# coding: utf-8
# docs
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Optional
import cv2
import numpy as np
from supervisely.geometry.image_rotator import ImageRotator
from supervisely.geometry.point_location import PointLocation
from supervisely.geometry.constants import FACES, POINTS, LABELER_LOGIN, UPDATED_AT, CREATED_AT, ID, CLASS_ID
from supervisely.geometry.geometry import Geometry
from supervisely.geometry.point_location import points_to_row_col_list, row_col_list_to_points
from supervisely.geometry.rectangle import Rectangle
if not hasattr(np, 'bool'): np.bool = np.bool_
[docs]class CuboidFace:
CuboidFace for a single :class:`Cuboid<supervisely.geometry.cuboid.Cuboid>`.
:param a: Node of the CuboidFace.
:type a: int
:param b: Node of the CuboidFace.
:type b: int
:param c: Node of the CuboidFace.
:type c: int
:param d: Node of the CuboidFace.
:type d: int
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
edge = CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3)
def __init__(self, a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int):
self._a = a
self._b = b
self._c = c
self._d = d
[docs] def to_json(self) -> List[int]:
Convert the CuboidFace to list. Read more about `Supervisely format <https://docs.supervise.ly/data-organization/00_ann_format_navi>`_.
:return: List of integers
:rtype: :class:`List[int, int, int, int]`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
edge = CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3)
edge_json = edge.to_json()
# Output: [0, 1, 2, 3]
return [self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d]
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, data: List[int]) -> CuboidFace:
Convert list of integers to CuboidFace. Read more about `Supervisely format <https://docs.supervise.ly/data-organization/00_ann_format_navi>`_.
:param data: List of integers.
:type data: List[int, int, int, int]
:return: CuboidFace object
:rtype: :class:`CuboidFace<CuboidFace>`
:raises: :class:`ValueError` if data have not 4 indices
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
new_edge = CuboidFace.from_json([0, 1, 2, 3])
if len(data) != 4:
raise ValueError(f'CuboidFace JSON data must have exactly 4 indices, instead got {len(data)!r}.')
return cls(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3])
def a(self):
return self._a
def b(self):
return self._b
def c(self):
return self._c
def d(self):
return self._d
[docs] def tolist(self) -> List[int]:
Convert CuboidFace to list.
:return: List of integers.
:rtype: :class:`List[int, int, int, int]`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
edge = CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3)
# Output: [0, 1, 2, 3]
return [self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d]
[docs]class Cuboid(Geometry):
Cuboid geometry for a single :class:`Label<supervisely.annotation.label.Label>`. :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>` class object is immutable.
:param points: List or tuple of :class:`PointLocation<supervisely.geometry.point_location.PointLocation>` objects.
:type points: List[PointLocation] or Tuple[PointLocation]
:param faces: List or tuple of :class:`CuboidFace<CuboidFace>` objects.
:type faces: List[CuboidFace] or Tuple[CuboidFace]
:param sly_id: Cuboid ID in Supervisely server.
:type sly_id: int, optional
:param class_id: ID for :class:`ObjClass<supervisely.annotation.obj_class.ObjClass>` to which belongs Cuboid.
:type class_id: int, optional
:param labeler_login: Login of the user who created Cuboid.
:type labeler_login: str, optional
:param updated_at: Date and Time when Cuboid was modified last. Date Format: Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minute:Seconds. Example: '2021-01-22T19:37:50.158Z'.
:type updated_at: str, optional
:param created_at: Date and Time when Cuboid was created. Date Format is the same as in "updated_at" parameter.
:type created_at: str, optional
:raises: :class:`ValueError`, if len(:class:`faces<faces>`) != 3
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
[docs] @staticmethod
def geometry_name():
return 'cuboid'
def __init__(self, points: List[PointLocation], faces: List[CuboidFace], sly_id: Optional[int] = None, class_id: Optional[int] = None,
labeler_login: Optional[int] = None, updated_at: Optional[str] = None, created_at: Optional[str] = None):
super().__init__(sly_id=sly_id, class_id=class_id, labeler_login=labeler_login, updated_at=updated_at, created_at=created_at)
points = list(points)
faces = list(faces)
if len(faces) != 3:
raise ValueError(f'A cuboid must have exactly 3 faces. Instead got {len(faces)} faces.')
for face in faces:
for point_idx in (face.a, face.b, face.c, face.d):
if point_idx >= len(points) or point_idx < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Point index is out of bounds for cuboid face. Got {len(points)!r} points, but '
f'the index is {point_idx!r}.')
self._points = points
self._faces = faces
def points(self) -> List[PointLocation]:
List of :class:`PointLocation<supervisely.geometry.point_location.PointLocation>` objects.
