Source code for

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
import os
import urllib.parse
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from numerize.numerize import numerize
from requests import Response
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder, MultipartEncoderMonitor
from tqdm import tqdm

import as sly_fs
from supervisely._utils import (
from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField, RemoveableBulkModuleApi
from import VideoAnnotationAPI
from import VideoFigureApi
from import VideoFrameAPI
from import VideoObjectApi
from import VideoTagApi
from import (
from supervisely.sly_logger import logger
from supervisely.task.progress import Progress
from import (

[docs]class VideoInfo(NamedTuple): """ Object with :class:`Video<>` parameters from Supervisely. :Example: .. code-block:: python VideoInfo( id=19371139, name='Videos_dataset_animals_sea_lion.mp4' hash='30/TQ1BcIOn1AI4RFgRO/6psRtr3lqNPmr4uQ=', link=None, team_id=435, workspace_id=684, project_id=17208, dataset_id=55846, path_original='/h5un6l2bnaz1vj8a9qgms4-public/videos/Z/d/HD/lfgipl...NXrg5vz.mp4', frames_to_timecodes=[], frames_count=245, frame_width=1920, frame_height=1080, created_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', updated_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', tags=[], file_meta={ 'codecName': 'h264', 'codecType': 'video', 'duration': 10.218542, 'formatName': 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', 'framesCount': 245, 'framesToTimecodes': [], 'height': 1080, 'index': 0, 'mime': 'video/mp4', 'rotation': 0, 'size': '6795452', 'startTime': 0, 'streams': [], 'width': 1920 }, custom_data={}, processing_path='1/194' ) """ #: :class:`int`: Video ID in Supervisely. id: int #: :class:`str`: Video filename. name: str #: :class:`str`: Video hash obtained by base64(sha256(file_content)). #: Use hash for files that are expected to be stored at Supervisely or your deployed agent. hash: str #: :class:`str`: Link to video. link: str #: :class:`int`: :class:`TeamApi<supervisely.api.team_api.TeamApi>` ID in Supervisely. team_id: int #: :class:`int`: :class:`WorkspaceApi<supervisely.api.workspace_api.WorkspaceApi>` ID in Supervisely. workspace_id: int #: :class:`int`: :class:`Project<supervisely.project.project.Project>` ID in Supervisely. project_id: int #: :class:`int`: :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>` ID in Supervisely. dataset_id: int #: :class:`str`: Relative storage URL to video. e.g. #: "/h5un6l2bnaz1vms4-public/videos/Z/d/HD/lfgipl...NXrg5vz.mp4". path_original: str #: :class: `list`: A list of timecodes in the format "SS.nnn" corresponding to each frame. frames_to_timecodes: list #: :class: `int`: Number of frames in the video frames_count: int #: :class:`int`: Video frames width in pixels. frame_width: int #: :class:`int`: Video frames height in pixels. frame_height: int #: :class:`str`: Video creation time. e.g. "2019-02-22T14:59:53.381Z". created_at: str #: :class:`str`: Time of last video update. e.g. "2019-02-22T14:59:53.381Z". updated_at: str #: :class:`list`: Video :class:`VideoTag<supervisely.video_annotation.video_tag.VideoTag>` list. #: e.g. "[{'entityId': 19371139, 'tagId': 377141, 'id': 12241539, 'labelerLogin': 'admin', #: 'createdAt': '2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', 'updatedAt': '2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', #: 'frameRange': [244, 244]}, {...}]". tags: list #: :class:`dict`: A dictionary containing metadata about the video file. file_meta: dict #: :class:`dict`: Video object meta information. meta: dict #: :class:`dict`: A dictionary containing custom data associated with the video. custom_data: dict #: :class:`str`: Path to the video file on the server. processing_path: str @property def duration(self) -> float: """ Duration of the video in seconds. :return: Duration of the video in seconds. :rtype: :class:`float` """ ndigits = 0 return round(self.file_meta.get("duration"), ndigits=ndigits) @property def duration_hms(self) -> str: """ Duration of the video in "HH:MM:SS.nnn" format. :return: Duration of the video in "HH:MM:SS.nnn" format. :rtype: :class:`str` """ return str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.duration)) @property def frames_count_compact(self) -> str: """ String representation of the number of frames in the video. Used for converting large numbers into readable strings. :return: Number of frames in the video represented in string format. :rtype: :class:`str` """ return numerize(self.frames_count) @property def image_preview_url(self) -> str: """ URL to an image preview of the video. :return: URL to an image preview of the video. :rtype: :class:`str` """ res = f"/previews/q/ext:jpeg/resize:fill:300:0:0/q:70/plain/image-converter/videoframe/33p/{self.processing_path}?videoStreamIndex=0" if is_development(): res = abs_url(res) return res
[docs]class VideoApi(RemoveableBulkModuleApi): """ API for working with :class:`Video<>`. :class:`VideoApi<VideoApi>` object is immutable. :param api: API connection to the server. :type api: Api :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") video_id = 19371139 video_info = # api usage example """ def __init__(self, api): super().__init__(api) self.annotation = VideoAnnotationAPI(api) self.object = VideoObjectApi(api) self.frame = VideoFrameAPI(api) self.figure = VideoFigureApi(api) self.tag = VideoTagApi(api)
[docs] @staticmethod def info_sequence(): """ Get list of all :class:`VideoInfo<VideoInfo>` field names. :return: List of :class:`VideoInfo<VideoInfo>` field names.` :rtype: :class:`list` """ return [ ApiField.ID, ApiField.NAME, ApiField.HASH, ApiField.LINK, ApiField.TEAM_ID, ApiField.WORKSPACE_ID, ApiField.PROJECT_ID, ApiField.DATASET_ID, ApiField.PATH_ORIGINAL, ApiField.FRAMES_TO_TIMECODES, ApiField.FRAMES_COUNT, ApiField.FRAME_WIDTH, ApiField.FRAME_HEIGHT, ApiField.CREATED_AT, ApiField.UPDATED_AT, ApiField.TAGS, ApiField.FILE_META, ApiField.META, ApiField.CUSTOM_DATA, ApiField.PROCESSING_PATH, ]
