Source code for

# coding: utf-8

# docs
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from supervisely.annotation.tag_meta import TagMeta
from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag import VideoTag

from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField
from supervisely.api.entity_annotation.tag_api import TagApi
from supervisely.project.project_meta import ProjectMeta
from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag import VideoTag
from supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag_collection import VideoTagCollection

[docs]class VideoTagApi(TagApi): """ :class:`VideoTag<supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag.VideoTag>` for a single video. :class:`VideoTagApi<VideoTagApi>` object is immutable. """ _entity_id_field = ApiField.VIDEO_ID _method_bulk_add = "videos.tags.bulk.add"
[docs] def remove_from_video(self, tag_id: int) -> None: """ Remove tag from video. :param tag_id: VideoTag ID in Supervisely. :type tag_id: int :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() """"videos.tags.remove", {ApiField.ID: tag_id})
[docs] def update_frame_range(self, tag_id: int, frame_range: List[int]) -> None: """ Update VideoTag frame range in video. :param tag_id: VideoTag ID in Supervisely. :type tag_id: int :param frame_range: New VideoTag frame range. :type frame_range: List[int] :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() new_frame_range = [5, 10], new_frame_range) """ "videos.tags.update", {ApiField.ID: tag_id, ApiField.FRAME_RANGE: frame_range} )
[docs] def update_value(self, tag_id: int, tag_value: Union[str, int]) -> None: """ Update VideoTag value. :param tag_id: VideoTag ID in Supervisely. :type tag_id: int :param tag_value: New VideoTag value. :type tag_value: str or int :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env(), 'new_tag_value') """"videos.tags.update-value", {ApiField.ID: tag_id, ApiField.VALUE: tag_value})
[docs] def add_tag( self, project_meta_tag_id: int, video_id: int, value: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, frame_range: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> int: """ Add VideoTag to video. :param project_meta_tag_id: TagMeta ID in Supervisely. :type project_meta_tag_id: int :param video_id: Video ID in Supervidely. :type video_id: int :param value: New VideoTag value. :type value: str or int :param frame_range: New VideoTag frame range. :type frame_range: List[int] :return: None :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() new_frame_range = [5, 10], video_id, 'tag_value', frame_range) """ request_data = {ApiField.TAG_ID: project_meta_tag_id, ApiField.VIDEO_ID: video_id} if value: request_data[ApiField.VALUE] = value if frame_range: request_data[ApiField.FRAME_RANGE] = frame_range resp ="videos.tags.add", request_data) # {'imageId': 3267369, 'tagId': 368985, 'id': 2296676, 'createdAt': '2022-09-20T11:52:33.829Z', 'updatedAt': '2022-09-20T11:52:33.829Z', 'labelerLogin': 'max'} return resp.json()
[docs] def add(self, video_id: int, tag: VideoTag, update_id_inplace=True) -> int: """ Add VideoTag to video. :param video_id: Video ID in Supervidely. :type video_id: int :param tag: VideoTag j,ject. :type tag: VideoTag :param update_id_inplace: Specify if :return: VideoTag ID in Supervisely :rtype: int :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 19402023 tag_meta = sly.TagMeta('Animal', sly.TagValueType.NONE) # Tag has to exists in project. tag = VideoTag(tag_meta), tag=tag) """ from supervisely.project.project_meta import ProjectMeta if tag.meta.sly_id is None: if update_id_inplace is True: video_info = meta_json = self._api.project.get_meta(video_info.project_id) meta = ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json) server_tag_meta = meta.get_tag_meta( if server_tag_meta is None: raise KeyError( f"Tag with name {} not found in project with id {video_info.project_id}" ) tag.meta._set_id(server_tag_meta.sly_id) else: raise ValueError("tag_meta.sly_id is None, get updated project meta from server") resp_json = self.add_tag(tag.meta.sly_id, video_id, tag.value, tag.frame_range) tag_id = resp_json.get("id") created_at = resp_json.get("createdAt") updated_at = resp_json.get("updatedAt") user = resp_json.get("labelerLogin") if update_id_inplace is True and tag_id is not None: tag._set_id(tag_id) if update_id_inplace is True and created_at is not None: tag._set_created_at(created_at) if update_id_inplace is True and updated_at is not None: tag._set_updated_at(updated_at) if update_id_inplace is True and user is not None: tag._set_labeler_login(user) return tag_id
