# coding: utf-8
# docs
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import io
import zlib
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from supervisely.geometry.bitmap_base import BitmapBase, resize_origin_and_bitmap
from supervisely.geometry.constants import BITMAP
from supervisely.geometry.image_rotator import ImageRotator
from supervisely.geometry.point_location import PointLocation, row_col_list_to_points
from supervisely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from supervisely.geometry.rectangle import Rectangle
from supervisely.imaging.image import read
if not hasattr(np, "bool"):
np.bool = np.bool_
[docs]class SkeletonizeMethod(Enum):
Specifies possible skeletonization methods of :class:`Bitmap<Bitmap>`.
def _find_mask_tight_bbox(raw_mask: np.ndarray) -> Rectangle:
rows = list(
np.any(raw_mask, axis=1).tolist()
) # Redundant conversion to list to help PyCharm static analysis.
cols = list(np.any(raw_mask, axis=0).tolist())
top_margin = rows.index(True)
bottom_margin = rows[::-1].index(True)
left_margin = cols.index(True)
right_margin = cols[::-1].index(True)
return Rectangle(
bottom=len(rows) - 1 - bottom_margin,
right=len(cols) - 1 - right_margin,
[docs]class Bitmap(BitmapBase):
Bitmap geometry for a single :class:`Label<supervisely.annotation.label.Label>`. :class:`Bitmap<Bitmap>` object is immutable.
:param data: Bitmap mask data. Must be a numpy array with only 2 unique values: [0, 1] or [0, 255] or [False, True].
:type data: np.ndarray
:param origin: :class:`PointLocation<supervisely.geometry.point_location.PointLocation>`: top, left corner of Bitmap. Position of the Bitmap within image.
:type origin: PointLocation, optional
:param sly_id: Bitmap ID in Supervisely server.
:type sly_id: int, optional
:param class_id: ID of :class:`ObjClass<supervisely.annotation.obj_class.ObjClass>` to which Bitmap belongs.
:type class_id: int, optional
:param labeler_login: Login of the user who created Bitmap.
:type labeler_login: str, optional
:param updated_at: Date and Time when Bitmap was modified last. Date Format: Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minute:Seconds. Example: '2021-01-22T19:37:50.158Z'.
:type updated_at: str, optional
:param created_at: Date and Time when Bitmap was created. Date Format is the same as in "updated_at" parameter.
:type created_at: str, optional
:param extra_validation: If True, additional validation is performed. Throws a ValueError if values of the data are not one of [0, 1], [0, 255], [True, False]. This option affects performance. If False, the mask is converted to dtype np.bool.
:type extra_validation: bool, optional
:raises: :class:`ValueError`, if data is not bool or no pixels set to True in data
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
# Create simple bitmap
mask = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.bool_)
figure = sly.Bitmap(mask)
# Note, when creating a bitmap, the specified mask is cut off by positive values, based on this, a origin is formed:
# Output:
# [[ True True True]
# [ True False True]
# [ True True True]]
origin = figure.origin.to_json()
print(json.dumps(origin, indent=4))
# Output: {
# "points": {
# "exterior": [
# [
# 1,
# 1
# ]
# ],
# "interior": []
# }
# Create bitmap from black and white image:
img = sly.imaging.image.read(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'black_white.jpeg'))
mask = img[:, :, 0].astype(bool) # Get 2-dimensional bool numpy array
figure = sly.Bitmap(mask)
.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/2L3HRPs.jpg
[docs] @staticmethod
def geometry_name():
return "bitmap"
def __init__(
data: np.ndarray,
origin: Optional[PointLocation] = None,
sly_id: Optional[int] = None,
class_id: Optional[int] = None,
labeler_login: Optional[int] = None,
updated_at: Optional[str] = None,
created_at: Optional[str] = None,
extra_validation: Optional[bool] = True,
if data.dtype != np.bool:
if extra_validation:
if not (
np.all(np.isin(data, [0, 1]))
or np.all(np.isin(data, [0, 255]))
or np.all(np.isin(data, [False, True]))
unique = np.unique(data)
if len(unique) != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"Bitmap mask data must have only 2 unique values. Instead got {len(unique)}."