[docs] @staticmethod def info_tuple_name(): """ Get string name of :class:`VideoInfo<VideoInfo>` NamedTuple. :return: NamedTuple name. :rtype: :class:`str` """ return "VideoInfo"
[docs] def url(self, dataset_id: int, video_id: int, video_frame: Optional[int] = 0) -> str: """ Get url of the video by dataset ID and video ID :param dataset_id: :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>` ID in which the Video is located. :type dataset_id: :class:`int` :param video_id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type video_id: :class:`int` :param video_frame: Video frame index. :type video_frame: :class:`int`, optional :return: Url of the video by dataset_id and video_id. :rtype: :class:`str` """ result = urllib.parse.urljoin( self._api.server_address, f"app/videos/?" f"datasetId={dataset_id}&" f"videoFrame={video_frame}&" f"videoId={video_id}", ) return result
def _convert_json_info(self, info: dict, skip_missing=True): """Private method. Convert video information from json to VideoInfo<VideoInfo>""" res = super(VideoApi, self)._convert_json_info(info, skip_missing=skip_missing) # processing_path = info.get("processingPath", "") d = res._asdict() # d["processing_path"] = processing_path return VideoInfo(**d)
[docs] def get_list( self, dataset_id: int, filters: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, raw_video_meta: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Get list of information about all videos for a given dataset ID. :param dataset_id: :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>` ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param filters: List of parameters to sort output Videos. See: :type filters: List[Dict[str, str]], optional :param raw_video_meta: Get normalized metadata from server if False. :type raw_video_meta: bool :return: List of information about videos in given dataset. :rtype: :class:`List[VideoInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 55846 video_infos = print(video_infos) # Output: [VideoInfo(...), VideoInfo(...)] filtered_video_infos =, filters=[{'field': 'id', 'operator': '=', 'value': '19371139'}]) print(filtered_video_infos) # Output: [VideoInfo(id=19371139, ...)] """ return self.get_list_all_pages( "videos.list", { ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.FILTER: filters or [], ApiField.RAW_VIDEO_META: raw_video_meta, }, )
def get_list_generator( self, dataset_id: int, filters: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, sort: Optional[str] = "id", sort_order: Optional[str] = "asc", limit: Optional[int] = None, raw_video_meta: Optional[bool] = False, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterator[List[VideoInfo]]: data = { ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.FILTER: filters or [], ApiField.SORT: sort, ApiField.SORT_ORDER: sort_order, ApiField.RAW_VIDEO_META: raw_video_meta, ApiField.PAGINATION_MODE: ApiField.TOKEN, } if batch_size is not None: data[ApiField.PER_PAGE] = batch_size else: # use default value on instance (20k) # #tag/Images/paths/~1images.list/get pass return self.get_list_all_pages_generator( "videos.list", data, limit=limit, return_first_response=False, )
[docs] def get_info_by_id(self, id: int, raise_error: Optional[bool] = False) -> VideoInfo: """ Get Video information by ID in VideoInfo<VideoInfo> format. :param id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :param raise_error: Return an error if the video info was not received. :type raise_error: bool :return: Information about Video. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`VideoInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 198702499 video_info = print(video_info) # Output: # VideoInfo( # id=198702499, # name='Videos_dataset_animals_sea_lion.mp4' # hash='30/TQ1BcIOn1AI4RFgRO/6psRtr3lqNPmr4uQ=', # link=None, # team_id=435, # workspace_id=684, # project_id=17208, # dataset_id=55846, # path_original='/h5s-public/videos/Z/d/HD/lfgNXrg5vz.mp4', # frames_to_timecodes=[], # frames_count=245, # frame_width=1920, # frame_height=1080, # created_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # updated_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # tags=[], # file_meta={ # 'codecName': 'h264', # 'codecType': 'video', # 'duration': 10.218542, # 'formatName': 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', # 'framesCount': 245, # 'framesToTimecodes': [], # 'height': 1080, # 'index': 0, # 'mime': 'video/mp4', # 'rotation': 0, # 'size': '6795452', # 'startTime': 0, # 'streams': [], # 'width': 1920 # }, # custom_data={}, # processing_path='1/194' # ) """ info = self._get_info_by_id(id, "") if info is None and raise_error is True: raise KeyError(f"Video with id={id} not found in your account") return info
[docs] def get_info_by_id_batch( self, ids: List[int], progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, force_metadata_for_links: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Get Video information by ID. :param ids: List of Video IDs in Supervisely, they must belong to the same dataset. :type ids: List[int] :param progress_cb: Function for tracking download progress. :type progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] :param force_metadata_for_links: Get normalized metadata from server. :type force_metadata_for_links: bool :return: List of information about Videos. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>`. :rtype: List[VideoInfo] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_ids = [376728, 376729, 376730, 376731, 376732, 376733] video_infos = """ results = [] if len(ids) == 0: return results fields = [ "id", "title", "description", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "dataId", "remoteDataId", "meta", "pathOriginal", "hash", "groupId", "projectId", "datasetId", "createdBy", "customData", ] if force_metadata_for_links is True: fields.append("videoMeta") dataset_id = self.get_info_by_id(ids[0]).dataset_id for batch in batched(ids): filters = [{"field": ApiField.ID, "operator": "in", "value": batch}] results.extend( self.get_list_all_pages( "videos.list", { ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.FILTER: filters, ApiField.FIELDS: fields, }, ) ) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(batch)) temp_map = { info for info in results} ordered_results = [temp_map[id] for id in ids] return ordered_results
