Source code for supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection

# coding: utf-8
"""base class for :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>`  and :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` instances"""

# docs
from __future__ import annotations

import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional

from prettytable import PrettyTable

from supervisely._utils import take_with_default

[docs]class DuplicateKeyError(KeyError): r"""Raised when trying to add already existing key to :class:`KeyIndexedCollection <supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection>` """ pass
[docs]class KeyObject: """ Base class for objects that should implement the ``key`` method. The child classes can then be stored in the KeyIndexedCollection. """ def key(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class KeyIndexedCollection: """ Base class for :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` and :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` instances. It is an analogue of python's standard Dict. It allows to store objects inherited from :class:`KeyObject <supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyObject>`. :param items: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` and :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type items: list, optional :raises: :class:`DuplicateKeyError<supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection.DuplicateKeyError>`, when trying to add object with already existing key :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) print(collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#8A0F12", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#8A860F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] # Try to add item with a key that already exists in the collection dublicate_item = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) new_collection = collection.add(dublicate_item) # Output: # supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection.DuplicateKeyError: "Key 'cat' already exists" # Add item with a key that not exist in the collection item_dog = sly.ObjClass('dog', sly.Rectangle) new_collection = collection.add(item_dog) print(new_collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#668A0F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#4D0F8A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "title": "dog", # "shape": "rectangle", # "color": "#0F7F8A", # "geometry_config": {}, # "hotkey": "" # } # ] """ item_type = KeyObject """ The type of items that can be storred in collection. Defaul value is :class:`KeyObject <supervisely.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyObject>`. Field has to be overridden in child class. Before adding object to collection its type is compared with ``item_type`` and ``TypeError`` exception is raised if it differs. Collection is immutable. """ def __init__(self, items: Optional[List[KeyObject]] = None): self._collection = {} self._add_items_impl(self._collection, take_with_default(items, [])) def _add_impl(self, dst_collection, item): """ Add given item to given collection. Raise error if type of item not KeyObject or item with an item with that name is already in given collection :param dst_collection: dictionary :param item: ObjClass, TagMeta or Tag class object :return: dictionary """ if not isinstance(item, KeyIndexedCollection.item_type): raise TypeError( "Item type ({!r}) != {!r}".format( type(item).__name__, KeyIndexedCollection.item_type.__name__ ) ) if item.key() in dst_collection: raise DuplicateKeyError("Key {!r} already exists".format(item.key())) dst_collection[item.key()] = item def _add_items_impl(self, dst_collection, items): """ Add items from input list to given collection. Raise error if type of item not KeyObject or item with an item with that name is already in given collection :param dst_collection: dictionary :param items: list of ObjClass, TagMeta or Tag class objects """ for item in items: self._add_impl(dst_collection, item)
[docs] def add(self, item: KeyObject) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Add given item to collection. :param item: :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` object. :type item: KeyObject :return: New instance of KeyIndexedCollection :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) # Remember that KeyIndexedCollection object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of KeyIndexedCollection to a new variable item_dog = sly.ObjClass('dog', sly.Rectangle) new_collection = collection.add(item_dog) """ return self.clone(items=[*self.items(), item])
[docs] def add_items(self, items: List[KeyObject]) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Add items from given list to collection. :param items: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type items: List[KeyObject] :return: New instance of KeyIndexedCollection :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) # Remember that KeyIndexedCollection object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of KeyIndexedCollection to a new variable item_dog = sly.ObjClass('dog', sly.Rectangle) item_mouse = sly.ObjClass('mouse', sly.Bitmap) new_collection = collection.add_items([item_dog, item_mouse]) """ return self.clone(items=[*self.items(), *items])
[docs] def remove_items(self, keys: List[uuid.UUID]) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Remove items from collection by given list of keys. Creates a new instance of KeyIndexedCollection. :param keys: List of keys(item names) in collection. :type keys: List[str] :return: New instance of KeyIndexedCollection :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` """ return self.clone(items=[item for item in self.items() if item.key() not in keys])
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> KeyObject: """ Get item from collection with given key(name). :param items: Name of KeyObject in collection. :type items: str :param default: The value that is returned if there is no key in the collection. :type default: optional :return: :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` object :rtype: :class:`KeyObject<KeyObject>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) item_cat = collection.get('cat') print(item_cat) # Output: # Name: cat Value type:none Possible values:None Hotkey Applicable toall Applicable classes[] item_not_exist = collection.get('no_item', {1: 2}) print(item_not_exist) # Output: # {1: 2} """ return self._collection.get(key, default)
def __next__(self): for value in self._collection.values(): yield value def __iter__(self): return next(self) def __contains__(self, item): return isinstance(item, KeyIndexedCollection.item_type) and item == self._collection.get( item.key() ) def __len__(self): return len(self._collection)
