Source code for supervisely.api.volume.volume_figure_api

# coding: utf-8
import re
import os
import tempfile
from uuid import UUID
from numpy import uint8
from typing import List, Dict
from collections import OrderedDict
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartDecoder, MultipartEncoder
from import ensure_base_path, file_exists
from supervisely._utils import batched
from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap
from supervisely.api.entity_annotation.figure_api import FigureApi
from supervisely.volume_annotation.plane import Plane
from supervisely.geometry.mask_3d import Mask3D
import supervisely.volume_annotation.constants as constants
from supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_figure import VolumeFigure
from supervisely.geometry.closed_surface_mesh import ClosedSurfaceMesh
from supervisely.volume.nrrd_encoder import encode

[docs]class VolumeFigureApi(FigureApi): """ :class:`VolumeFigure<supervisely.volume_annotation.volume_figure.VolumeFigure>` for a single volume. """
[docs] def create( self, volume_id: int, object_id: int, plane_name: str, slice_index: int, geometry_json: dict, geometry_type, # track_id=None, ): """ Create new VolumeFigure for given slice in given volume ID. :param volume_id: Volume ID in Supervisely. :type volume_id: int :param object_id: ID of the object to which the VolumeFigure belongs. :type object_id: int :param plane_name: :py:class:`Plane<supervisely.volume_annotation.plane.Plane>` of the slice in volume. :type plane_name: str :param slice_index: Number of the slice to add VolumeFigure. :type slice_index: int :param geometry_json: Parameters of geometry for VolumeFigure. :type geometry_json: dict :param geometry_type: Type of VolumeFigure geometry. :type geometry_type: str :return: New figure ID :rtype: :class:`int` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.volume_annotation.plane import Plane os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() volume_id = 19581134 object_id = 5565016 slice_index = 0 plane_name = Plane.AXIAL geometry_json = {'points': {'exterior': [[500, 500], [1555, 1500]], 'interior': []}} geometry_type = 'rectangle' figure_id = api.volume.figure.create( volume_id, object_id, plane_name, slice_index, geometry_json, geometry_type ) # 87821207 """ Plane.validate_name(plane_name) return super().create( volume_id, object_id, { constants.SLICE_INDEX: slice_index, constants.NORMAL: Plane.get_normal(plane_name), # for backward compatibility ApiField.META: { constants.SLICE_INDEX: slice_index, constants.NORMAL: Plane.get_normal(plane_name), }, }, geometry_json, geometry_type, # track_id, )
[docs] def append_bulk(self, volume_id: int, figures: List[VolumeFigure], key_id_map: KeyIdMap): """ Add VolumeFigures to given Volume by ID. :param volume_id: Volume ID in Supervisely. :type volume_id: int :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap :param figures: List of VolumeFigure objects. :type figures: List[VolumeFigure] :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.volume_annotation.plane import Plane os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() project_id = 19370 volume_id = 19617444 key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) vol_ann_json = vol_ann = sly.VolumeAnnotation.from_json(vol_ann_json, project_meta, key_id_map) volume_obj_collection = vol_ann.objects.to_json() vol_obj = sly.VolumeObject.from_json(volume_obj_collection[1], project_meta) figure = sly.VolumeFigure( vol_obj, sly.Rectangle(20, 20, 129, 200), sly.Plane.AXIAL, 45, ) api.volume.figure.append_bulk(volume_id, [figure], key_id_map) """ if len(figures) == 0: return keys = [] mask3d_keys = [] figures_json = [] mask3d_figures = [] for figure in figures: if == mask3d_keys.append(figure.key()) mask3d_figures.append(figure) else: keys.append(figure.key()) figures_json.append(figure.to_json(key_id_map, save_meta=True)) # Figure is missing required field \"meta.normal\"","index":0}} self._append_bulk(volume_id, figures_json, keys, key_id_map) if len(mask3d_figures) != 0: self._append_bulk_mask3d(volume_id, mask3d_figures, mask3d_keys, key_id_map)
def _download_geometries_batch(self, ids: List[int]): """ Private method. Download figures geometries with given IDs from storage. """ for batch_ids in batched(ids): response ="", {ApiField.IDS: batch_ids}) decoder = MultipartDecoder.from_response(response) for part in content_utf8 = part.headers[b"Content-Disposition"].decode("utf-8") # Find name="1245" preceded by a whitespace, semicolon or beginning of line. # The regex has 2 capture group: one for the prefix and one for the actual name value. figure_id = int(re.findall(r'(^|[\s;])name="(\d*)"', content_utf8)[0][1]) yield figure_id, part