[docs] def get_json_info_by_id(self, id: int, raise_error: Optional[bool] = False) -> Dict: """ Get Video information by ID in json format. :param id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :param raise_error: Return an error if the video info was not received. :type raise_error: bool :return: Information about Video. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 19371139 video_info = print(video_info) # Output: # { # 'createdAt': '2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # 'customData': {}, # 'datasetId': 55846, # 'description': '', # 'fileMeta': { # 'codecName': 'h264', # 'codecType': 'video', # 'duration': 10.218542, # 'formatName': 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', # 'framesCount': 245, # 'framesToTimecodes': [], # 'height': 1080, # 'index': 0, # 'mime': 'video/mp4', # 'rotation': 0, # 'size': '6795452', # 'startTime': 0, # 'streams': [], # 'width': 1920 # }, # 'fullStorageUrl': '', # 'hash': '30/TQ1BcIOn1ykA2psRtr3lq3HF6NPmr4uQ=', # 'id': 19371139, # 'link': None, # 'meta': {'videoStreamIndex': 0}, # 'name': 'Videos_dataset_animals_sea_lion.mp4', # 'pathOriginal': '/h5u1vqgms4-public/videos/Z/d/HD/lfgiplg5vz.mp4', # 'processingPath': '1/194', # 'projectId': 17208, # 'tags': [ # { # 'createdAt': '2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # 'entityId': 19371139, # 'frameRange': [244, 244], # 'id': 12241539, # 'labelerLogin': 'admin', # 'tagId': 377141, # 'updatedAt': '2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z' # } # ], # 'teamId': 435, # 'updatedAt': '2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # 'workspaceId': 684 # } """ data = None response = self._get_response_by_id(id, "", id_field=ApiField.ID) if response is None: if raise_error is True: raise KeyError(f"Video with id={id} not found in your account") return None data = response.json() return data
[docs] def get_destination_ids(self, id: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Get project ID and dataset ID for given Video ID. :param id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :return: Project ID and dataset ID :rtype: :class:`Tuple[int, int]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 198702499 project_id, dataset_id = print(project_id, dataset_id) # Output: 17208 55846 """ dataset_id = project_id = self._api.dataset.get_info_by_id(dataset_id).project_id return project_id, dataset_id
[docs] def upload_hash( self, dataset_id: int, name: str, hash: str, stream_index: Optional[int] = None ) -> VideoInfo: """ Upload Video from given hash to Dataset. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param name: Video name with extension. :type name: str :param hash: Video hash. :type hash: str :param stream_index: Index of video stream. :type stream_index: int, optional :return: Information about Video. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`VideoInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dst_dataset_id = 55846 src_video_id = 186580617 video_info = hash = video_info.hash # It is necessary to upload video with the same extention as in src dataset name = new_video_info =, name, hash) print(new_video_info) # Output: # VideoInfo( # id=19371139, # name='Videos_dataset_animals_sea_lion.mp4' # hash='30/TQ1BcIOn1AI4RFgRO/6psRtr3lqNPmr4uQ=', # link=None, # team_id=435, # workspace_id=684, # project_id=17208, # dataset_id=55846, # path_original='/h5s-public/videos/Z/d/HD/lfgNXrg5vz.mp4', # frames_to_timecodes=[], # frames_count=245, # frame_width=1920, # frame_height=1080, # created_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # updated_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # tags=[], # file_meta={ # 'codecName': 'h264', # 'codecType': 'video', # 'duration': 10.218542, # 'formatName': 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', # 'framesCount': 245, # 'framesToTimecodes': [], # 'height': 1080, # 'index': 0, # 'mime': 'video/mp4', # 'rotation': 0, # 'size': '6795452', # 'startTime': 0, # 'streams': [], # 'width': 1920 # }, # custom_data={}, # processing_path='1/194' # ) """ if hash is None: raise ValueError( "Video hash is None, it may occur when the video was uploaded as link. " "Please, use upload_id() method instead." ) meta = {} if stream_index is not None and type(stream_index) is int: meta = {"videoStreamIndex": stream_index} return self.upload_hashes(dataset_id, [name], [hash], [meta])[0]
[docs] def upload_hashes( self, dataset_id: int, names: List[str], hashes: List[str], metas: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Upload Videos from given hashes to Dataset. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param names: Videos names with extension. :type names: List[str] :param hashes: Videos hashes. :type hashes: List[str] :param metas: Videos metadata. :type metas: List[dict], optional :param progress_cb: Function for tracking download progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :return: List with information about Videos. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`List[VideoInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() src_dataset_id = 466639 dst_dataset_id = 468620 hashes = [] names = [] metas = [] video_infos = # Create lists of hashes, videos names and meta information for each video for video_info in video_infos: hashes.append(video_info.hash) # It is necessary to upload videos with the same names(extentions) as in src dataset names.append( metas.append({ video_info.frame_height}) progress = sly.Progress("Videos upload: ", len(hashes)) new_videos_info =, names, hashes, metas, progress.iters_done_report) # Output: # {"message": "progress", "event_type": "EventType.PROGRESS", "subtask": "Videos upload: ", "current": 0, "total": 2, "timestamp": "2021-03-24T10:18:57.111Z", "level": "info"} # {"message": "progress", "event_type": "EventType.PROGRESS", "subtask": "Videos upload: ", "current": 2, "total": 2, "timestamp": "2021-03-24T10:18:57.304Z", "level": "info"} """ no_hash_names = [] for name, hash in zip(names, hashes): if hash is None: no_hash_names.append(name) if len(no_hash_names) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Video hashes are None for the following videos: {no_hash_names}. " "It may occur when the videos were uploaded as links. " "Please, use upload_ids() method instead." ) results = self._upload_bulk_add( lambda item: (ApiField.HASH, item), dataset_id, names, hashes, metas, progress_cb, ) return results
[docs] def upload_id( self, dataset_id: int, name: str, id: int, meta: Optional[Dict] = None ) -> VideoInfo: """ Uploads video from given id to Dataset. :param dataset_id: Destination dataset ID. :type dataset_id: int :param name: Video name with extension. :type name: str :param id: Source video ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :param meta: Video metadata. :type meta: Optional[Dict] :return: Information about Video. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: VideoInfo :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() src_video_id = 186580617 dst_dataset_id = 468620 new_video_info =, 'new_video_name.mp4', src_video_id) """ metas = None if meta is None else [meta] return self.upload_ids(dataset_id, [name], [id], metas=metas)[0]
[docs] def upload_ids( self, dataset_id: int, names: List[str], ids: List[int], metas: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, infos: Optional[List[VideoInfo]] = None, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Uploads videos from given ids to Dataset. :param dataset_id: Destination dataset ID. :type dataset_id: int :param names: Videos names with extension. :type names: List[str] :param ids: Source videos IDs in Supervisely. :type ids: List[int] :param metas: Videos metadata. :type metas: Optional[List[Dict]] :param progress_cb: Function for tracking download progress. :type progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] :param infos: Videos information. :type infos: Optional[List[VideoInfo]] :return: List with information about Videos. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: List[VideoInfo] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() src_dataset_id = 466639 dst_dataset_id = 468620 ids = [] names = [] metas = [] video_infos = # Create lists of ids, videos names and meta information for each video for video_info in video_infos: ids.append( # It is necessary to upload videos with the same names(extentions) as in src dataset names.append( metas.append({ video_info.frame_height}) progress = sly.Progress("Videos upload: ", len(ids)) new_videos_info =, names, ids, metas, progress.iters_done_report) """ if metas is None: metas = [{}] * len(names) if infos is None: infos = self.get_info_by_id_batch(ids, progress_cb=progress_cb) links, links_names, links_order, links_metas = [], [], [], [] hashes, hashes_names, hashes_order, hashes_metas = [], [], [], [] for idx, (name, info, meta) in enumerate(zip(names, infos, metas)): if is not None: links.append( links_names.append(name) links_order.append(idx) links_metas.append(meta) else: hashes.append(info.hash) hashes_names.append(name) hashes_order.append(idx) hashes_metas.append(meta) result = [None] * len(names) if len(links) > 0: res_infos_links = self.upload_links( dataset_id, links, links_names, metas=links_metas, skip_download=True, ) for info, pos in zip(res_infos_links, links_order): result[pos] = info if len(hashes) > 0: res_infos_hashes = self.upload_hashes( dataset_id, hashes_names, hashes, metas=hashes_metas, progress_cb=progress_cb, ) for info, pos in zip(res_infos_hashes, hashes_order): result[pos] = info return result
def _upload_bulk_add( self, func_item_to_kv, dataset_id, names, items, metas=None, progress_cb=None ): if metas is None: metas = [{}] * len(items) results = [] if len(names) == 0: return results if len(names) != len(items): raise RuntimeError('Can not match "names" and "items" lists, len(names) != len(items)') for name in names: validate_ext(os.path.splitext(name)[1]) for batch in batched(list(zip(names, items, metas))): images = [] for name, item, meta in batch: item_tuple = func_item_to_kv(item) images.append( { "title": name, item_tuple[0]: item_tuple[1], ApiField.META: meta if meta is not None else {}, } ) response = "videos.bulk.add", {ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.VIDEOS: images}, ) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(images)) results = [self._convert_json_info(item) for item in response.json()] name_to_res = { img_info for img_info in results} ordered_results = [name_to_res[name] for name in names] return ordered_results def _download(self, id, is_stream=False): """ Private method. Download video with given ID :param id: int :param is_stream: bool :return: Response object containing video with given id """ response ="", {ApiField.ID: id}, stream=is_stream) return response
[docs] def download_path( self, id: int, path: str, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None ) -> None: """ Downloads Video from Dataset to local path by ID. :param id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :param path: Local save path for Video. :type path: str :param progress_cb: Function to check progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_info = save_path = os.path.join("/home/admin/work/projects/videos/",, save_path) """ response = self._download(id, is_stream=True) ensure_base_path(path) with open(path, "wb") as fd: mb1 = 1024 * 1024 for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=mb1): fd.write(chunk) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(chunk))