[docs] def download_list(self, id: int, project_meta: ProjectMeta) -> VideoTagCollection: """ Download VideoTagCollection with all tags of the video. :param id: Video ID in Supervidely. :type id: int :param project_meta_tag_id: TagMeta ID in Supervisely. :type project_meta_tag_id: int :return: All tags of the video in VideoTagCollection format :rtype: VideoTagCollection :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 19402023 project_id = 17209 meta_json = api.project.get_meta(project_id) project_meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json) tags_collection =, project_meta) """ data =, True) tags_json = data["tags"] # for tag_json in tags_json: # tag_meta_id = tag_json["tagId"] # tag_meta = project_meta.tag_metas.get_by_id(tag_meta_id) # if tag_meta is None: # raise KeyError( # f"Tag meta with id={tag_meta_id} not found in project meta. Please, update project meta from server" # ) # tag_json["name"] = # tags = VideoTagCollection.from_json(tags_json, project_meta.tag_metas) # return tags tags = VideoTagCollection.from_api_response(tags_json, project_meta.tag_metas) return tags
[docs] def remove(self, tag: VideoTag): """ Remove tag from video. :param VideoTag in Supervisely. :type tag: VideoTag :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() """ if tag.sly_id is None: raise ValueError( "Only tags with ID (tag.sly_id field) can be removed. Such tags have to be downloaded from server or have ID" ) self.remove_from_video(tag.sly_id)
class VideoObjectTagApi(TagApi): _entity_id_field = ApiField.OBJECT_ID _method_bulk_add = "annotation-objects.tags.bulk.add" def add( self, tag_meta_id: int, object_id: int, value: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, frame_range: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> int: """Add a tag to an annotation object. :param tag_meta_id: TagMeta ID in project `tag_metas` :type tag_meta_id: int :param object_id: Object ID in project annotation objects :type object_id: int :param value: possible_values from TagMeta, defaults to None :type value: Optional[Union[str, int]], optional :param frame_range: array of strictly 2 frame numbers, defaults to None :type frame_range: Optional[List[int]], optional :return: ID of the tag assigned to the object :rtype: int """ request_body = { ApiField.TAG_ID: tag_meta_id, ApiField.OBJECT_ID: object_id, } if value is not None: request_body[ApiField.VALUE] = value if frame_range is not None: request_body[ApiField.FRAME_RANGE] = frame_range response ="annotation-objects.tags.add", request_body) id = response.json()[ApiField.ID] return id def remove(self, tag_id: int) -> None: """Remove tag from video annotation object. :param tag_id: tag ID of certain object :type tag_id: int """ request_body = {ApiField.ID: tag_id}"annotation-objects.tags.remove", request_body) def update_value(self, tag_id: int, value: Union[str, int]) -> None: """Update tag value for video annotation object. You could use only those values, which are correspond to TagMeta `value_type` and `possible_values` :param tag_id: tag ID of certain object :type tag_id: int :param value: possible_values from TagMeta :type value: Union[str, int] """ request_body = { ApiField.ID: tag_id, ApiField.VALUE: value, }"annotation-objects.tags.update-value", request_body) def update_frame_range(self, tag_id: int, frame_range: List[int]) -> None: """Update tag frames for video annotation object. :param tag_id: tag ID of certain object :type tag_id: int :param frame_range: range of possible frames, it must always have strictly 2 values :type frame_range: List[int] """ request_body = { ApiField.ID: tag_id, ApiField.FRAME_RANGE: frame_range, }"annotation-objects.tags.update", request_body)