[docs] def items(self) -> List[KeyObject]: """ Get list of all items in collection. :return: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects :rtype: :class:`List[KeyObject]` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) items = collection.items() print(items) # Output: # [<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta.TagMeta object at 0x7fd08eae4340>, # <supervisely.annotation.tag_meta.TagMeta object at 0x7fd08eae4370>] """ return list(self._collection.values())
[docs] def clone(self, items: Optional[List[KeyObject]] = None) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Makes a copy of KeyIndexedCollection with new fields, if fields are given, otherwise it will use fields of the original KeyIndexedCollection. :param items: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type items: List[KeyObject], optional :return: New instance of KeyIndexedCollection :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) # Remember that KeyIndexedCollection object is immutable, and we need to assign new instance of KeyIndexedCollection to a new variable new_collection = collection.clone() """ return type(self)(items=(items if items is not None else self.items()))
[docs] def keys(self) -> List[str]: """ Get list of all keys(item names) in collection. :return: List of collection keys :rtype: :class:`List[str]` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) keys = collection.keys() # ['cat', 'turtle'] """ return list(self._collection.keys())
[docs] def has_key(self, key: str) -> bool: """ Check if given key(item name exist in collection). :param key: The key to look for in the collection. :type key: str :return: Is the key in the collection or not :rtype: :class:`bool` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) collection.has_key('cat') # True collection.has_key('hamster') # False """ return key in self._collection
[docs] def intersection(self, other: List[KeyObject]) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Find intersection of given list of instances with collection items. :param key: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type key: List[KeyObject] :raises: :class:`ValueError` if find items with same keys(item names) :return: KeyIndexedCollection object :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) item_dog = sly.TagMeta('dog', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) items = [item_dog, item_turtle] intersection = collection.intersection(items) print(intersection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#760F8A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ common_items = [] for other_item in other: our_item = self.get(other_item.key()) if our_item is not None: if our_item != other_item: raise ValueError( "Different values for the same key {!r}".format(other_item.key()) ) else: common_items.append(our_item) return self.clone(common_items)
[docs] def difference(self, other: List[KeyObject]) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Find difference between collection and given list of instances. :param key: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type key: List[KeyObject] :return: KeyIndexedCollection object :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) item_dog = sly.TagMeta('dog', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) items = [item_dog, item_turtle] diff = collection.difference(items) print(diff.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#8A150F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ items = [item for item in self.items() if item not in other] return self.clone(items)
[docs] def merge(self, other: KeyIndexedCollection) -> KeyIndexedCollection: """ Merge collection and other KeyIndexedCollection object. :param key: KeyIndexedCollection object. :type key: KeyIndexedCollection :raises: :class:`ValueError` if item name from given list is in collection but items in both are different :return: KeyIndexedCollection object :rtype: :class:`KeyIndexedCollection<KeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) item_dog = sly.TagMeta('dog', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_dog, item_turtle]) merge = collection.merge(other_collection) print(merge.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "dog", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#8A6C0F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#0F4A8A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#4F0F8A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ new_items = [] for other_item in other.items(): our_item = self.get(other_item.key()) if our_item is None: new_items.append(other_item) elif our_item != other_item: raise ValueError( "Error during merge for key {!r}: values are different".format(other_item.key()) ) return self.clone(new_items + self.items())
def __str__(self): res_table = PrettyTable() res_table.field_names = self.item_type.get_header_ptable() # pylint: disable=no-member for item in self: res_table.add_row(item.get_row_ptable()) return res_table.get_string()
[docs] def to_json(self) -> List[Dict]: """ Convert the KeyIndexedCollection to a json serializable list. :return: List of json serializable dicts :rtype: :class:`List[dict]` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.KeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle]) collection_json = collection.to_json() # Output: [ # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#8A0F12", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#8A860F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ return [item.to_json() for item in self]
def __eq__(self, other: KeyIndexedCollection): if len(self) != len(other): return False for cur_item in self: other_item = other.get(cur_item.key()) if other_item is None or cur_item != other_item: return False return True def __ne__(self, other: KeyIndexedCollection): return not self == other
[docs]class MultiKeyIndexedCollection(KeyIndexedCollection): """ Base class for :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` instances. MultiKeyIndexedCollection makes it possible to add an object with an already existing key. :param items: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` and :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type items: list, optional :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) # Create item with same key 'cat' other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) print(collection.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#0F198A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "title": "cat", # "shape": "rectangle", # "color": "#0F8A6B", # "geometry_config": {}, # "hotkey": "" # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#0F658A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ def __init__(self, items: Optional[List] = None): self._collection = defaultdict(list) self._add_items_impl(self._collection, take_with_default(items, [])) def _add_impl(self, dst_collection, item): if not isinstance(item, MultiKeyIndexedCollection.item_type): raise TypeError( "Item type ({!r}) != {!r}".format( type(item).__name__, MultiKeyIndexedCollection.item_type.__name__ ) ) dst_collection[item.key()].append(item)