[docs] def download_range_by_id( self, id: int, frame_start: int, frame_end: int, is_stream: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> Response: """ Downloads Video with given ID between given start and end frames. :param id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :param frame_start: Start frame for video download. :type frame_start: int :param frame_end: End frame for video download. :type frame_end: int :param is_stream: Use stream for video download or not. :type is_stream: bool, optional :return: Response object :rtype: :class:`Response` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 198835945 start_fr = 5 end_fr= 35 response =, start_fr, end_fr) """ raise NotImplementedError("Method is not supported")
# path_original = self.get_info_by_id(id).path_original # return self.download_range_by_path(path_original, frame_start, frame_end, is_stream)
[docs] def download_range_by_path( self, path_original: str, frame_start: int, frame_end: int, is_stream: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Response: """ Downloads Video with given path in Supervisely between given start and end frames. :param path_original: Path to Video in Supervisely. :type path_original: str :param frame_start: Start frame for video download. :type frame_start: int :param frame_end: End frame for video download. :type frame_end: int :param is_stream: Use stream for video download or not. :type is_stream: bool, optional :return: Response object :rtype: :class:`Response` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 198835945 start_fr = 5 end_fr= 35 video_info = path_sl = video_info.path_original response =, start_fr, end_fr) """ raise NotImplementedError("Method is not supported")
# response = self._api.get( # method="image-converter/transcode" + path_original, # params={"startFrame": frame_start, "endFrame": frame_end, "transmux": True}, # stream=is_stream, # use_public_api=False, # ) # return response
[docs] def download_save_range( self, video_id: int, frame_start: int, frame_end: int, save_path: str ) -> str: """ Download video with given ID in Supervisely between given start and end frames on the given path. :param video_id: Video ID in Supervisely. :type video_id: int :param frame_start: Start frame for video download. :type frame_start: int :param frame_end: End frame for video download. :type frame_end: int :param save_path: Path to save video. :type save_path: str :return: Full path to saved video :rtype: :class:`str` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 198835945 start_fr = 5 end_fr= 35 video_info = name = save_path = os.path.join('/home/admin/work/projects/videos', name) result =, start_fr, end_fr, save_path) print(result) # Output: /home/admin/work/projects/videos/MOT16-03.mp4 """ raise NotImplementedError("Method is not supported")
# response = self.download_range_by_id(video_id, frame_start, frame_end) # with open(save_path, "wb") as fd: # for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=128): # fd.write(chunk) # return save_path
[docs] def notify_progress( self, track_id: int, video_id: int, frame_start: int, frame_end: int, current: int, total: int, ): """ Send message to the Annotation Tool and return info if tracking was stopped :param track_id: int :param video_id: int :param frame_start: int :param frame_end: int :param current: int :param total: int :return: str """ response = "videos.notify-annotation-tool", { "type": "videos:fetch-figures-in-range", "data": { ApiField.TRACK_ID: track_id, ApiField.VIDEO_ID: video_id, ApiField.FRAME_RANGE: [frame_start, frame_end], ApiField.PROGRESS: { ApiField.CURRENT: current, ApiField.TOTAL: total, }, }, }, ) return response.json()[ApiField.STOPPED]
[docs] def notify_tracking_error(self, track_id: int, error: str, message: str): """ Send message to the Annotation Tool :param track_id: int :param error: str :param message: str :return: None """ response = "videos.notify-annotation-tool", { "type": "videos:tracking-error", "data": { ApiField.TRACK_ID: track_id, ApiField.ERROR: {ApiField.MESSAGE: "{}: {}".format(error, message)}, }, }, )
# def upload(self): # #"/videos.bulk.upload" # pass # # def upload_path(self, dataset_id, name, path, meta=None): # metas = None if meta is None else [meta] # return self.upload_paths(dataset_id, [name], [path], metas=metas)[0] # @TODO: copypaste from image_api
[docs] def check_existing_hashes(self, hashes: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Checks existing hashes for Videos. :param hashes: List of hashes. :type hashes: List[str] :return: List of existing hashes :rtype: :class:`List[str]` :Usage example: Checkout detailed example `here <>`_ (you must be logged into your Supervisely account) .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly # Helpful method when your uploading was interrupted # You can check what videos has been successfully uploaded by their hashes and what not # And continue uploading the rest of the videos from that point os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() # Find project project = api.project.get_info_by_id(WORKSPACE_ID, PROJECT_ID) # Get paths of all videos in a directory videos_paths = sly.fs.list_files('videos_to_upload') #Calculate hashes for all videos paths hash_to_video = {} videos_hashes = [] for idx, item in enumerate(videos_paths): item_hash = sly.fs.get_file_hash(item) videos_hashes.append(item_hash) hash_to_video[item_hash] = item # Get hashes that are already on server remote_hashes = already_uploaded_videos = {hh: hash_to_video[hh] for hh in remote_hashes} """ results = [] if len(hashes) == 0: return results for hashes_batch in batched(hashes, batch_size=900): response ="images.internal.hashes.list", hashes_batch) results.extend(response.json()) return results
