Source code for supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_frame_collection

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Iterator

from supervisely.video_annotation.frame_collection import FrameCollection
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_figure import PointcloudFigure
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_frame import PointcloudEpisodeFrame
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_object_collection import (

[docs]class PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection(FrameCollection): """ Collection with :class:`PointcloudEpisodeFrame<supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_frame.PointcloudEpisodeFrame>` instances. :class:`PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection<PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection>` object is immutable. :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.geometry.cuboid_3d import Cuboid3d, Vector3d from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_object_collection import PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection # Create pointcloud object obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', Cuboid3d) pointcloud_obj_car = sly.PointcloudEpisodeObject(obj_class_car) objects = PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection([pointcloud_obj_car]) # Create two figures frame_index_1 = 7 position_1, rotation_1, dimension_1 = Vector3d(-3.4, 28.9, -0.7), Vector3d(0., 0, -0.03), Vector3d(1.8, 3.9, 1.6) cuboid_1 = Cuboid3d(position_1, rotation_1, dimension_1) frame_index_2 = 10 position_2, rotation_2, dimension_2 = Vector3d(-3.4, 28.9, -0.7), Vector3d(0., 0, -0.03), Vector3d(1.8, 3.9, 1.6) cuboid_2 = Cuboid3d(position_2, rotation_2, dimension_2) figure_1 = sly.PointcloudFigure(pointcloud_obj_car, cuboid_1, frame_index=frame_index_1) figure_2 = sly.PointcloudFigure(pointcloud_obj_car, cuboid_2, frame_index=frame_index_2) # Create two frames for collection frame_1 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(frame_index_1, figures=[figure_1]) frame_2 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(frame_index_2, figures=[figure_2]) # Create PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection pcd_episodes_fr_collection = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection([frame_1, frame_2]) print(pcd_episodes_fr_collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "c9fb727a9b53432fa0316d0a5b6043bc", # "objectKey": "0fc681681b1f4b12909ccf685c53b43e" # } # ], # "index": 7 # }, # { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "c3df69c90fa14cf284906ebad1c360ae", # "objectKey": "0fc681681b1f4b12909ccf685c53b43e" # } # ], # "index": 10 # } # ] # Add item to PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection frame_index_3 = 13 frame_3 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(frame_index_3) # Remember that PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection to a new variable new_pcd_episodes_fr_collection = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.add(frame_3) print(new_pcd_episodes_fr_collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "d16c2bf646664007bd22bcf2996710ed", # "objectKey": "e09431246cc24231a9d76b9ba55ce4e7" # } # ], # "index": 7 # }, # { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "9f915e2d4342408ab0d4517f485f9950", # "objectKey": "e09431246cc24231a9d76b9ba55ce4e7" # } # ], # "index": 10 # }, # { "figures": [], "index": 13 } # ] # You can also add multiple items to collection frame_3 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(12) frame_4 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(15) # Remember that PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection to a new variable new_pcd_episodes_fr_collection = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.add_items([frame_3, frame_4]) print(new_pcd_episodes_fr_collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "df14bb10e76c4b4093a137f4ea01e3ba", # "objectKey": "a83a21ef7b734bb9949ddf132b42d1f0" # } # ], # "index": 7 # }, # { # "figures": [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "6f86a1859da34415a37896ec2c972b47", # "objectKey": "a83a21ef7b734bb9949ddf132b42d1f0" # } # ], # "index": 10 # }, # { "figures": [], "index": 12 }, # { "figures": [], "index": 15 } # ] # Has key, checks if given key exist in point cloud episodes frame collection pcd_episodes_fr_collection.has_key(10) # True pcd_episodes_fr_collection.has_key(22) # False # Intersection, finds intersection of given list of instances with collection items frame_1 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(1) frame_2 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(2) pcd_episodes_fr_collection = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection([frame_1, frame_2]) frame_3 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(3) frames_intersections = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.intersection([frame_3]) print(frames_intersections.to_json()) # Output: [] frames_intersections = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.intersection([frame_2]) print(frames_intersections.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "index": 2, # "figures": [] # } # ] # Note, two frames with the same index values are not equal frame_4 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(2) frames_intersections = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.intersection([frame_4]) # Output: # ValueError: Different values for the same key 2 # Difference, finds difference between collection and given list of PointcloudEpisodeFrame frames_difference = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.difference([frame_2]) print(frames_difference.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "index": 1, # "figures": [] # } # ] # Merge, merges collection and given list of PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection frame_3 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(3) frame_4 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(4) over_collection = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection([frame_3, frame_4]) merged_collection = pcd_episodes_fr_collection.merge(over_collection) print(merged_collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { "index": 3, "figures": [] }, # { "index": 4, "figures": [] }, # { "index": 1, "figures": [] }, # { "index": 2, "figures": [] } # ] """ item_type = PointcloudEpisodeFrame
