Source code for supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_annotation

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, List, Dict
from supervisely.project.project_meta import ProjectMeta
from copy import deepcopy
import uuid
import json

from supervisely._utils import take_with_default
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_tag_collection import PointcloudTagCollection
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.constants import (
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap

from supervisely.video_annotation.video_annotation import VideoAnnotation
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_figure import PointcloudFigure
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_object_collection import (

[docs]class PointcloudAnnotation(VideoAnnotation): """ Class for creating and using PointcloudAnnotation :param objects: PointcloudObjectCollection object :type objects: PointcloudObjectCollection, optional :param figures: List[PointcloudFigure] object :type figures: List[PointcloudFigure], optional :param tags: PointcloudTagCollection object :type tags: PointcloudTagCollection, optional :param description: Description text :type description: str, optional :param key: uuid class object :type key: uuid.UUID, optional :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap # PointcloudAnnotation example 1 pointcloud_ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation() print(pointcloud_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "description": "", # "key": "ad97e8a4a8524b8a992d1f083c5e6b00", # "tags": [], # "objects": [], # "figures": [] # } # PointcloudAnnotation example 2 key_id_map = KeyIdMap() project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(pcd_info.project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) ann_json = ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.from_json( data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map ) """ def __init__( self, objects: Optional[PointcloudObjectCollection] = None, figures: Optional[List[PointcloudFigure]] = None, tags: Optional[PointcloudTagCollection] = None, description: Optional[str] = "", key: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, ): self._description = description self._tags = take_with_default(tags, PointcloudTagCollection()) self._objects = take_with_default(objects, PointcloudObjectCollection()) self._figures = take_with_default(figures, []) self._key = take_with_default(key, uuid.uuid4()) @property def img_size(self): """Not supported for pointcloud""" raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for pointcloud") @property def frames_count(self): """Not supported for pointcloud""" raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for pointcloud") @property def frames(self): """Not supported for pointcloud""" raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for pointcloud") @property def tags(self) -> PointcloudTagCollection: """ PointcloudTag objects collection. :returns: PointcloudTagCollection object. :rtype: PointcloudTagCollection :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) project_id = 19441 project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) # Load json file path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json" ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta) tags = ann.tags """ return super().tags @property def objects(self) -> PointcloudObjectCollection: """ PointcloudObject objects collection. :returns: PointcloudObjectCollection object. :rtype: PointcloudObjectCollection :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) project_id = 19441 project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) # Load json file path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json" ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta) objects = ann.objects """ return super().objects @property def figures(self) -> List[PointcloudFigure]: """ PointcloudFigure objects. :returns: List of PointcloudFigure objects from PointcloudAnnotation object. :rtype: list :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) project_id = 19441 project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) # Load json file path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json" ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta) figures = ann.figures """ return deepcopy(self._figures) # def get_objects_on_frame(self, frame_index: int): # raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for pointcloud") # def get_tags_on_frame(self, frame_index: int): # raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for pointcloud")
[docs] def get_objects_from_figures(self) -> PointcloudObjectCollection: """ Get PointcloudObjectCollection object from annotation figures. :return: PointcloudObjectCollection object from annotation figures. :rtype: PointcloudObjectCollection :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly key_id_map = KeyIdMap() project_id = 19441 project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) ann_json = ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.from_json( data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map ) objects = ann.get_objects_from_figures() """ ann_objects = {} for fig in self.figures: if fig.parent_object.key() not in ann_objects.keys(): ann_objects[fig.parent_object.key()] = fig.parent_object return PointcloudObjectCollection(ann_objects.values())
[docs] def validate_figures_bounds(self): """Not supported for pointcloud""" raise NotImplementedError("Not supported for pointcloud")
