Source code for supervisely.project.volume_project

# coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy
from tqdm import tqdm

from supervisely._utils import batched
from supervisely.api.api import Api
from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField
from supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection import KeyIndexedCollection
from supervisely.geometry.closed_surface_mesh import ClosedSurfaceMesh
from supervisely.geometry.mask_3d import Mask3D
from import change_directory_at_index, touch
from supervisely.project.project import OpenMode
from supervisely.project.project_meta import ProjectMeta
from supervisely.project.project_type import ProjectType
from supervisely.project.video_project import VideoDataset, VideoProject
from supervisely.sly_logger import logger
from supervisely.task.progress import Progress, tqdm_sly
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
from supervisely.volume import stl_converter
from supervisely.volume import volume as sly_volume
from supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_annotation import VolumeAnnotation
from supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_figure import VolumeFigure

VolumeItemPaths = namedtuple("VolumeItemPaths", ["volume_path", "ann_path"])

[docs]class VolumeDataset(VideoDataset): item_dir_name = "volume" interpolation_dir = "interpolation" mask_dir = "mask" annotation_class = VolumeAnnotation item_module = sly_volume paths_tuple = VolumeItemPaths @classmethod def _has_valid_ext(cls, path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if file from given path is supported :param path: str :return: bool """ return sly_volume.has_valid_ext(path) def _get_empty_annotaion(self, item_name): path = item_name _, volume_meta = sly_volume.read_nrrd_serie_volume(path) return self.annotation_class(volume_meta) def get_interpolation_dir(self, item_name): return os.path.join(, self.interpolation_dir, item_name) def get_interpolation_path(self, item_name, figure): return os.path.join(self.get_interpolation_dir(item_name), figure.key().hex + ".stl") def get_mask_dir(self, item_name): return os.path.join(, self.mask_dir, item_name) def get_mask_path(self, item_name, figure): return os.path.join(self.get_mask_dir(item_name), figure.key().hex + ".nrrd") def get_classes_stats( self, project_meta: Optional[ProjectMeta] = None, return_objects_count: Optional[bool] = True, return_figures_count: Optional[bool] = True, return_items_count: Optional[bool] = True, ): if project_meta is None: project = VolumeProject(self.project_dir, OpenMode.READ) project_meta = project.meta class_items = {} class_objects = {} class_figures = {} for obj_class in project_meta.obj_classes: class_items[] = 0 class_objects[] = 0 class_figures[] = 0 for item_name in self: item_ann = self.get_ann(item_name, project_meta) item_class = {} for ann_obj in item_ann.objects: class_objects[] += 1 for volume_figure in item_ann.figures: class_figures[] += 1 item_class[] = True for obj_class in project_meta.obj_classes: if in item_class.keys(): class_items[] += 1 result = {} if return_items_count: result["items_count"] = class_items if return_objects_count: result["objects_count"] = class_objects if return_figures_count: result["figures_count"] = class_figures return result
[docs]class VolumeProject(VideoProject): dataset_class = VolumeDataset class DatasetDict(KeyIndexedCollection): item_type = VolumeDataset def get_classes_stats( self, dataset_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, return_objects_count: Optional[bool] = True, return_figures_count: Optional[bool] = True, return_items_count: Optional[bool] = True, ): return super(VolumeProject, self).get_classes_stats( dataset_names, return_objects_count, return_figures_count, return_items_count ) @property def type(self) -> str: """ Project type. :return: Project type. :rtype: :class:`str` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly project = sly.VolumeProject("/home/admin/work/supervisely/projects/volumes", sly.OpenMode.READ) print(project.type) # Output: 'volumes' """ return ProjectType.VOLUMES.value
[docs] @staticmethod def download( api: Api, project_id: int, dest_dir: str, dataset_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, download_volumes: Optional[bool] = True, log_progress: Optional[bool] = False, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> None: """ Download volume project from Supervisely to the given directory. :param api: Supervisely API address and token. :type api: :class:`Api<supervisely.api.api.Api>` :param project_id: Supervisely downloadable project ID. :type project_id: :class:`int` :param dest_dir: Destination directory. :type dest_dir: :class:`str` :param dataset_ids: Dataset IDs. :type dataset_ids: :class:`list` [ :class:`int` ], optional :param download_volumes: Download volume data files or not. :type download_volumes: :class:`bool`, optional :param log_progress: Show uploading progress bar. :type log_progress: :class:`bool`, optional :param progress_cb: Function for tracking the download progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :return: None :rtype: NoneType :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly # Local destination Volume Project folder save_directory = "/home/admin/work/supervisely/source/vlm_project" # Obtain server address and your api_token from environment variables # Edit those values if you run this notebook on your own PC address = os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] token = os.environ['API_TOKEN'] # Initialize API object api = sly.Api(address, token) project_id = 8888 # Download Project, project_id, save_directory) project_fs = sly.VolumeProject(save_directory, sly.OpenMode.READ) """ download_volume_project( api=api, project_id=project_id, dest_dir=dest_dir, dataset_ids=dataset_ids, download_volumes=download_volumes, log_progress=log_progress, progress_cb=progress_cb, )