:return: Cuboid nodes
:rtype: :class:`List[PointLocation]`
return self._points.copy()
def faces(self) -> List[CuboidFace]:
List of :class:`CuboidFace<CuboidFace>` objects.
:return: Cuboid edges
:rtype: :class:`List[CuboidFace]`
return self._faces.copy()
[docs] def to_json(self) -> Dict:
Convert the Cuboid to a json dict. Read more about `Supervisely format <https://docs.supervise.ly/data-organization/00_ann_format_navi>`_.
:return: Json format as a dict
:rtype: :class:`dict`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
figure_json = figure.to_json()
# Output: {
# "faces": [
# [0, 1, 2, 3],
# [0, 4, 5, 1],
# [1, 5, 6, 2]
# ],
# "points": [
# [273, 277],
# [273, 840],
# [690, 840],
# [690, 277],
# [168, 688],
# [168, 1200],
# [522, 1200]
# ]
# }
packed_obj = {
POINTS: points_to_row_col_list(self._points, flip_row_col_order=True),
FACES: [face.to_json() for face in self._faces]
return packed_obj
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, data: Dict) -> Cuboid:
Convert a json dict to Cuboid. Read more about `Supervisely format <https://docs.supervise.ly/data-organization/00_ann_format_navi>`_.
:param data: Cuboid in json format as a dict.
:type data: dict
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:raises: :class:`ValueError` if json format is not correct
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
data = {
"faces": [
[0, 1, 2, 3],
[0, 4, 5, 1],
[1, 5, 6, 2]
"points": [
[273, 277],
[273, 840],
[690, 840],
[690, 277],
[168, 688],
[168, 1200],
[522, 1200]
figure = sly.Cuboid.from_json(data)
for k in [POINTS, FACES]:
if k not in data:
raise ValueError(f'Field {k!r} not found in Cuboid JSON data.')
points = row_col_list_to_points(data[POINTS], flip_row_col_order=True)
faces = [CuboidFace.from_json(face_json) for face_json in data[FACES]]
labeler_login = data.get(LABELER_LOGIN, None)
updated_at = data.get(UPDATED_AT, None)
created_at = data.get(CREATED_AT, None)
sly_id = data.get(ID, None)
class_id = data.get(CLASS_ID, None)
return cls(points=points, faces=faces,
sly_id=sly_id, class_id=class_id, labeler_login=labeler_login, updated_at=updated_at, created_at=created_at)
[docs] def crop(self, rect: Rectangle) -> List[Cuboid]:
Crops current Cuboid.
:param rect: Rectangle object for crop.
:type rect: Rectangle
:return: List of Cuboid objects
:rtype: :class:`List[Cuboid]<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
crop_figures = figure.crop(sly.Rectangle(1, 1, 1500, 1550))
is_all_nodes_inside = all(
rect.contains_point_location(self._points[p]) for face in self._faces for p in face.tolist())
return [self] if is_all_nodes_inside else []
def _transform(self, transform_fn):
return Cuboid(points=[transform_fn(p) for p in self.points], faces=self.faces)
[docs] def rotate(self, rotator: ImageRotator) -> Cuboid:
Rotates current Cuboid.
:param rotator: ImageRotator object for rotation.
:type rotator: ImageRotator
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
from supervisely.geometry.image_rotator import ImageRotator
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Remember that Cuboid class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Cuboid to a new variable
rotator = ImageRotator((300, 400), 25)
rotate_fugure= figure.rotate(rotator)
return self._transform(lambda p: rotator.transform_point(p))
[docs] def resize(self, in_size: Tuple[int, int], out_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> Cuboid:
Resize current Cuboid.
