# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
import uuid
import json
from typing import Optional, Dict, List
from supervisely.project.project_meta import ProjectMeta
from supervisely._utils import take_with_default
from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_object_collection import (
from supervisely.video_annotation.constants import (
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_figure import PointcloudFigure
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_frame_collection import (
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_tag_collection import (
[docs]class PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation:
PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation for point cloud episodes.
:class:`PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation<PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation>` object is immutable.
:param frames_count: Number of PointcloudEpisodeFrame objects.
:type frames_count: int, optional
:param objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection object
:type objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection, optional
:param frames: PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection object
:type frames: PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection, optional
:param tags: PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection object
:type tags: PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection, optional
:param description: Description text
:type description: str, optional
:param key: uuid class object
:type key: uuid.UUID, optional
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
# PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation example 1
pointcloud_episodes_ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation()
# Output: {
# "description": "",
# "frames": [],
# "framesCount": None,
# "key": "494f67984d714c1eaf7a65e5df289ac6",
# "objects": [],
# "tags": []
# }
# PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation example 2
pointcloud_id = 19481098
key_id_map = KeyIdMap()
pcd_info = api.pointcloud_episode.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id)
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(pcd_info.project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
ann_json = api.pointcloud_episode.annotation.download(pcd_info.dataset_id)
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.from_json(
data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map
def __init__(
frames_count: Optional[int] = None,
objects: Optional[PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection] = None,
frames: Optional[PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection] = None,
tags: Optional[PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection] = None,
description: Optional[str] = "",
key: uuid.UUID = None,
) -> None:
self._frames_count = frames_count
self._description = description
self._frames = take_with_default(frames, PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection())
self._tags = take_with_default(tags, PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection())
self._objects = take_with_default(objects, PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection())
self._key = take_with_default(key, uuid.uuid4())
[docs] def get_objects_on_frame(self, frame_index: int) -> PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection:
Retrieve objects associated with a specific frame in a PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.
:param frame_index: The index of the frame for which objects need to be retrieved.
:type frame_index: int
:return: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection containing the retrieved objects associated with the specified frame.
:raises ValueError: If no frame with the given frame_index exists in the annotation.
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
key_id_map = KeyIdMap()
pointcloud_id = 19481098
pcd_info = api.pointcloud_episode.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id)
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(pcd_info.project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
ann_json = api.pointcloud_episode.annotation.download(pcd_info.dataset_id)
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.from_json(
data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map
frame_index = 0
objects_on_frame = ann.get_objects_on_frame(frame_index)
# Output:
# [
# {
# "key": "687784c3d4d64ec4811948fec245514a",
# "classTitle": "Tram",
# "tags": [],
# "labelerLogin": "almaz",
# "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z",
# "createdAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z"
# },
# {
# "key": "b8b23b6712444f0fbfb320b0b4acd09a",
# "classTitle": "Car",
# "tags": [],
# "labelerLogin": "almaz",
# "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z",
# "createdAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z"
# }
# ]
frame = self._frames.get(frame_index, None)
if frame is None:
# if frame_index < self.frames_count:
# return PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection([])
# else:
# raise ValueError(f"No frame with index {frame_index} in annotation.")
# NOTE: The above code is commented out because the value of `frame_index` can be greater
# than `frames_count` in the episode annotation if some frames are removed from the episode.
return PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection([])
frame_objects = {}
for fig in frame.figures:
if fig.parent_object.key() not in frame_objects.keys():
frame_objects[fig.parent_object.key()] = fig.parent_object
return PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection(list(frame_objects.values()))
[docs] def to_json(self, key_id_map: KeyIdMap = None) -> Dict:
Convert PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation to JSON format.
:param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object.
:type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional
:return: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation in JSON format.
:rtype: Dict
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
pointcloud_id = 19481098
pcd_info = api.pointcloud_episode.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id)
project_path = "Downloads/pointcloud_api/project"
project_fs = sly.PointcloudEpisodeProject(project_path, sly.OpenMode.READ)
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(pcd_info.project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
ds = project_fs.datasets.items()[0]:
ann = ds.get_ann(project_meta)
# Output:
# {
# 'datasetId': 60988,
# 'description': '',
# 'frames': [{'figures': [{'classId': None,
# 'createdAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:45.004Z',
# 'description': '',
# 'geometry': {'dimensions': {'x': 2.3652234,
# 'y': 23.291742,
# 'z': 3.326648},
# 'position': {'x': 86.29707472161449,
# 'y': -14.472597682830635,
# 'z': 0.8842007608554671},
# 'rotation': {'x': 0,
# 'y': 0,
# 'z': -1.6962800995995606}},
# 'geometryType': 'cuboid_3d',
# 'id': 87536496,
# 'labelerLogin': 'almaz',
# 'objectId': 5531328,
# 'updatedAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:45.004Z'}],
# 'index': 0,
# 'pointCloudId': 19481098}],
# 'index': 1,
# 'pointCloudId': 19481100},
# ...],
# 'framesCount': 54,
# 'objects': [{'classId': 666944,
# 'classTitle': 'Car',
# 'createdAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z',
# 'datasetId': 60988,
# 'entityId': None,
# 'id': 5531324,
# 'labelerLogin': 'almaz',
# 'tags': [],
# 'updatedAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z'}],
# 'tags': []
# }
res_json = {
DESCRIPTION: self.description,
KEY: self.key().hex,
TAGS: self.tags.to_json(key_id_map),
OBJECTS: self.objects.to_json(key_id_map),
FRAMES_COUNT: self.frames_count,
FRAMES: self.frames.to_json(key_id_map),
if key_id_map is not None:
dataset_id = key_id_map.get_video_id(self.key())
if dataset_id is not None:
res_json[ApiField.DATASET_ID] = dataset_id
return res_json
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(
cls, data: Dict, project_meta: ProjectMeta, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None
) -> PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation:
Create a PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation object from a JSON representation.
