: Optional[VideoObjectCollection] = None, frames: Optional[FrameCollection] = None, tags: Optional[VideoTagCollection] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> VideoAnnotation: """ Makes a copy of VideoAnnotation with new fields, if fields are given, otherwise it will use fields of the original VideoAnnotation. :param img_size: Size of the image (height, width). :type img_size: Tuple[int, int], optional :param frames_count: Number of frames in VideoAnnotation. :type frames_count: int, optional :param objects: VideoObjectCollection object. :type objects: VideoObjectCollection, optional :param frames: FrameCollection object. :type frames: FrameCollection, optional :param tags: VideoTagCollection object. :type tags: VideoTagCollection, optional :param description: Video description. :type description: str, optional :raises: :class:`TypeError`, if img_size is not tuple or list :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly height, width = 500, 700 frames_count = 1 video_ann = sly.VideoAnnotation((height, width), frames_count) obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Rectangle) video_obj_car = sly.VideoObject(obj_class_car) new_objects = sly.VideoObjectCollection([video_obj_car]) new_video_ann = video_ann.clone(objects=new_objects) print(new_video_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "size": { # "height": 500, # "width": 700 # }, # "description": "", # "key": "37f7d267864c4fd8b1a1a32f67e37f7d", # "tags": [], # "objects": [ # { # "key": "27d4ba1aaee64930b2d0bfb7e8b53493", # "classTitle": "car", # "tags": [] # } # ], # "frames": [], # "framesCount": 1 # } """ return VideoAnnotation( img_size=take_with_default(img_size, self.img_size), frames_count=take_with_default(frames_count, self.frames_count), objects=take_with_default(objects, self.objects), frames=take_with_default(frames, self.frames), tags=take_with_default(tags, self.tags), description=take_with_default(description, self.description), )
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """ Check whether video annotation contains objects or tags, or not. :returns: True if video annotation is empty, False otherwise. :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) project_id = 17208 video_id = 19371139 key_id_map = KeyIdMap() meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json) ann_json = ann = sly.VideoAnnotation.from_json(ann_json, meta, key_id_map) print(ann.is_empty()) # False """ if len(self.objects) == 0 and len(self.tags) == 0: return True else: return False