[docs] def download_stl_meshes(self, ids: List[int], paths: List[str]): """ Download STL meshes for the specified figure IDs and saves them to the specified paths. :param ids: VolumeFigure ID in Supervisely. :type ids: int :param paths: List of paths to download. :type paths: List[str] :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() STORAGE_DIR = volume_id = 19371414 project_id = 17215 volume = api.volume.get_info_by_id(volume_id) key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) vol_ann_json = id_to_paths = {} vol_ann = sly.VolumeAnnotation.from_json(vol_ann_json, project_meta, key_id_map) for sp_figure in vol_ann.spatial_figures: figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(sp_figure.key()) id_to_paths[figure_id] = f"{STORAGE_DIR}/{sp_figure.key().hex}.stl" if id_to_paths: api.volume.figure.download_stl_meshes(*zip(*id_to_paths.items())) """ if len(ids) == 0: return if len(ids) != len(paths): raise RuntimeError('Can not match "ids" and "paths" lists, len(ids) != len(paths)') id_to_path = {id: path for id, path in zip(ids, paths)} for img_id, resp_part in self._download_geometries_batch(ids): ensure_base_path(id_to_path[img_id]) with open(id_to_path[img_id], "wb") as w: w.write(resp_part.content)
[docs] def interpolate(self, volume_id: int, spatial_figure: VolumeFigure, key_id_map: KeyIdMap): """ Interpolate a spatial figure with a ClosedSurfaceMesh geometry. :param volume_id: VolumeFigure ID in Supervisely. :type volume_id: int :param spatial_figure: Spatial figure to interpolate. :type spatial_figure: VolumeFigure :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() volume_id = 19371414 project_id = 17215 volume = api.volume.get_info_by_id(volume_id) key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) vol_ann_json = id_to_paths = {} vol_ann = sly.VolumeAnnotation.from_json(vol_ann_json, project_meta, key_id_map) for sp_figure in vol_ann.spatial_figures: res = volume_figure_api.interpolate(volume_id, sp_figure, key_id_map) """ if type(spatial_figure._geometry) != ClosedSurfaceMesh: raise TypeError( "Interpolation can be created only for figures with geometry ClosedSurfaceMesh" ) object_id = key_id_map.get_object_id(spatial_figure.volume_object.key()) response = "figures.volumetric_interpolation", {ApiField.VOLUME_ID: volume_id, ApiField.OBJECT_ID: object_id}, ) return response.content
# def interpolate_batch( # self, volume_id, spatial_figures: List[VolumeFigure], key_id_map: KeyIdMap # ): # # raise NotImplementedError() # # STL mesh interpolations can not be uploaded: # # 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: public/api/v3/figures.bulk.add ({"error":"Please, use \"figures.bulk.upload.geometry\" method to update figures with \"geometryType\" closed_surface_mesh","details":{"figures":[14]}}) # # figures.bulk.upload.geometry # meshes = [] # for mesh in spatial_figures: # object_id = key_id_map.get_object_id(mesh.volume_object.key()) # response = # "figures.volumetric_interpolation", # {ApiField.VOLUME_ID: volume_id, ApiField.OBJECT_ID: object_id}, # ) # figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(mesh.key()) # # @TODO: load from disk or get from server # meshes.append(response.json()) # # for batch in batched(items_to_upload): # # content_dict = {} # # for idx, item in enumerate(batch): # # content_dict["{}-file".format(idx)] = (str(idx), func_item_to_byte_stream(item), 'nrrd/*') # # encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields=content_dict) # #'import-storage.bulk.upload', encoder) # # if progress_cb is not None: # # progress_cb(len(batch)) # # content_dict = {} # # for idx, item in enumerate(meshes): # # content_dict[f"{idx}-mesh"] = ( # # str(idx), # # func_item_to_byte_stream(item), # # ) # # encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields=content_dict) # #"figures.bulk.upload.geometry", encoder) # # # if progress_cb is not None: # # # progress_cb(len(batch)) # # # # # # "figures.bulk.upload.geometry", # # # {ApiField.FIGURE_ID: figure_id, ApiField.GEOMETRY: response.json()}, # # # ) # # # results.append(response.json()) # # return results def _upload_meshes_batch(self, figure2bytes): """ Private method. Upload figures geometry by given ID to storage. :param figure2bytes: Dictionary with figures IDs and geometries. :type figure2bytes: dict :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: """ for figure_id, figure_bytes in figure2bytes.items(): content_dict = { ApiField.FIGURE_ID: str(figure_id), ApiField.GEOMETRY: (str(figure_id), figure_bytes, "application/sla"), } encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields=content_dict) resp ="figures.bulk.upload.geometry", encoder)
[docs] def upload_stl_meshes( self, volume_id: int, spatial_figures: List[VolumeFigure], key_id_map: KeyIdMap, interpolation_dir=None, ): """ Upload existing interpolations or create on the fly and and add them to empty mesh figures. :param volume_id: VolumeFigure ID in Supervisely. :type volume_id: int :param spatial_figures: List of spatial figures to upload. :type spatial_figures: List[VolumeFigure] :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() volume_id = 19371414 project_id = 17215 volume = api.volume.get_info_by_id(volume_id) key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) vol_ann_json = id_to_paths = {} vol_ann = sly.VolumeAnnotation.from_json(vol_ann_json, project_meta, key_id_map) sp_figures = vol_ann.spatial_figures res = volume_figure_api.upload_stl_meshes(volume_id, sp_figures, key_id_map) """ if len(spatial_figures) == 0: return figure2bytes = {} for sp in spatial_figures: figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(sp.key()) if interpolation_dir is not None: meth_path = os.path.join(interpolation_dir, sp.key().hex + ".stl") if file_exists(meth_path): with open(meth_path, "rb") as in_file: meth_bytes = figure2bytes[figure_id] = meth_bytes # else - no stl file if figure_id not in figure2bytes: meth_bytes = self.interpolate(volume_id, sp, key_id_map) figure2bytes[figure_id] = meth_bytes self._upload_meshes_batch(figure2bytes)
def _append_bulk_mask3d( self, entity_id: int, figures: List, figures_keys: List, key_id_map: KeyIdMap, field_name=ApiField.ENTITY_ID, ): """The same method as _append_bulk but for spatial figures. Uploads figures to given Volume by ID. You need to upload the geometry right after figures will be created :param entity_id: Volume ID. :type entity_id: int :param figures_json: List of figure dicts. :type figures_json: list :param figures_keys: List of figure keys as UUID. :type figures_keys: list :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object (dict with bidict values) :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap :param field_name: field name for request body :type field_name: str :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: """ if len(figures) == 0: return empty_figures = [] for figure in figures: empty_figures.append( { "objectId": key_id_map.get_object_id(figure.volume_object.key()), "geometryType":, "tool":, "entityId": entity_id, } ) for batch_keys, batch_jsons in zip( batched(figures_keys, batch_size=100), batched(empty_figures, batch_size=100) ): resp = "figures.bulk.add", {field_name: entity_id, ApiField.FIGURES: batch_jsons}, ) for key, resp_obj in zip(batch_keys, resp.json()): figure_id = resp_obj[ApiField.ID] key_id_map.add_figure(key, figure_id) for figure in figures: if figure.key() == key: geometry_data = header = self._create_header_for_geometry(figure.geometry) geometry_bytes = encode(geometry_data.astype(uint8), header) self.upload_sf_geometries([key], {key: geometry_bytes}, key_id_map)
[docs] def upload_sf_geometries( self, spatial_figures: List[UUID], geometries: Dict[UUID, bytes], key_id_map: KeyIdMap, ): """ Upload geometries as bytes into spatial figures in the project using their UUID keys. :param spatial_figures: List of UUID keys representing spatial figures. :type spatial_figures: List[UUID] :param geometries: Dictionary where keys are UUIDs of spatial figures, and values are geometries represented as NRRD files in byte format. :type geometries: Dict[UUID, bytes] :param key_id_map: The KeyIdMap object (a dictionary with bidict values). :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap :return: None :rtype: NoneType :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import supervisely as sly from supervisely.volume.nrrd_encoder import encode os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() volume_id = 23772225 project_id = 28159 geometries = {} key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() geometry_bytes = encode(np.random.randint(2, size=(20, 20, 20), dtype=np.uint8)) vol_ann_json = project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(api.project.get_meta(project_id)) ann = sly.VolumeAnnotation.from_json(vol_ann_json, project_meta, key_id_map) spatial_figures = [sp_figure.key() for sp_figure in ann.spatial_figures] for figure in spatial_figures: geometries[figure] = geometry_bytes api.volume.figure.upload_sf_geometries(spatial_figures, geometries, key_id_map) """ if len(spatial_figures) == 0: return for sf in spatial_figures: figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(sf) geometry_bytes = geometries.get(sf) content_dict = { ApiField.FIGURE_ID: str(figure_id), ApiField.GEOMETRY: (str(figure_id), geometry_bytes, "application/sla"), } encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields=content_dict)"figures.bulk.upload.geometry", encoder)
[docs] def upload_sf_geometry(self, spatial_figures: Dict, geometries: List, key_id_map: KeyIdMap): """ Upload spatial figures geometry as bytes to storage by given ID. :param spatial_figures: Dictionary with figure IDs. :type spatial_figures: dict :param geometries: Dictionary with geometries, which represented as content of NRRD files in byte format. :type geometries: list :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object (dict with bidict values) :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: """ for sf, geometry_bytes in zip(spatial_figures, geometries): figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(sf.key()) content_dict = { ApiField.FIGURE_ID: str(figure_id), ApiField.GEOMETRY: (str(figure_id), geometry_bytes, "application/sla"), } encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields=content_dict)"figures.bulk.upload.geometry", encoder)
[docs] def download_sf_geometries(self, ids: List[int], paths: List[str]): """ Download spatial figure geometries for the specified figure IDs and save them to the specified paths. :param ids: List of VolumeFigure IDs in Supervisely. :type ids: List[int] :param paths: List of paths to save the downloaded geometries. :type paths: List[str] :return: None :rtype: NoneType :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() STORAGE_DIR = volume_id = 19371414 project_id = 17215 volume = api.volume.get_info_by_id(volume_id) key_id_map = sly.KeyIdMap() project_meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(project_meta_json) vol_ann_json = id_to_paths = {} vol_ann = sly.VolumeAnnotation.from_json(vol_ann_json, project_meta, key_id_map) for sp_figure in vol_ann.spatial_figures: figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(sp_figure.key()) id_to_paths[figure_id] = f"{STORAGE_DIR}/{sp_figure.key().hex}.stl" if id_to_paths: api.volume.figure.download_sf_geometries(*zip(*id_to_paths.items())) """ if len(ids) == 0: return if len(ids) != len(paths): raise RuntimeError('Can not match "ids" and "paths" lists, len(ids) != len(paths)') id_to_path = {id: path for id, path in zip(ids, paths)} for figure_id, resp_part in self._download_geometries_batch(ids): ensure_base_path(id_to_path[figure_id]) with open(id_to_path[figure_id], "wb") as w: w.write(resp_part.content)
[docs] def load_sf_geometry(self, spatial_figure: VolumeFigure, key_id_map: KeyIdMap): """ Download geometry of an existing in Supervisely figure and load this data into the VolumeFigure object to complete this figure representation. :param spatial_figure: The spatial figure object from VolumeAnnotation. :type spatial_figure: VolumeFigure :param key_id_map: The mapped keys and IDs. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap object """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: figure_id = key_id_map.get_figure_id(spatial_figure.key()) figure_path = f"{temp_dir}/{spatial_figure.key().hex}.nrrd" self.download_sf_geometries([figure_id], [figure_path]) geometry = Mask3D.create_from_file(figure_path) spatial_figure._set_3d_geometry(geometry)
def _create_header_for_geometry(self, geometry: Mask3D) -> OrderedDict: """ Create header for encoding Mask3D to NRRD bytes """ header = OrderedDict() if geometry._space is not None: header["space"] = geometry._space if geometry._space_directions is not None: header["space directions"] = geometry._space_directions if geometry._space_origin is not None: header["space origin"] = geometry._space_origin.to_json()["space_origin"] return header