[docs] def upload_paths( self, dataset_id: int, names: List[str], paths: List[str], progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, metas: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, infos=None, item_progress=None, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Uploads Videos with given names from given local paths to Dataset. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param names: List of Videos names with extension. :type names: List[str] :param paths: List of local Videos paths. :type paths: List[str] :param progress_cb: Function for tracking download progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :param metas: Videos metadata. :type metas: List[dict], optional :param infos: :type infos: :param item_progress: :type item_progress: :return: List with information about Videos. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`List[VideoInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id=55846 video_names = ["7777.mp4", "8888.mp4", "9999.mp4"] video_paths = ["/home/admin/Downloads/video/770918.mp4", "/home/admin/Downloads/video/770919.mp4", "/home/admin/Downloads/video/770920.mp4"] video_infos = dataset_id=dataset_id, names=video_names, paths=video_paths, ) """ for name, path in zip(names, paths): file_ext = get_file_ext(path) validate_ext(file_ext) name_ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1] if name_ext != file_ext: raise ValueError( f"The name extension '{name_ext}' does not match the file extension '{file_ext}'" ) def path_to_bytes_stream(path): return open(path, "rb") update_headers = False if infos is not None: if len(infos) != len(names): raise ValueError("Infos have to be None or provided for all videos") update_headers = True if update_headers: self._api.add_header("x-skip-processing", "true") video_info_results = [] hashes = [get_file_hash(x) for x in paths] self._upload_data_bulk( path_to_bytes_stream, zip(paths, hashes), progress_cb=progress_cb, item_progress=item_progress, ) if update_headers: self.upsert_infos(hashes, infos) self._api.pop_header("x-skip-processing") unique_hashes = list(set(hashes)) unique_metas = self._api.import_storage.get_meta_by_hashes(unique_hashes) hash_meta_dict = {} for hash_value, meta in zip(unique_hashes, unique_metas): hash_meta_dict[hash_value] = meta metas = [hash_meta_dict[hash_value] for hash_value in hashes] metas2 = [meta["meta"] for meta in metas] names = self.get_free_names(dataset_id, names) for name, hash, meta in zip(names, hashes, metas2): try: all_streams = meta["streams"] video_streams = get_video_streams(all_streams) for stream_info in video_streams: stream_index = stream_info["index"] # TODO: check is community # if instance_type == sly.COMMUNITY: # if _check_video_requires_processing(file_info, stream_info) is True: # warn_video_requires_processing(file_name) # continue # item_name = name # info =, item_name) # if info is not None: # item_name = gen_video_stream_name(name, stream_index) res = self.upload_hash(dataset_id, name, hash, stream_index) video_info_results.append(res) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "File skipped {!r}: error occurred during processing {!r}".format(name, str(e)) ) return video_info_results
[docs] def upload_path( self, dataset_id: int, name: str, path: str, meta: Dict = None, item_progress: Optional[Progress] = None, ) -> VideoInfo: """ Uploads Video with given name from given local path to Dataset. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param name: Video name with extension. :type name: str :param path: Local video path. :type path: str :param meta: Video metadata. :type meta: dict, optional :param item_progress: :type item_progress: :return: List with information about Videos. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`VideoInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id=55846 video_name = "7777.mp4" video_path = "/home/admin/Downloads/video/770918.mp4" video_infos = dataset_id=dataset_id, name=video_name, path=video_path, ) """ progress_cb = item_progress p = None if item_progress is not None and type(item_progress) is bool: p = Progress(f"Uploading {name}", total_cnt=get_file_size(path), is_size=True) # progress_cb = p.iters_done_report progress_cb = p.set_current_value results = self.upload_paths( dataset_id=dataset_id, names=[name], paths=[path], progress_cb=None, metas=[meta], infos=None, item_progress=progress_cb, ) if type(item_progress) is bool: p.set_current_value(, report=True) return results[0]
def _upload_uniq_videos_single_req( self, func_item_to_byte_stream, hashes_items_to_upload, progress_cb=None ): """Private method. Used to upload multiple unique videos in a single HTTP request.""" content_dict = {} for idx, (_, item) in enumerate(hashes_items_to_upload): content_dict["{}-file".format(idx)] = ( str(idx), func_item_to_byte_stream(item), "video/*", ) encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields=content_dict) if progress_cb is not None: def _callback(monitor, progress): progress(monitor.bytes_read) if isinstance(progress_cb, tqdm): callback = partial(_callback, progress=progress_cb.update) else: callback = partial(_callback, progress=progress_cb) monitor = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, callback) resp ="videos.bulk.upload", monitor) else: resp ="videos.bulk.upload", encoder) # close all opened files for value in content_dict.values(): from io import BufferedReader if isinstance(value[1], BufferedReader): value[1].close() resp_list = json.loads(resp.text) remote_hashes = [d["hash"] for d in resp_list if "hash" in d] if len(remote_hashes) != len(hashes_items_to_upload): problem_items = [ (hsh, item, resp["errors"]) for (hsh, item), resp in zip(hashes_items_to_upload, resp_list) if resp.get("errors") ] logger.warn( "Not all images were