:param data: JSON data representing the PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.
:type data: Dict
:param project_meta: Project metadata.
:type project_meta: ProjectMeta
:return: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation object
:rtype: :class:`PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation<PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation>`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
key_id_map = KeyIdMap()
pointcloud_id = 19481098
pcd_info = api.pointcloud_episode.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id)
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(pcd_info.project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
ann_json = api.pointcloud_episode.annotation.download(pcd_info.dataset_id)
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.from_json(
data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map
item_key = uuid.UUID(data[KEY]) if KEY in data else uuid.uuid4()
if key_id_map is not None:
key_id_map.add_video(item_key, data.get(ApiField.DATASET_ID, None))
description = data.get(DESCRIPTION, "")
frames_count = data.get(FRAMES_COUNT, 0)
tags = PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection.from_json(
data[TAGS], project_meta.tag_metas, key_id_map
objects = PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection.from_json(data[OBJECTS], project_meta, key_id_map)
frames = PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection.from_json(
data[FRAMES], objects, key_id_map=key_id_map
return cls(frames_count, objects, frames, tags, description, item_key)
[docs] @classmethod
def load_json_file(
cls, path: str, project_meta: ProjectMeta, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None
) -> PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation:
Loads json file and converts it to PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.
:param path: Path to the json file.
:type path: str
:param project_meta: Input :class:`ProjectMeta<supervisely.project.project_meta.ProjectMeta>`.
:type project_meta: ProjectMeta
:param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object.
:type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional
:return: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation object
:rtype: :class:`PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation<PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation>`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
team_name = 'Vehicle Detection'
workspace_name = 'Cities'
project_name = 'London'
project_id = 19441
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
# Load json file
path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json"
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta)
with open(path) as fin:
data = json.load(fin)
return cls.from_json(data, project_meta, key_id_map)
[docs] def clone(
frames_count: Optional[int] = None,
objects: Optional[PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection] = None,
frames: Optional[PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection] = None,
tags: Optional[PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection] = None,
description: Optional[str] = "",
) -> PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation:
Makes a copy of PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation with new fields, if fields are given, otherwise it will use fields of the original PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.
:param frames_count: Number of PointcloudEpisodeFrame objects
:type frames_count: int, optional
:param objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection object
:type objects: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection, optional
:param frames: PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection object
:type frames: PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection, optional
:param tags: PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection object
:type tags: PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection, optional
:param description: Description text
:type description: str, optional
:return: PointcloudAnnotation class object
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
key_id_map = KeyIdMap()
pointcloud_id = 19481098
pcd_info = api.pointcloud_episode.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id)
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(pcd_info.project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
ann_json = api.pointcloud_episode.annotation.download(pcd_info.dataset_id)
ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.from_json(
data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map
obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Cuboid)
pointcloud_obj_car = sly.PointcloudEpisodeObject(obj_class_car)
new_objects = ann.objects.add(pointcloud_obj_car)
new_ann = ann.clone(objects=new_objects)
# Output:
# {
# 'datasetId': 60988,
# 'description': '',
# 'frames': [{'figures': [{'classId': None,
# 'createdAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:45.004Z',
# 'description': '',
# 'geometry': {'dimensions': {'x': 2.3652234,
# 'y': 23.291742,
# 'z': 3.326648},
# 'position': {'x': 86.29707472161449,
# 'y': -14.472597682830635,
# 'z': 0.8842007608554671},
# 'rotation': {'x': 0,
# 'y': 0,
# 'z': -1.6962800995995606}},
# 'geometryType': 'cuboid_3d',
# 'id': 87536496,
# 'labelerLogin': 'almaz',
# 'objectId': 5531328,
# 'updatedAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:45.004Z'}],
# 'index': 0,
# 'pointCloudId': 19481098}],
# 'index': 1,
# 'pointCloudId': 19481100},
# ...],
# 'framesCount': 54,
# 'objects': [{
# 'classId': 666944,
# 'classTitle': 'Car',
# 'createdAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z',
# 'datasetId': 60988,
# 'entityId': None,
# 'id': 5531324,
# 'labelerLogin': 'almaz',
# 'tags': [],
# 'updatedAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z'}
# {
# 'classTitle': 'Car',
# 'createdAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z',
# 'key': 'fc149a8f3e3a413c807a6b4ba474645c',
# 'labelerLogin': 'almaz',
# 'tags': [],
# 'updatedAt': '2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z
# }],
# 'tags': []
# }
# Output: {
# "description": "",
# "figures": [],
# "key": "2cc443272aca4cfa9c4f404614938aa7",
# "objects": [
# {
# "classTitle": "Pole",
# "createdAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z",
# "key": "eff2ec5e3cda47968f45bc51b36a0dc1",
# "labelerLogin": "almaz",
# "tags": [],
# "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z"
# },
# {
# "classTitle": "Tram",
# "createdAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z",
# "key": "6baa92e09ceb413ba8fbfcfae74be1c7",
# "labelerLogin": "almaz",
# "tags": [],
# "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z"
# },
# {
# "classTitle": "car",
# "key": "6b1bced23061437b8ddbcdd267548c96",
# "tags": []
# }
# ],
# "tags": []
# }
return PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation(
frames_count=take_with_default(frames_count, self.frames_count),
objects=take_with_default(objects, self.objects),
frames=take_with_default(frames, self.frames),
tags=take_with_default(tags, self.tags),
description=take_with_default(description, self.description),
def frames_count(self) -> int:
Number of frames.