[docs] def to_json(self, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None) -> Dict: """ Convert PointcloudAnnotation to json format. :return: PointcloudAnnotation in json format :rtype: Dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly pointcloud_ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation() print(pointcloud_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "description": "", # "key": "ad97e8a4a8524b8a992d1f083c5e6b00", # "tags": [], # "objects": [], # "figures": [] # } """ res_json = { DESCRIPTION: self.description, KEY: self.key().hex, TAGS: self.tags.to_json(key_id_map), OBJECTS: self.objects.to_json(key_id_map), FIGURES: [figure.to_json(key_id_map) for figure in self.figures], } if key_id_map is not None: pointcloud_id = key_id_map.get_video_id(self.key()) if pointcloud_id is not None: res_json[POINTCLOUD_ID] = pointcloud_id return res_json
[docs] @classmethod def from_json( cls, data: Dict, project_meta: ProjectMeta, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None ) -> PointcloudAnnotation: """ Convert pointcloud annotation from json format in PointcloudAnnotation object. :param data: Pointcloud annotation in json format. :type data: Dict :param project_meta: Project metadata. :type project_meta: ProjectMeta :return: PointcloudAnnotation object. :rtype: PointcloudAnnotation :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) key_id_map = KeyIdMap() pointcloud_id = pointcloud_id project_id = 19441 project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) ann_json = ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.from_json( data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map ) """ try: item_key = uuid.UUID(data[KEY]) except Exception as e: item_key = uuid.uuid4() if key_id_map is not None: key_id_map.add_video(item_key, data.get(POINTCLOUD_ID, None)) description = data.get(DESCRIPTION, "") tags = PointcloudTagCollection.from_json(data[TAGS], project_meta.tag_metas, key_id_map) objects = PointcloudObjectCollection.from_json(data[OBJECTS], project_meta, key_id_map) figures = [] for figure_json in data.get(FIGURES, []): figure = PointcloudFigure.from_json(figure_json, objects, None, key_id_map) figures.append(figure) return cls( objects=objects, figures=figures, tags=tags, description=description, key=item_key )
[docs] @classmethod def load_json_file( cls, path: str, project_meta: ProjectMeta, key_id_map: Optional[KeyIdMap] = None ) -> PointcloudAnnotation: """ Loads json file and converts it to PointcloudAnnotation. :param path: Path to the json file. :type path: str :param project_meta: Input :class:`ProjectMeta<supervisely.project.project_meta.ProjectMeta>`. :type project_meta: ProjectMeta :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional :return: PointcloudAnnotation object :rtype: :class:`PointcloudAnnotation<PointcloudAnnotation>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) team_name = 'Vehicle Detection' workspace_name = 'Cities' project_name = 'London' team = workspace = api.workspace.get_info_by_name(, workspace_name) project = api.project.get_info_by_name(, project_name) project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) # Load json file path = "/home/admin/work/docs/my_dataset/ann/annotation.json" ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.load_json_file(path, project_meta) """ with open(path) as fin: data = json.load(fin) return cls.from_json(data, project_meta, key_id_map)
[docs] def clone( self, objects: Optional[PointcloudObjectCollection] = None, figures: Optional[List] = None, tags: Optional[PointcloudTagCollection] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> PointcloudAnnotation: """ Makes a copy of PointcloudAnnotation with new fields, if fields are given, otherwise it will use fields of the original PointcloudAnnotation. :param objects: PointcloudObjectCollection object :type objects: PointcloudObjectCollection :param figures: list of pointcloud figures :type figures: list of figures :param tags: PointcloudTagCollection object :type tags: PointcloudTagCollection :param description: Description text :type description: str :return: PointcloudAnnotation class object :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap address = '' token = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api(address, token) key_id_map = KeyIdMap() pointcloud_id = 19481098 project_id = 19441 project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) ann_json = ann = sly.PointcloudAnnotation.from_json( data=ann_json, project_meta=project_meta, key_id_map=key_id_map ) obj_class_car = sly.ObjClass('car', sly.Cuboid) pointcloud_obj_car = sly.PointcloudObject(obj_class_car) new_objects = sly.PointcloudObjectCollection([pointcloud_obj_car]) new_ann = ann.clone(objects=new_objects) print(new_ann.to_json()) # Output: { # "description": "", # "figures": [], # "key": "2cc443272aca4cfa9c4f404614938aa7", # "objects": [ # { # "classTitle": "Pole", # "createdAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z", # "key": "eff2ec5e3cda47968f45bc51b36a0dc1", # "labelerLogin": "almaz", # "tags": [], # "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z" # }, # { # "classTitle": "Tram", # "createdAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z", # "key": "6baa92e09ceb413ba8fbfcfae74be1c7", # "labelerLogin": "almaz", # "tags": [], # "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T06:38:44.934Z" # }, # { # "classTitle": "car", # "key": "6b1bced23061437b8ddbcdd267548c96", # "tags": [] # } # ], # "tags": [] # } """ return PointcloudAnnotation( objects=take_with_default(objects, self.objects), figures=take_with_default(figures, self.figures), tags=take_with_default(tags, self.tags), description=take_with_default(description, self.description), )