if list(unique) not in [[0, 1], [0, 255]]:
raise ValueError(
f"Bitmap mask data values must be one of: [ 0 1], [ 0 255], [ False True]. Instead got {unique}."
data = np.array(data, dtype=np.bool)
# Call base constructor first to do the basic dimensionality checks.
# Crop the empty margins of the boolean mask right away.
if not np.any(data):
raise ValueError(
"Creating a bitmap with an empty mask (no pixels set to True) is not supported."
data_tight_bbox = _find_mask_tight_bbox(self._data)
self._origin = self._origin.translate(drow=data_tight_bbox.top, dcol=data_tight_bbox.left)
self._data = data_tight_bbox.get_cropped_numpy_slice(self._data)
def _impl_json_class_name(cls):
return BITMAP
[docs] def rotate(self, rotator: ImageRotator) -> Bitmap:
Rotates current Bitmap.
:param rotator: :class:`ImageRotator<supervisely.geometry.image_rotator.ImageRotator>` for Bitamp rotation.
:type rotator: ImageRotator
:return: Bitmap object
:rtype: :class:`Bitmap<Bitmap>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
from supervisely.geometry.image_rotator import ImageRotator
height, width = ann.img_size
rotator = ImageRotator((height, width), 25)
# Remember that Bitmap class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Bitmap to a new variable
rotate_figure = figure.rotate(rotator)
full_img_mask = np.zeros(rotator.src_imsize, dtype=np.uint8)
self.draw(full_img_mask, 1)
# TODO this may break for one-pixel masks (it can disappear during rotation). Instead, rotate every pixel
# individually and set it in the resulting bitmap.
new_mask = rotator.rotate_img(full_img_mask, use_inter_nearest=True).astype(np.bool)
return Bitmap(data=new_mask)
[docs] def crop(self, rect: Rectangle) -> List[Bitmap]:
Crops current Bitmap.
:param rect: Rectangle object for cropping.
:type rect: Rectangle
:return: List of Bitmaps
:rtype: :class:`List[Bitmap]<supervisely.geometry.bitmap.Bitmap>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
crop_figures = figure.crop(sly.Rectangle(1, 1, 300, 350))
maybe_cropped_bbox = self.to_bbox().crop(rect)
if len(maybe_cropped_bbox) == 0:
return []
[cropped_bbox] = maybe_cropped_bbox
cropped_bbox_relative = cropped_bbox.translate(
drow=-self.origin.row, dcol=-self.origin.col
cropped_mask = cropped_bbox_relative.get_cropped_numpy_slice(self._data)
if not np.any(cropped_mask):
return []
return [
origin=PointLocation(row=cropped_bbox.top, col=cropped_bbox.left),
[docs] def resize(self, in_size: Tuple[int, int], out_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> Bitmap:
Resizes current Bitmap.
:param in_size: Input image size (height, width) to which Bitmap belongs.
:type in_size: Tuple[int, int]
:param out_size: Output image size (height, width) to which Bitmap belongs.
:type out_size: Tuple[int, int]
:return: Bitmap object
:rtype: :class:`Bitmap<Bitmap>`
:Usage Example:
.. code-block:: python
in_height, in_width = 800, 1067
out_height, out_width = 600, 800
# Remember that Bitmap class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Bitmap to a new variable
resize_figure = figure.resize((in_height, in_width), (out_height, out_width))
scaled_origin, scaled_data = resize_origin_and_bitmap(
self._origin, self._data.astype(np.uint8), in_size, out_size
# TODO this might break if a sparse mask is resized too thinly. Instead, resize every pixel individually and set
# it in the resulting bitmap.
return self.__class__(data=scaled_data, origin=scaled_origin)
def _draw_impl(self, bitmap, color, thickness=1, config=None):
self.to_bbox().get_cropped_numpy_slice(bitmap)[self.data] = color
def _draw_contour_impl(self, bitmap, color, thickness=1, config=None):
# pylint: disable=(no-member, unpacking-non-sequence)
if StrictVersion(cv2.__version__) >= StrictVersion("4.0.0"):
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
_, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
if contours is not None:
for cont in contours:
cont[:, :] += (
) # cont with shape (rows, ?, 2)
bitmap, contours, -1, color, thickness=thickness
# pylint: enable=(no-member, unpacking-non-sequence)
def area(self) -> float:
Bitmap area.