:return: Frames count
:rtype: :class:`int`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
frames_count = 15
video_ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation(frames_count=frames_count)
# Output: 15
return self._frames_count
def objects(self) -> PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection:
PointcloudEpisodeObject objects collection.
:returns: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection object.
:rtype: PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
project_id = 19441
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
# Load json file
path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json"
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta)
objects = ann.objects
return self._objects
def frames(self) -> PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection:
PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection collection.
:return: PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection object
:rtype: :class:`PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection<supervisely.pointcloud_episodes.pointcloud_episode_frame_collection.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection>`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid_3d import Cuboid3d, Vector3d
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_object_collection import PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection
obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', Cuboid3d)
pointcloud_obj_car = sly.PointcloudEpisodeObject(obj_class_car)
objects = sly.PointcloudEpisodeObjectCollection([pointcloud_obj_car])
position, rotation, dimension = Vector3d(-3.4, 28.9, -0.7), Vector3d(0., 0, -0.03), Vector3d(1.8, 3.9, 1.6)
cuboid = Cuboid3d(position, rotation, dimension)
frame_index = 10
figure = sly.PointcloudFigure(pointcloud_obj_car, cuboid, frame_index=frame_index)
frame = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrame(frame_index, figures=[figure])
frames = sly.PointcloudEpisodeFrameCollection([frame])
pointcloud_episodes_ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation(frames_count, objects, frames)
# Output:
# [
# {
# "figures": [
# {
# "geometry": {
# "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 },
# "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 },
# "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 }
# },
# "geometryType": "cuboid_3d",
# "key": "030b9aafa97642e887e2be544ef7a7ee",
# "objectKey": "95c473a6cff44afda127ffb40d2bac5b"
# }
# ],
# "index": 0
# }
# ]
return self._frames
def figures(self) -> List[PointcloudFigure]:
PointcloudFigure objects.
:returns: List of PointcloudFigure objects from PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation object.
:rtype: list
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
project_id = 19441
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
# Load json file
path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json"
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta)
for figure in ann.figures:
# Output:
# {
# "geometry": {
# "dimensions": { "x": 1.8, "y": 3.9, "z": 1.6 },
# "position": { "x": -3.4, "y": 28.9, "z": -0.7 },
# "rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0, "z": -0.03 }
# },
# "geometryType": "cuboid_3d",
# "key": "01836c294c514250a11889f56cf210e9",
# "objectKey": "737c4df19c0c4cccbc48cf69b72abe36"
# }
return self.frames.figures
def tags(self) -> PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection:
PointcloudEpisodeTag objects collection.
:returns: PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection object.
:rtype: PointcloudEpisodeTagCollection
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
project_id = 19441
project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id)
project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json)
# Load json file
path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json"
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta)
tags = ann.tags
return self._tags
[docs] def key(self) -> uuid.UUID:
PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation key value.
:returns: Key value of point cloud episodes annotation object.
:rtype: str
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation()
# Output: 93ab6292-c661-4a53-b407-85ed34f5b68a'
return self._key
def description(self) -> str:
Description text for PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation object.
:return: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation description
:rtype: :class:`str`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
descr = 'example'
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation(description=descr)
print(ann.description) # example
return self._description
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool:
Check whether point cloud episodes annotation contains objects or tags, or not.
:returns: True if point cloud episodes annotation is empty, False otherwise.
:rtype: :class:`bool`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
project_id = 18428
dataset_id = 60988
key_id_map = KeyIdMap()
meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id)
meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json)
ann_json = api.pointcloud_episode.annotation.download(dataset_id)
ann = sly.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation.from_json(ann_json, meta, key_id_map)
print(ann.is_empty()) # False
if len(self.objects) == 0 and len(self.tags) == 0:
return True
return False