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> PointcloudEpisodeFrame: """ Get a PointcloudEpisodeFrame by its key and set default value if it does not exist. :param key: Key of the PointcloudEpisodeFrame. :type key: str :param default: Default value to return if the key is not found (default: None). :type default: Optional[Any] :return: PointcloudEpisodeFrame object. :rtype: PointcloudEpisodeFrame :Usage example: .. code-block:: python frame_1 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(1) frame_2 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(2) pcd_episodes_fr_collection = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection([frame_1, frame_2]) print(pcd_episodes_fr_collection.get(2).to_json()) # Output: {'index': 2, 'figures': []} """ return super().get(key, default)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PointcloudEpisodeFrame]: return next(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json( cls, data: List[Dict], objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection, frames_count: Optional[int] = None, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None, ) -> PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection: """ Convert a list of json dicts to PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection. Read more about `Supervisely format <>`_. :param data: List with dicts in json format. :type data: List[dict] :param objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection object. :type objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection :param frames_count: Number of frames in point cloud episodes. :type frames_count: int, optional :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional :return: FrameCollection object :rtype: :class:`FrameCollection` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly fr_collection_json = [ { "figures": [ { "geometry": { "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } }, "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", "key": "c9fb727a9b53432fa0316d0a5b6043bc", "objectKey": "0fc681681b1f4b12909ccf685c53b43e" } ], "index": 7 }, { "figures": [ { "geometry": { "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } }, "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", "key": "c3df69c90fa14cf284906ebad1c360ae", "objectKey": "0fc681681b1f4b12909ccf685c53b43e" } ], "index": 10 } ] objects = [] fr_collection = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection.from_json(fr_collection_json, objects) """ return super().from_json(data, objects, frames_count=frames_count, key_id_map=key_id_map)
@property def figures(self) -> List[PointcloudFigure]: """ Get figures from all frames in collection. :return: List of figures from all frames in collection :rtype: :class:`List[PointcloudFigure]<supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_figure.PointcloudFigure>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.geometry.cuboid_3d import Cuboid3d, Vector3d from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_object_collection import PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection # Create pointcloud object obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', Cuboid3d) pointcloud_obj_car = sly.PointcloudEpisodeObject(obj_class_car) objects = PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection([pointcloud_obj_car]) # Create two figures frame_index_1 = 7 position_1, rotation_1, dimension_1 = Vector3d(-3.4, 28.9, -0.7), Vector3d(0., 0, -0.03), Vector3d(1.8, 3.9, 1.6) cuboid_1 = Cuboid3d(position_1, rotation_1, dimension_1) frame_index_2 = 10 position_2, rotation_2, dimension_2 = Vector3d(-3.4, 28.9, -0.7), Vector3d(0., 0, -0.03), Vector3d(1.8, 3.9, 1.6) cuboid_2 = Cuboid3d(position_2, rotation_2, dimension_2) figure_1 = sly.PointcloudFigure(pointcloud_obj_car, cuboid_1, frame_index=frame_index_1) figure_1 = sly.PointcloudFigure(pointcloud_obj_car, cuboid_2, frame_index=frame_index_2) # Create two frames for collection frame_1 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(frame_index_1, figures=[figure_1]) frame_2 = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(frame_index_2, figures=[figure_2]) # Create PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection pcd_episodes_fr_collection = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection([frame_1, frame_2]) print([figure.to_json() for figure in pcd_episodes_fr_collection.figures]) # Output: [ # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "e35386df7c994485ba7186e1a8c67361", # "objectKey": "c43ac88f2cb74852817390ca3b749ffd" # }, # { # "geometry": { # "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 }, # "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 }, # "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 } # }, # "geometryType": "cuboid_3d", # "key": "1b09a434c20f47faab3f0d7efdb4cbbf", # "objectKey": "c43ac88f2cb74852817390ca3b749ffd" # } # ] """ return super().figures