:param in_size: Input image size (height, width) to which belongs Cuboid object.
:type in_size: Tuple[int, int]
:param out_size: Desired output image size (height, width) to which belongs Cuboid object.
:type out_size: Tuple[int, int]
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Remember that Cuboid class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Cuboid to a new variable
in_height, in_width = 1250, 1400
out_height, out_width = 600, 800
resize_figure = figure.resize((in_height, in_width), (out_height, out_width))
return self._transform(lambda p: p.resize(in_size, out_size))
[docs] def scale(self, factor: float) -> Cuboid:
Scale current Cuboid.
:param factor: Scale parameter.
:type factor: float
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Remember that Cuboid class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Cuboid to a new variable
scale_figure = figure.scale(1.75)
return self._transform(lambda p: p.scale(factor))
[docs] def translate(self, drow: int, dcol: int) -> Cuboid:
Translate current Cuboid.
:param drow: Horizontal shift.
:type drow: int
:param dcol: Vertical shift.
:type dcol: int
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Remember that Cuboid class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Cuboid to a new variable
translate_figure = figure.translate(150, 350)
return self._transform(lambda p: p.translate(drow, dcol))
[docs] def fliplr(self, img_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> Cuboid:
Flips current Cuboid in horizontal.
:param img_size: Image size (height, width) to which belongs Cuboid object.
:type img_size: Tuple[int, int]
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Remember that Cuboid class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Cuboid to a new variable
height, width = 1250, 1400
fliplr_figure = figure.fliplr((height, width))
return self._transform(lambda p: p.fliplr(img_size))
[docs] def flipud(self, img_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> Cuboid:
Flips current Cuboid in vertical.
:param img_size: Image size (height, width) to which belongs Cuboid object.
:type img_size: Tuple[int, int]
:return: Cuboid object
:rtype: :class:`Cuboid<Cuboid>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Remember that Cuboid class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Cuboid to a new variable
height, width = 1250, 1400
flipud_figure = figure.flipud((height, width))
return self._transform(lambda p: p.flipud(img_size))
def _draw_impl(self, bitmap: np.ndarray, color, thickness=1, config=None):
bmp_to_draw = np.zeros(bitmap.shape[:2], np.uint8)
for contour in self._contours_list():
cv2.fillPoly(bmp_to_draw, pts=[np.array(contour, dtype=np.int32)], color=1)
bool_mask = bmp_to_draw.astype(bool)
bitmap[bool_mask] = color
def _draw_contour_impl(self, bitmap, color, thickness=1, config=None):
contours_np_list = [np.array(contour, dtype=np.int32) for contour in self._contours_list()]
cv2.polylines(bitmap, pts=contours_np_list, isClosed=True, color=color, thickness=thickness)
def _contours_list(self):
return [points_to_row_col_list([self._points[idx] for idx in face.tolist()], flip_row_col_order=True)
for face in self._faces]
[docs] def to_bbox(self) -> Rectangle:
Create Rectangle object from current Cuboid.
:return: Rectangle object
:rtype: :class:`Rectangle<supervisely.geometry.rectangle.Rectangle>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
rectangle = figure.to_bbox()
points_np = np.array([[self._points[p].row, self._points[p].col]
for face in self._faces for p in face.tolist()])
rows, cols = points_np[:, 0], points_np[:, 1]
return Rectangle(top=round(min(rows).item()), left=round(min(cols).item()), bottom=round(max(rows).item()),
def area(self) -> float:
Cuboid area.
:return: Area of current Cuboid
:rtype: :class:`float`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.cuboid import CuboidFace
nodes = [[277, 273], [840, 273], [840, 690], [277, 690], [688, 168], [1200, 168], [1200, 522]]
edges = [CuboidFace(0, 1, 2, 3), CuboidFace(0, 4, 5, 1), CuboidFace(1, 5, 6, 2)]
pl_nodes = (sly.PointLocation(node[0], node[1]) for node in nodes)
figure = sly.Cuboid(pl_nodes, edges)
# Output: 5146.0
bbox = self.to_bbox()
canvas = np.zeros([bbox.bottom + 1, bbox.right + 1], dtype=np.bool)
self.draw(canvas, True)
return float(np.sum(canvas))