uploaded within request.", extra={ "total_cnt": len(hashes_items_to_upload), "ok_cnt": len(remote_hashes), "items": problem_items, }, ) return remote_hashes def _upload_data_bulk( self, func_item_to_byte_stream, items_hashes, retry_cnt=3, progress_cb=None, item_progress=None, ): """Private method. Used for batch uploading of multiple unique videos.""" # count all items to adjust progress_cb and create hash to item mapping with unique hashes items_count_total = 0 hash_to_items = {} for item, i_hash in items_hashes: hash_to_items[i_hash] = item items_count_total += 1 unique_hashes = set(hash_to_items.keys()) remote_hashes = set( self.check_existing_hashes(list(unique_hashes)) ) # existing -- from server if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(remote_hashes)) # pending_hashes = unique_hashes #- remote_hashes #@TODO: only fo debug! pending_hashes = unique_hashes - remote_hashes for retry_idx in range(retry_cnt): # single attempt to upload all data which is not uploaded yet for hashes in batched(list(pending_hashes)): pending_hashes_items = [(h, hash_to_items[h]) for h in hashes] hashes_rcv = self._upload_uniq_videos_single_req( func_item_to_byte_stream, pending_hashes_items, item_progress ) pending_hashes -= set(hashes_rcv) if set(hashes_rcv) - set(hashes): logger.warn( "Hash inconsistency in images bulk upload.", extra={"sent": hashes, "received": hashes_rcv}, ) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(hashes_rcv)) if not pending_hashes: if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(items_count_total - len(unique_hashes)) return logger.warn( "Unable to upload videos (data).", extra={ "retry_idx": retry_idx, "items": [(h, hash_to_items[h]) for h in pending_hashes], }, ) # now retry it for the case if it is a shadow server/connection error raise RuntimeError( "Unable to upload videos (data). " "Please check if videos are in supported format and if ones aren't corrupted." ) # @TODO: add case to documentation with detailed explanation
[docs] def upsert_info(self, hash: str, info: Dict) -> Dict: """ Update Video file metadata :param hash: Video hash. :type hash: str :param info: Uploading info. :type info: dict :return: Return updating result :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 19388386 video_info = video_hash = video_info.hash res =, {"field": "value"}) print(res) # Output: {'success': True} """ return self.upsert_infos([hash], [info])
[docs] def upsert_infos( self, hashes: List[str], infos: List[Dict], links: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Dict: """ Update Video files metadata :param hashes: Video hash. :type hashes: str :param infos: Uploading info. :type infos: dict :return: Return updating result :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 56443 video_ids = [19388386, 19388387, 19388388] video_infos = dataset_id=dataset_id, filters=[{'field': 'id', 'operator': 'in', 'value': video_ids}] ) video_hashes = [video_info.hash for video_info in video_infos] new_infos = [{"field1": "value1"}, {"field2": "value2"}, {"field3": "value3"}] res =, new_infos) print(res) # Output: {'success': True} """ payload = [] if links is None: links = [None] * len(hashes) for h, l, info in zip(hashes, links, infos): item = {ApiField.HASH: h, ApiField.META: info} if l is not None: item[ApiField.LINK] = l payload.append(item) resp ="videos.bulk.upsert_file_meta", payload) return resp.json()
[docs] def update_custom_data(self, id: int, data: dict): """ Upload custom data info in VideoInfo object. :param video_id: Videos ID in Supervisely. :type video_id: int :param metas: Metadata dict with custom values. Note: Do not recommend changing metas as it affects displaying data in label tools. In case changing the metadata is necessary, make sure to include an "streams" field with its value in the request body. :type metas: dict :return: Return updating result :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from import get_info os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 19402023, {"field": "value"}) video_info = print(video_info.custom_data) # Output: {'field': 'value'} """ resp = "videos.custom-data.set", {ApiField.ID: id, ApiField.CUSTOM_DATA: data} ) return resp.json()
[docs] def add_existing( self, dataset_id: int, video_info: VideoInfo, name: str, ) -> VideoInfo: """ Add existing video from source Dataset to destination Dataset. :param dataset_id: Destination Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param video_info: Information about the video. :type video_info: VideoInfo :param name: Video name. :type name: str :return: Information about Video. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`VideoInfo` .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from import get_info os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 55846 video_id = 19371139 video_info = new_info =, video_info, "sea lion.mp4") print(new_info) # Output: # VideoInfo( # id=19371140, # name='sea lion.mp4' # hash='30/TQ1BcIOn1AI4RFgRO/6psRtr3lqNPmr4uQ=', # link=None, # team_id=435, # workspace_id=684, # project_id=17208, # dataset_id=55846, # path_original='/h5ung-public/videos/Z/d/HD/lfgipl...NXrg5vz.mp4', # frames_to_timecodes=[], # frames_count=245, # frame_width=1920, # frame_height=1080, # created_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # updated_at='2023-02-07T19:35:01.808Z', # tags=[], # file_meta={ # 'codecName': 'h264', # 'codecType': 'video', # 'duration': 10.218542, # 'formatName': 'mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2', # 'framesCount': 245, # 'framesToTimecodes': [], # 'height': 1080, # 'index': 0, # 'mime': 'video/mp4', # 'rotation': 0, # 'size': '6795452', # 'startTime': 0, # 'streams': [], # 'width': 1920 # }, # custom_data={}, # processing_path='1/194' # ) """ if is not None: return self.upload_links( dataset_id, names=[name], hashes=[video_info.hash], links=[], infos=None, )[0] else: return self.upload_hash(dataset_id, name, video_info.hash)