[docs] def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> KeyObject: """ Get item from collection with given key(name). If there are many values for the same key, the first value will be returned. :param items: Name of KeyObject in collection. :type items: str :param default: The value that is returned if there is no key in the collection. :type default: optional :return: :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` object :rtype: :class:`KeyObject<KeyObject>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) item = collection.get('cat') print(item) # Output: # Name: cat Value type:none Possible values:None Hotkey Applicable toall Applicable classes[] """ result = self._collection.get(key, default) if not result: return None return result[0]
[docs] def get_all(self, key: str, default: Optional[List[Any]] = []) -> List[KeyObject]: """ Get item from collection with given key(name). If there are many values for the same key,all values will be returned by list. :param items: Name of KeyObject in collection. :type items: str :param default: The value that is returned if there is no key in the collection. :type default: List, optional :return: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects or empty list :rtype: :class:`List[KeyObject]` or :class:`list` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) items = collection.get('cat') print(items) # Output: # [<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta.TagMeta object at 0x7f0278662340>, <supervisely.annotation.obj_class.ObjClass object at 0x7f02786623a0>] """ return self._collection.get(key, default)
def __next__(self): for tag_list in self._collection.values(): for tag in tag_list: yield tag def __contains__(self, item): return isinstance(item, MultiKeyIndexedCollection.item_type) and item in self.get_all( item.key() ) def __len__(self): return sum([len(tag_list) for tag_list in self._collection.values()])
[docs] def items(self) -> List[KeyObject]: """ Get list of all items in collection. :return: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects :rtype: :class:`List[KeyObject]` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) print(collection.items()) # Output: # [<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta.TagMeta object at 0x7fdbd28ce340>, # <supervisely.annotation.obj_class.ObjClass object at 0x7fdbd28ce3a0>, # <supervisely.annotation.tag_meta.TagMeta object at 0x7fdbd28ce370>] """ res = [] for tag_list in self._collection.values(): res.extend(tag_list) return res
[docs] def intersection(self, other: List[KeyObject]) -> MultiKeyIndexedCollection: """ Find intersection of given list of instances with collection items. :param key: List of :class:`ObjClassCollection<supervisely.annotation.obj_class_collection.ObjClassCollection>`, :class:`TagMetaCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_meta_collection.TagMetaCollection>` or :class:`TagCollection<supervisely.annotation.tag_collection.TagCollection>` objects. :type key: List[KeyObject] :raises: :class:`ValueError` if find items with same keys(item names) :return: MultiKeyIndexedCollection object :rtype: :class:`MultiKeyIndexedCollection<MultiKeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) # Note, item_cat_2 have same key as item_cat, but another value item_cat_2 = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) items = [item_cat_2, item_turtle] intersect = collection.intersection(items) print(intersect.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#5B8A0F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ common_items = [] for other_item in other: key_list = self.get_all(other_item.key()) for our_item in key_list: if our_item == other_item: common_items.append(our_item) return self.clone(common_items)
[docs] def merge(self, other: List[KeyObject]) -> MultiKeyIndexedCollection: """ Merge collection with other MultiKeyIndexedCollection object. :param key: MultiKeyIndexedCollection object. :type key: MultiKeyIndexedCollection :return: MultiKeyIndexedCollection object :rtype: :class:`MultiKeyIndexedCollection<MultiKeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) item_dog = sly.TagMeta('dog', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_dog, item_turtle]) merge = collection.merge(other_collection) print(merge.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#198A0F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "title": "cat", # "shape": "rectangle", # "color": "#898A0F", # "geometry_config": {}, # "hotkey": "" # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#650F8A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#0F8A83", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "dog", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#1A8A0F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ new_items = [*self.items(), *other.items()] return self.clone(items=new_items)
[docs] def merge_without_duplicates( self, other: MultiKeyIndexedCollection ) -> MultiKeyIndexedCollection: """ Merge collection with other MultiKeyIndexedCollection object. Duplicates will be ignored. :param key: MultiKeyIndexedCollection object. :type key: MultiKeyIndexedCollection :raises: :class:`ValueError` if item name from given MultiKeyIndexedCollection is in collection but items in both are different :return: MultiKeyIndexedCollection object :rtype: :class:`MultiKeyIndexedCollection<MultiKeyIndexedCollection>` :Usage Example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly item_cat = sly.TagMeta('cat', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_cat = sly.ObjClass('cat', sly.Rectangle) collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_cat, item_turtle, other_cat]) item_dog = sly.TagMeta('dog', sly.TagValueType.NONE) item_turtle = sly.TagMeta('turtle', sly.TagValueType.ANY_STRING) other_collection = sly.collection.key_indexed_collection.MultiKeyIndexedCollection([item_dog, item_turtle]) merge = collection.merge_without_duplicates(other_collection) print(merge.to_json()) # Output: [ # { # "name": "dog", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#8A0F37", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "name": "cat", # "value_type": "none", # "color": "#778A0F", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # }, # { # "title": "cat", # "shape": "rectangle", # "color": "#8A0F76", # "geometry_config": {}, # "hotkey": "" # }, # { # "name": "turtle", # "value_type": "any_string", # "color": "#850F8A", # "hotkey": "", # "applicable_type": "all", # "classes": [] # } # ] """ return super().merge(other)