:return: Area of current Bitmap
:rtype: :class:`float`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
# Output: 88101.0
return float(self._data.sum())
[docs] @staticmethod
def base64_2_data(s: str) -> np.ndarray:
Convert base64 encoded string to numpy array. Supports both compressed and uncompressed masks.
:param s: Input base64 encoded string.
:type s: str
:return: Bool numpy array
:rtype: :class:`np.ndarray`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
encoded_string = 'eJzrDPBz5+WS4mJgYOD19HAJAtLMIMwIInOeqf8BUmwBPiGuQPr///9Lb86/C2QxlgT5BTM4PLuRBuTwebo4hlTMSa44sKHhISMDuxpTYrr03F6gDIOnq5/LOqeEJgDM5ht6'
figure_data = sly.Bitmap.base64_2_data(encoded_string)
# [[ True True True]
# [ True False True]
# [ True True True]]
boolean_mask = sly.Bitmap.base64_2_data(uncompressed_string)
# [[ True True True]
# [ True False True]
# [ True True True]]
z = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(s))
except zlib.error:
# If the string is not compressed, we'll not use zlib.
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(s)))
return np.any(np.array(img), axis=-1)
n = np.frombuffer(z, np.uint8)
imdecoded = cv2.imdecode(n, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # pylint: disable=(no-member, unpacking-non-sequenc)
if (len(imdecoded.shape) == 3) and (imdecoded.shape[2] >= 4):
mask = imdecoded[:, :, 3].astype(bool) # 4-channel imgs # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
elif len(imdecoded.shape) == 2:
mask = imdecoded.astype(bool) # flat 2d mask
raise RuntimeError("Wrong internal mask format.")
return mask
[docs] @staticmethod
def data_2_base64(mask: np.ndarray) -> str:
Convert numpy array to base64 encoded string.
:param mask: Bool numpy array.
:type mask: np.ndarray
:return: Base64 encoded string
:rtype: :class:`str`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
address = 'https://app.supervise.ly/'
token = 'Your Supervisely API Token'
api = sly.Api(address, token)
# Get annotation from API
meta_json = api.project.get_meta(PROJECT_ID)
meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json)
ann_info = api.annotation.download(IMAGE_ID)
ann = sly.Annotation.from_json(ann_info.annotation, meta)
# Get Bitmap from annotation
for label in ann.labels:
if type(label.geometry) == sly.Bitmap:
figure = label.geometry
encoded_string = sly.Bitmap.data_2_base64(figure.data)
# 'eJzrDPBz5+WS4mJgYOD19HAJAtLMIMwIInOeqf8BUmwBPiGuQPr///9Lb86/C2QxlgT5BTM4PLuRBuTwebo4hlTMSa44sKHhISMDuxpTYrr03F6gDIOnq5/LOqeEJgDM5ht6'
img_pil = Image.fromarray(np.array(mask, dtype=np.uint8))
img_pil.putpalette([0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255])
bytes_io = io.BytesIO()
img_pil.save(bytes_io, format="PNG", transparency=0, optimize=0)
bytes_enc = bytes_io.getvalue()
return base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(bytes_enc)).decode("utf-8")
[docs] def skeletonize(self, method_id: SkeletonizeMethod) -> Bitmap:
Compute the skeleton, medial axis transform or morphological thinning of Bitmap.
:param method_id: Method to convert bool numpy array.