def _remove_batch_api_method_name(self): """Private method. Returns API method name used for batch removal of videos.""" return "images.bulk.remove" def _remove_batch_field_name(self): """Private method. Returns constant string that represents API field name that contains the IDs of the images.""" return ApiField.IMAGE_IDS
[docs] def remove_batch( self, ids: List[int], progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = 50, ): """ Remove videos from supervisely by IDs. All video IDs must belong to the same dataset. Therefore, it is necessary to sort IDs before calling this method. :param ids: List of Videos IDs in Supervisely. :type ids: List[int] :param progress_cb: Function for tracking progress of removing. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :return: :class:`None<None>` :rtype: :class:`NoneType<NoneType>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_ids = [2389126, 2389127] """ super(VideoApi, self).remove_batch(ids, progress_cb=progress_cb, batch_size=batch_size)
[docs] def remove(self, video_id: int): """ Remove video from supervisely by id. :param video_id: Videos ID in Supervisely. :type video_id: int :return: :class:`None<None>` :rtype: :class:`NoneType<NoneType>` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() video_id = 2389126 """ super(VideoApi, self).remove(video_id)
[docs] def get_free_names(self, dataset_id: int, names: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Returns list of free names for given dataset. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param names: List of names to check. :type names: List[str] :return: List of free names. :rtype: List[str] """ videos_in_dataset = self.get_list(dataset_id) used_names = { for video_info in videos_in_dataset} new_names = [ generate_free_name(used_names, name, with_ext=True, extend_used_names=True) for name in names ] return new_names
[docs] def raise_name_intersections_if_exist( self, dataset_id: int, names: List[str], message: str = None ): """ Raises error if videos with given names already exist in dataset. Default error message: "Videos with the following names already exist in dataset [ID={dataset_id}]: {name_intersections}. Please, rename videos and try again or set change_name_if_conflict=True to rename automatically on upload." :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param names: List of names to check. :type names: List[str] :param message: Error message. :type message: str, optional :return: None :rtype: None """ videos_in_dataset = self.get_list(dataset_id) used_names = { for video_info in videos_in_dataset} name_intersections = used_names.intersection(set(names)) if message is None: message = f"Videos with the following names already exist in dataset [ID={dataset_id}]: {name_intersections}. Please, rename videos and try again or set change_name_if_conflict=True to rename automatically on upload." if len(name_intersections) > 0: raise ValueError(f"{message}")
[docs] def upload_dir( self, dataset_id: int, dir_path: str, recursive: Optional[bool] = True, change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = True, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Uploads all videos with supported extensions from given directory to Supervisely. Optionally, uploads videos from subdirectories of given directory. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param dir_path: Path to directory with videos. :type dir_path: str :param recursive: If True, will upload videos from subdirectories of given directory recursively. Otherwise, will upload videos only from given directory. :type recursive: bool, optional :param change_name_if_conflict: If True adds suffix to the end of Video name when Dataset already contains an Video with identical name, If False and videos with the identical names already exist in Dataset raises error. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param progress_cb: Function for tracking upload progress. :type progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] :return: List of uploaded videos infos :rtype: List[VideoInfo] """ if recursive: paths = list_files_recursively(dir_path, filter_fn=is_valid_format) else: paths = list_files(dir_path, filter_fn=is_valid_format) names = [get_file_name_with_ext(path) for path in paths] if change_name_if_conflict is False: self.raise_name_intersections_if_exist(dataset_id, names) video_infos = self.upload_paths(dataset_id, names, paths, progress_cb=progress_cb) return video_infos
[docs] def upload_dirs( self, dataset_id: int, dir_paths: List[str], recursive: Optional[bool] = True, change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = True, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, ) -> List[VideoInfo]: """ Uploads all videos with supported extensions from given directories to Supervisely. Optionally, uploads videos from subdirectories of given directories. :param dataset_id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :param dir_paths: List of paths to directories with videos. :type dir_paths: List[str] :param recursive: If True, will upload videos from subdirectories of given directories recursively. Otherwise, will upload videos only from given directories. :type recursive: bool, optional :param change_name_if_conflict: If True adds suffix to the end of Video name when Dataset already contains an Video with identical name, If False and videos with the identical names already exist in Dataset raises error. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param progress_cb: Function for tracking upload progress. :type progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] :return: List of uploaded videos infos :rtype: List[VideoInfo] """ video_infos = [] for dir_path in dir_paths: video_infos.extend( self.upload_dir( dataset_id, dir_path, recursive, change_name_if_conflict, progress_cb ) ) return video_infos