[docs] @staticmethod def upload( directory: str, api: Api, workspace_id: int, project_name: Optional[str] = None, log_progress: Optional[bool] = False, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, str]: """ Uploads volume project to Supervisely from the given directory. :param directory: Path to project directory. :type directory: :class:`str` :param api: Supervisely API address and token. :type api: :class:`Api<supervisely.api.api.Api>` :param workspace_id: Workspace ID, where project will be uploaded. :type workspace_id: :class:`int` :param project_name: Name of the project in Supervisely. Can be changed if project with the same name is already exists. :type project_name: :class:`str`, optional :param log_progress: Show uploading progress bar. :type log_progress: :class:`bool`, optional :param progress_cb: Function for tracking the download progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :return: Project ID and name. It is recommended to check that returned project name coincides with provided project name. :rtype: :class:`int`, :class:`str` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly # Local folder with Volume Project project_directory = "/home/admin/work/supervisely/source/vlm_project" # Obtain server address and your api_token from environment variables # Edit those values if you run this notebook on your own PC address = os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] token = os.environ['API_TOKEN'] # Initialize API object api = sly.Api(address, token) # Upload Volume Project project_id, project_name = sly.VolumeProject.upload( project_directory, api, workspace_id=45, project_name="My Volume Project" ) """ return upload_volume_project( dir=directory, api=api, workspace_id=workspace_id, project_name=project_name, log_progress=log_progress, progress_cb=progress_cb, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_train_val_splits_by_count(project_dir: str, train_count: int, val_count: int) -> None: """ Not available for VolumeProject class. :raises: :class:`NotImplementedError` in all cases. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Static method 'get_train_val_splits_by_count()' is not supported for VolumeProject class now." )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_train_val_splits_by_tag( project_dir: str, train_tag_name: str, val_tag_name: str, untagged: Optional[str] = "ignore", ) -> None: """ Not available for VolumeProject class. :raises: :class:`NotImplementedError` in all cases. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Static method 'get_train_val_splits_by_tag()' is not supported for VolumeProject class now." )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_train_val_splits_by_dataset( project_dir: str, train_datasets: List[str], val_datasets: List[str] ) -> None: """ Not available for VolumeProject class. :raises: :class:`NotImplementedError` in all cases. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Static method 'get_train_val_splits_by_tag()' is not supported for VolumeProject class now." )
def download_volume_project( api: Api, project_id: int, dest_dir: str, dataset_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, download_volumes: Optional[bool] = True, log_progress: Optional[bool] = False, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> None: """ Download volume project to the local directory. :param api: Supervisely API address and token. :type api: Api :param project_id: Project ID to download. :type project_id: int :param dest_dir: Destination path to local directory. :type dest_dir: str :param dataset_ids: Specified list of Dataset IDs which will be downloaded. Datasets could be downloaded from different projects but with the same data type. :type dataset_ids: list(int), optional :param download_volumes: Include volumes in the download. :type download_volumes: bool, optional :param log_progress: Show downloading logs in the output. :type log_progress: bool, optional :param progress_cb: Function for tracking download progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :return: None. :rtype: NoneType :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from tqdm import tqdm import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") dest_dir = 'your/local/dest/dir' # Download volume project project_id = 18532 project_info = api.project.get_info_by_id(project_id) num_volumes = project_info.items_count p = tqdm(desc="Downloading volume project", total=num_volumes) sly.download_volume_project( api, project_id, dest_dir, progress_cb=p, ) """ LOG_BATCH_SIZE = 1 key_id_map = KeyIdMap() project_fs = VolumeProject(dest_dir, OpenMode.CREATE) meta = ProjectMeta.from_json(api.project.get_meta(project_id)) project_fs.set_meta(meta) datasets_infos = [] if dataset_ids is not None: for ds_id in dataset_ids: datasets_infos.append(api.dataset.get_info_by_id(ds_id)) else: datasets_infos = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) for dataset in datasets_infos: dataset_fs: VolumeDataset = project_fs.create_dataset( volumes = api.volume.get_list( ds_progress = None if log_progress: ds_progress = Progress( "Downloading dataset: {!r}".format(, total_cnt=len(volumes) ) for batch in batched(volumes, batch_size=LOG_BATCH_SIZE): volume_ids = [ for volume_info in batch] volume_names = [ for volume_info in batch] ann_jsons = api.volume.annotation.download_bulk(, volume_ids) for volume_id, volume_name, volume_info, ann_json in zip( volume_ids, volume_names, batch, ann_jsons ): if volume_name != ann_json[ApiField.VOLUME_NAME]: raise RuntimeError( "Error in api.volume.annotation.download_batch: broken order" ) try: ann = VolumeAnnotation.from_json(ann_json, project_fs.meta, key_id_map) except Exception as e: "INFO FOR DEBUGGING", extra={ "project_id": project_id, "dataset_id":, "volume_id": volume_id, "volume_name": volume_name, "ann_json": ann_json, }, ) raise e volume_file_path = dataset_fs.generate_item_path(volume_name) if download_volumes is True: header = None item_progress = None if log_progress: item_progress = Progress( f"Downloading {volume_name}", total_cnt=volume_info.sizeb, is_size=True, ) api.volume.download_path( volume_id, volume_file_path, item_progress.iters_done_report ) else: api.volume.download_path(volume_id, volume_file_path) else: touch(volume_file_path) header = _create_volume_header(ann) mask_ids = [] mask_paths = [] mesh_ids = [] mesh_paths = [] for sf in ann.spatial_figures: figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(sf.key()) if == mask_ids.append(figure_id) figure_path = dataset_fs.get_mask_path(volume_name, sf) mask_paths.append(figure_path) if == mesh_ids.append(figure_id) figure_path = dataset_fs.get_interpolation_path(volume_name, sf) mesh_paths.append(figure_path) api.volume.figure.download_stl_meshes(mesh_ids, mesh_paths) api.volume.figure.download_sf_geometries(mask_ids, mask_paths) # prepare a list of paths where converted STLs will be stored nrrd_paths = [] for file in mesh_paths: file = re.sub(r"\.[^.]+$", ".nrrd", file) file = change_directory_at_index(file, "mask", -3) # change destination folder nrrd_paths.append(file) stl_converter.to_nrrd(mesh_paths, nrrd_paths, header=header) ann, meta = api.volume.annotation._update_on_transfer( "download", ann, project_fs.meta, nrrd_paths ) project_fs.set_meta(meta) dataset_fs.add_item_file( volume_name, volume_file_path, ann=ann, _validate_item=False, ) if log_progress: ds_progress.iters_done_report(len(batch)) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(batch)) project_fs.set_key_id_map(key_id_map) def load_figure_data( api: Api, volume_file_path: str, spatial_figure: VolumeFigure, key_id_map: KeyIdMap ): """ Load data into figure geometry. :param api: Supervisely API address and token. :type api: Api :param volume_file_path: Path to Volume file location :type volume_file_path: str :param spatial_figure: Spatial figure :type spatial_figure: VolumeFigure object :param key_id_map: Mapped keys and IDs :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap object """ figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(spatial_figure.key()) figure_path = "{}_mask3d/".format(volume_file_path[:-5]) + f"{figure_id}.nrrd" api.volume.figure.download_stl_meshes([figure_id], [figure_path]) Mask3D.from_file(spatial_figure, figure_path) # TODO: add methods to convert to 3d masks def upload_volume_project( dir: str, api: Api, workspace_id: int, project_name: Optional[str] = None, log_progress: Optional[bool] = True, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, str]: project_fs = VolumeProject.read_single(dir) if project_name is None: project_name = if api.project.exists(workspace_id, project_name): project_name = api.project.get_free_name(workspace_id, project_name) project = api.project.create(workspace_id, project_name, ProjectType.VOLUMES) api.project.update_meta(, project_fs.meta.to_json()) if progress_cb is not None: log_progress = False item_id_dct, anns_paths_dct, interpolation_dirs_dct, mask_dirs_dct = {}, {}, {}, {} for dataset_fs in project_fs.datasets: dataset_fs: VolumeDataset dataset = api.dataset.create(, names, item_paths, ann_paths, mask_dirs, interpolation_dirs = [], [], [], [], [] for item_name in dataset_fs: img_path, ann_path = dataset_fs.get_item_paths(item_name) names.append(item_name) item_paths.append(img_path) ann_paths.append(ann_path) interpolation_dirs.append(dataset_fs.get_interpolation_dir(item_name)) mask_dirs.append(dataset_fs.get_mask_dir(item_name)) ds_progress = progress_cb if log_progress: ds_progress = tqdm_sly( desc="Uploading volumes to {!r}".format(, total=len(item_paths), position=0, ) item_infos = api.volume.upload_nrrd_series_paths(, names, item_paths, ds_progress, log_progress ) volume_ids = [ for item_info in item_infos] anns_progress = None if log_progress or progress_cb is not None: anns_progress = tqdm_sly( desc="Uploading annotations to {!r}".format(, total=len(volume_ids), leave=False, ) api.volume.annotation.upload_paths( volume_ids, ann_paths, project_fs.meta, interpolation_dirs, anns_progress, mask_dirs, ) return, def _create_volume_header(ann: VolumeAnnotation) -> Dict: """ Create volume header to use in STL converter when downloading project without volumes. :param ann: VolumeAnnotation object :type ann: VolumeAnnotation :return: header with Volume meta parameters :rtype: Dict """ header = {} header["sizes"] = numpy.array([value for _, value in ann.volume_meta["dimensionsIJK"].items()]) world_matrix = ann.volume_meta["IJK2WorldMatrix"] header["space directions"] = numpy.array( [world_matrix[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(world_matrix) - 4, 4)] ) header["space origin"] = numpy.array( [world_matrix[i + 3] for i in range(0, len(world_matrix) - 4, 4)] ) if ann.volume_meta["ACS"] == "RAS": header["space"] = "right-anterior-superior" elif ann.volume_meta["ACS"] == "LAS": header["space"] = "left-anterior-superior" elif ann.volume_meta["ACS"] == "LPS": header["space"] = "left-posterior-superior" return header