:type method_id: SkeletonizeMethod
:return: Bitmap object
:rtype: :class:`Bitmap<Bitmap>`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
# Remember that Bitmap class object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of Bitmap to a new variable
skeleton_figure = figure.skeletonize(SkeletonizeMethod.SKELETONIZE)
med_ax_figure = figure.skeletonize(SkeletonizeMethod.MEDIAL_AXIS)
thin_figure = figure.skeletonize(SkeletonizeMethod.THINNING)
from skimage import morphology as skimage_morphology
if method_id == SkeletonizeMethod.SKELETONIZE:
method = skimage_morphology.skeletonize
elif method_id == SkeletonizeMethod.MEDIAL_AXIS:
method = skimage_morphology.medial_axis
elif method_id == SkeletonizeMethod.THINNING:
method = skimage_morphology.thin
raise NotImplementedError("Method {!r} does't exist.".format(method_id))
mask_u8 = self.data.astype(np.uint8)
if self.__class__ == Bitmap:
res_mask = method(mask_u8).astype(bool)
res_mask = method(mask_u8)
return self.__class__(data=res_mask, origin=self.origin)
[docs] def to_contours(self) -> List[Polygon]:
Get list of contours in Bitmap.
:return: List of Polygon objects
:rtype: :class:`List[Polygon]<supervisely.geometry.polygon.Polygon>`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
figure_contours = figure.to_contours()
origin, mask = self.origin, self.data
# pylint: disable=(no-member, unpacking-non-sequence)
if StrictVersion(cv2.__version__) >= StrictVersion("4.0.0"):
contours, hier = cv2.findContours(
mode=cv2.RETR_CCOMP, # two-level hierarchy, to get polygons with hole
_, contours, hier = cv2.findContours(
mode=cv2.RETR_CCOMP, # two-level hierarchy, to get polygons with hole
# pylint: enable=(no-member, unpacking-non-sequence)
if (hier is None) or (contours is None):
return []
res = []
for idx, hier_pos in enumerate(hier[0]):
next_idx, prev_idx, child_idx, parent_idx = hier_pos
if parent_idx < 0:
external = contours[idx][:, 0].tolist()
internals = []
while child_idx >= 0:
internals.append(contours[child_idx][:, 0])
child_idx = hier[0][child_idx][0]
if len(external) > 2:
new_poly = Polygon(
exterior=row_col_list_to_points(external, flip_row_col_order=True),
row_col_list_to_points(x, flip_row_col_order=True) for x in internals
offset_row, offset_col = origin.row, origin.col
res = [x.translate(offset_row, offset_col) for x in res]
return res
[docs] def bitwise_mask(self, full_target_mask: np.ndarray, bit_op) -> Bitmap:
Make bitwise operations between a given numpy array and Bitmap.
:param full_target_mask: Input numpy array.
:type full_target_mask: np.ndarray
:param bit_op: Type of bitwise operation(and, or, not, xor), uses `numpy logic <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.logic.html>`_ functions.
:type bit_op: `Numpy logical operation <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.logic.html#logical-operations>`_
:return: Bitmap object or empty list
:rtype: :class:`Bitmap<Bitmap>` or :class:`list`
:Usage example:
.. code-block:: python
import supervisely as sly
mask = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.bool_)
figure = sly.Bitmap(mask)
array = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.bool_)
bitwise_figure = figure.bitwise_mask(array, np.logical_and)
# Output:
# [[ True True True]
# [False False False]
# [False True False]]
full_size = full_target_mask.shape[:2]
origin, mask = self.origin, self.data
if self.__class__ == Bitmap:
full_size_mask = np.full(full_size, False, bool)
full_size_mask = np.full(full_size, 0, np.uint8)
origin.row : origin.row + mask.shape[0],
origin.col : origin.col + mask.shape[1],
] = mask
if self.__class__ == Bitmap:
new_mask = bit_op(full_target_mask, full_size_mask).astype(bool)
new_mask = bit_op(full_target_mask, full_size_mask).astype(np.uint8)
if new_mask.sum() == 0:
return []
new_mask = new_mask[
origin.row : origin.row + mask.shape[0],
origin.col : origin.col + mask.shape[1],
return self.__class__(data=new_mask, origin=origin.clone())
[docs] @classmethod
def from_path(cls, path: str) -> Bitmap:
Read bitmap from image by path.
:param path: Path to image
:type path: str
:return: Bitmap
:rtype: Bitmap
img = read(path)
return Bitmap(img[:, :, 0])