Source code for supervisely.geometry.image_rotator

# coding: utf-8

import math

import cv2
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple

from supervisely.geometry.rectangle import Rectangle
from supervisely.geometry.point_location import PointLocation

# to rotate image & objects wrt source img center
# output image will contain all 'pixels' from source img
[docs]class ImageRotator: """ ImageRotator for rotating images and geometry figures. :param imsize: Shape of the image (height, width) :type imsize: Tuple[int, int] or List[int, int] :param angle_degrees_ccw: Angle to rotate image. :type angle_degrees_ccw: int :Usage example: .. code-block:: python height, width = 300, 400 rotator = ImageRotator((height, width), 25) """ # to get rect with max 'coloured' area in rotated img def _calc_inner_crop(self): """ Given a rectangle of self.src_imsize HxW that has been rotated by self.angle_degrees_ccw (in degrees), computes the location of the largest possible axis-aligned rectangle within the rotated rectangle. """ # TODO This needs significant streamlinig. a_ccw = np.deg2rad(self.angle_degrees_ccw) quadrant = math.floor(a_ccw / (math.pi / 2)) & 3 sign_alpha = a_ccw if ((quadrant & 1) == 0) else math.pi - a_ccw alpha = (sign_alpha % math.pi + math.pi) % math.pi h, w = self.src_imsize bb_w = w * math.cos(alpha) + h * math.sin(alpha) bb_h = w * math.sin(alpha) + h * math.cos(alpha) gamma = math.atan2(bb_w, bb_w) if (w < h) else math.atan2(bb_w, bb_w) delta = math.pi - alpha - gamma length = h if (w < h) else w d = length * math.cos(alpha) a = d * math.sin(alpha) / math.sin(delta) y = a * math.cos(gamma) x = y * math.tan(gamma) largest_w, largest_h = bb_w - 2 * x, bb_h - 2 * y new_h, new_w = self.new_imsize left = round((new_w - largest_w) * 0.5) right = round((new_w + largest_w) * 0.5) top = round((new_h - largest_h) * 0.5) bottom = round((new_h + largest_h) * 0.5) some_inner_crop = Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right) new_img_bbox = Rectangle(0, 0, self.new_imsize[0] - 1, self.new_imsize[1] - 1) self.inner_crop = new_img_bbox.crop(some_inner_crop)[0] @staticmethod def _affine_matrix_and_new_canvas_size(imsize, angle_degrees_ccw): """ """ rows, cols = imsize bottom, right = rows - 1, cols - 1 image_center = (bottom / 2.0, right / 2.0) # Opencv uses a left-hand-side coordinate system (col, row), so to get the same effective transform we need to # negate the angle. affine_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, -angle_degrees_ccw, 1.0) source_corners_uniform = np.array([ [0, 0, 1], [0, right, 1], [bottom, 0, 1], [bottom, right, 1]]) rotated_corners = # Get the upper and lower calues for rotated coordinates to find out the bounding box. rotated_upper_values = np.max(rotated_corners, axis=0) rotated_lower_values = np.min(rotated_corners, axis=0) # Add extra translation to map the upper left corner of the boundig box to origin (i.e. to get coordinates in # the new canvas covering the entire rotated image. affine_matrix[:, 2] -= rotated_lower_values new_canvas_size = np.ceil(rotated_upper_values - rotated_lower_values + 1).astype(np.int64).tolist() return affine_matrix, new_canvas_size def __init__(self, imsize: Tuple[int, int], angle_degrees_ccw: int): self.src_imsize = tuple(imsize) self.angle_degrees_ccw = angle_degrees_ccw # Transform matrix for the RHS (col, row) coordinate system. self.affine_matrix, self.new_imsize = self._affine_matrix_and_new_canvas_size(imsize, angle_degrees_ccw) # Opencv uses a left-hand-side coordinate system (col, row), so to get the same effective transform we need to # negate the angle. # Also flip the image size as OpenCV uses cols-rows order. self.opencv_affine_matrix, _ = self._affine_matrix_and_new_canvas_size(imsize[::-1], -angle_degrees_ccw) self._calc_inner_crop()
[docs] def transform_point(self, point: PointLocation) -> PointLocation: """ Calculates new parameters of PointLocation after rotation. :param point: PointLocation object. :type point: PointLocation :return: PointLocation object :rtype: :class:`PointLocation<supervisely.geometry.point_location.PointLocation>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly point = sly.PointLocation(100, 200) height, width = 300, 400 rotator = ImageRotator((height, width), 25) rotate_point = rotator.transform_point(point) rotate_point_json = rotate_point.to_json() print(rotate_point_json) # Output: # { # "points": { # "exterior": [ # [224, 175] # ], # "interior": [] # } # } """ point_np_uniform = np.array([point.row, point.col, 1]) transformed_np = # Unwrap numpy types so that round() produces integer results. return PointLocation(row=round(transformed_np[0].item()), col=round(transformed_np[1].item()))
[docs] def rotate_img(self, img: np.ndarray, use_inter_nearest: bool) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates new parameters of image after rotation. :param img: Image to rotate. :type img: np.ndarray :param use_inter_nearest: If True uses `cv2.INTER_NEAREST <>`_ parameter in rotation, otherwise don't. :type use_inter_nearest: bool :return: Rotated image :rtype: :class:`np.ndarray` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python height, width = 300, 400 rotator = ImageRotator((height, width), 25) mask = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) rotate_mask = rotator.rotate_img(mask, True) print(rotate_mask.shape) # Output: (441, 489, 3) """ if use_inter_nearest: interp = cv2.INTER_NEAREST # @TODO: cv2 INTER_NEAREST may shift coords, what to do? else: interp = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 res = cv2.warpAffine(src=img, M=self.opencv_affine_matrix, dsize=tuple(self.new_imsize[::-1]), flags=interp) return res