Source code for supervisely.pointcloud.pointcloud

# coding: utf-8
"""Functions for processing pointclouds"""

import os
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np

from supervisely._utils import abs_url, is_development
from import ensure_base_path
from supervisely.sly_logger import logger

# Do NOT use directly for extension validation. Use is_valid_ext() /  has_valid_ext() below instead.

class PointcloudExtensionError(Exception):

class UnsupportedPointcloudFormat(Exception):

class PointcloudReadException(Exception):

[docs]def is_valid_ext(ext: str) -> bool: """ Checks if given extention is supported. :param ext: Pointcloud file extension. :type ext: str :return: bool :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly sly.pointcloud.is_valid_ext(".pcd") # True sly.pointcloud.is_valid_ext(".mp4") # False """ return ext.lower() in ALLOWED_POINTCLOUD_EXTENSIONS
[docs]def has_valid_ext(path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if file from given path with given extention is supported :param path: Pointcloud file path. :type path: str :return: bool :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "/Users/Downloads/demo_pointcloud-2/LYFT/1231201437602160096.pcd" sly.pointcloud.has_valid_ext(path) # True sly.pointcloud.has_valid_ext(path) # False """ return is_valid_ext(os.path.splitext(path)[1])
[docs]def validate_ext(ext: str) -> None: """ Raise error if given extention is not supported :param ext: Pointcloud file extension. :type ext: str :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly sly.pointcloud.validate_ext(".mp4") # UnsupportedPointcloudFormat: Unsupported pointcloud extension: .mp4. # Only the following extensions are supported: ['.pcd']. """ if not is_valid_ext(ext): raise UnsupportedPointcloudFormat( "Unsupported pointcloud extension: {}. Only the following extensions are supported: {}.".format( ext, ALLOWED_POINTCLOUD_EXTENSIONS ) )
# TODO: add validation for all pcd versions accrdingly to # def is_valid_pcd(file_path): # """ # Checks if the given file is a valid PCD file. # :param file_path: Path to the file. # :type file_path: str # :return: True if the file is a valid PCD file, False otherwise. # :rtype: :class:`bool` # :Usage example: # .. code-block:: python # import supervisely as sly # pcd_path = "/pointclouds/pcd0001.jpg" # sly.pointcloud.is_valid_pcd(pcd_path) # False # """ # try: # with open(file_path, "rb") as file: # header_lines = [ # next(file).decode("utf-8") for _ in range(11) # ] # Assuming a standard PCD header has 11 lines # # Check if the header contains expected PCD identifiers # if all( # line.startswith("#") # or line.startswith("VERSION") # or line.startswith("FIELDS") # or line.startswith("SIZE") # or line.startswith("TYPE") # or line.startswith("COUNT") # or line.startswith("WIDTH") # or line.startswith("HEIGHT") # or line.startswith("VIEWPOINT") # or line.startswith("POINTS") # or line.startswith("DATA") # for line in header_lines # ): # return True # else: # return False # except Exception as e: # logger.debug(f"Error: {e}") # return False
[docs]def validate_format(path: str): """ Raise error if file from given path with given extention is not supported :param path: Pointcloud file path. :type path: str :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly path = "/Downloads/videos/111.mp4" sly.pointcloud.validate_format(path) # UnsupportedPointcloudFormat: Unsupported pointcloud extension: .mp4. # Only the following extensions are supported: ['.pcd']. """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) validate_ext(ext)
[docs]def is_valid_format(path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if Pointcloud file from given path has supported extension. :param path: Path to Pointcloud file. :type path: str :return: True if file format in list of supported pointcloud formats, False - in otherwise :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly pcd_path = "/pointclouds/pcd0001.jpg" sly.pointcloud.is_valid_format(pcd_path) # False """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext.lower() in ALLOWED_POINTCLOUD_EXTENSIONS: # TODO: uncomment when pcd validation will be implemented # if ext.lower() == ".pcd": # if not is_valid_pcd(path): # return False return True else: return False
[docs]def get_labeling_tool_url(dataset_id: int, pointcloud_id: int): """ Get the URL for the labeling tool with the specified dataset ID and point cloud ID. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param pointcloud_id: Point cloud ID in Supervisely. :type pointcloud_id: int :return: URL for the labeling tool with the specified dataset ID and point cloud ID :rtype: str :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") pointcloud_id = 19373403 pcd_info = api.pointcloud.get_info_by_id(pointcloud_id) url = sly.pointcloud.get_labeling_tool_url(pcd_info.dataset_id, print(url) # Output: # """ res = f"/app/point-clouds/?datasetId={dataset_id}&pointCloudId={pointcloud_id}" if is_development(): res = abs_url(res) return res
[docs]def read(path: str, coords_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Loads a pointcloud from the specified file and returns it in XYZ format. :param path: Path to file. :type path: str :return: Numpy array :rtype: :class:`np.ndarray` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly pcd_np ='/home/admin/work/pointclouds/ptc0.pcd') """ try: import open3d as o3d except ImportError: raise ImportError( "No module named open3d. Please make sure that module is installed from pip and try again." ) validate_format(path) if coords_dims is None: coords_dims = [0, 1, 2] pcd_data = if pcd_data is None: raise IOError(f"open3d can not open the file {path}") pointcloud_np = np.asarray(pcd_data.points) pointcloud_np = pointcloud_np[:, coords_dims] return pointcloud_np
[docs]def write(path: str, pointcloud_np: np.ndarray, coords_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> bool: """ Saves a pointcloud to the specified file. It creates directory from path if the directory for this path does not exist. :param path: Path to file. :type path: str :param pointcloud_np: Pointcloud [N, 3] in XYZ format. :type pointcloud_np: :class:`np.ndarray` :param coords_dims: List of indexes for (X, Y, Z) coords. Default (if None): [0, 1, 2]. :type coords_dims: Optional[List[int]] :return: Success or not. :rtype: bool :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly import numpy as np pointcloud = np.random.randn(100, 3) ptc = sly.pointcloud.write('/home/admin/work/pointclouds/ptc0.pcd', pointcloud) """ try: import open3d as o3d except ImportError: raise ImportError( "No module named open3d. Please make sure that module is installed from pip and try again." ) ensure_base_path(path) validate_format(path) if coords_dims is None: coords_dims = [0, 1, 2] pointcloud_np = pointcloud_np[:, coords_dims] pcd_data = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd_data.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pointcloud_np) return, pcd_data)