Source code for supervisely.api.team_api

# coding: utf-8
"""list/create teams and monitor their activity"""

# docs
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from tqdm import tqdm

from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField, ModuleNoParent, UpdateableModule
from supervisely.sly_logger import logger

# @TODO - umar will add meta with review status and duration
[docs]class ActivityAction: """ List of Team Actions to sort Team Activity. """ LOGIN = "login" """""" LOGOUT = "logout" """""" CREATE_PROJECT = "create_project" """""" UPDATE_PROJECT = "update_project" """""" DISABLE_PROJECT = "disable_project" """""" RESTORE_PROJECT = "restore_project" """""" CREATE_DATASET = "create_dataset" """""" UPDATE_DATASET = "update_dataset" """""" DISABLE_DATASET = "disable_dataset" """""" RESTORE_DATASET = "restore_dataset" """""" CREATE_IMAGE = "create_image" """""" UPDATE_IMAGE = "update_image" """""" DISABLE_IMAGE = "disable_image" """""" RESTORE_IMAGE = "restore_image" """""" CREATE_FIGURE = "create_figure" """""" UPDATE_FIGURE = "update_figure" """""" DISABLE_FIGURE = "disable_figure" """""" RESTORE_FIGURE = "restore_figure" """""" CREATE_CLASS = "create_class" """""" UPDATE_CLASS = "update_class" """""" DISABLE_CLASS = "disable_class" """""" RESTORE_CLASS = "restore_class" """""" CREATE_BACKUP = "create_backup" """""" EXPORT_PROJECT = "export_project" """""" MODEL_TRAIN = "model_train" """""" MODEL_INFERENCE = "model_inference" """""" CREATE_PLUGIN = "create_plugin" """""" DISABLE_PLUGIN = "disable_plugin" """""" RESTORE_PLUGIN = "restore_plugin" """""" CREATE_NODE = "create_node" """""" DISABLE_NODE = "disable_node" """""" RESTORE_NODE = "restore_node" """""" CREATE_WORKSPACE = "create_workspace" """""" DISABLE_WORKSPACE = "disable_workspace" """""" RESTORE_WORKSPACE = "restore_workspace" """""" CREATE_MODEL = "create_model" """""" DISABLE_MODEL = "disable_model" """""" RESTORE_MODEL = "restore_model" """""" ADD_MEMBER = "add_member" """""" REMOVE_MEMBER = "remove_member" """""" LOGIN_TO_TEAM = "login_to_team" """""" ATTACH_TAG = "attach_tag" """""" UPDATE_TAG_VALUE = "update_tag_value" """""" DETACH_TAG = "detach_tag" """""" ANNOTATION_DURATION = "annotation_duration" """""" IMAGE_REVIEW_STATUS_UPDATED = "image_review_status_updated" """""" LABELER_ID = "labelerId" """""" REVIEW_STATUS = "reviewStatus"
# case #1 - labeler pressed "finish image" button in labeling job # action: IMAGE_REVIEW_STATUS_UPDATED -> meta["reviewStatus"] == 'done' # case #2 - reviewer pressed "accept" or "reject" button # action: IMAGE_REVIEW_STATUS_UPDATED -> meta["reviewStatus"] == 'accepted' or 'rejected' # possible review statuses: # 'done' - i.e. labeler finished the image, # 'accepted' - reviewer # 'rejected' - reviewer # case #3 duration # action: ANNOTATION_DURATION -> meta["duration"] e.g. meta-> {"duration": 30} in seconds class UsageInfo(NamedTuple): """ """ plan: str class TeamInfo(NamedTuple): """ """ id: int name: str description: str role: str created_at: str updated_at: str usage: UsageInfo
[docs]class TeamApi(ModuleNoParent, UpdateableModule): """ API for working with Team. :class:`TeamApi<TeamApi>` object is immutable. :param api: API connection to the server :type api: Api :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") team_info = # api usage example """
[docs] @staticmethod def info_sequence(): """ NamedTuple TeamInfo containing information about Team. :Example: .. code-block:: python TeamInfo(id=1, name='Vehicle', description='', role='admin', created_at='2020-03-31T14:49:08.931Z', updated_at='2020-03-31T14:49:08.931Z', UsageInfo(plan='free') ) """ return [ ApiField.ID, ApiField.NAME, ApiField.DESCRIPTION, ApiField.ROLE, ApiField.CREATED_AT, ApiField.UPDATED_AT, ApiField.USAGE, ]
[docs] @staticmethod def info_tuple_name(): """ NamedTuple name - **TeamInfo**. """ return "TeamInfo"
def __init__(self, api): ModuleNoParent.__init__(self, api) UpdateableModule.__init__(self, api)
[docs] def get_list(self, filters: List[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> List[TeamInfo]: """ List of all Teams. :param filters: List of params to sort output Teams. :type filters: list, optional :return: List of all Teams with information. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`List[TeamInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly team_id = 8 os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() team_list = print(team_list) # Output: [TeamInfo(id=1, # name='Vehicle', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2020-03-31T14:49:08.931Z', # updated_at='2020-03-31T14:49:08.931Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ), # TeamInfo(id=2, # name='Road', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2020-03-31T08:52:11.000Z', # updated_at='2020-03-31T08:52:11.000Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ), # TeamInfo(id=3, # name='Animal', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2020-04-02T08:59:03.717Z', # updated_at='2020-04-02T08:59:03.717Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ) # ] # Filtered Team list team_list =, filters=[{ 'field': 'name', 'operator': '=', 'value': 'Animal' }]) print(team_list) # Output: [TeamInfo(id=3, # name='Animal', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2020-04-02T08:59:03.717Z', # updated_at='2020-04-02T08:59:03.717Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ) # ] """ return self.get_list_all_pages("teams.list", {ApiField.FILTER: filters or []})
[docs] def get_info_by_id(self, id: int, raise_error: Optional[bool] = False) -> TeamInfo: """ Get Team information by ID. :param id: Team ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :return: Information about Team. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`TeamInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() team_info = print(team_info) # Output: TeamInfo(id=8, # name='Fruits', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2020-04-15T10:50:41.926Z', # updated_at='2020-04-15T10:50:41.926Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ) # You can also get Team info by name team_info ="Fruits") print(team_info) # Output: TeamInfo(id=8, # name='Fruits', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2020-04-15T10:50:41.926Z', # updated_at='2020-04-15T10:50:41.926Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ) """ info = self._get_info_by_id(id, "") if info is None and raise_error is True: raise KeyError(f"Team with id={id} not found in your account") return info
[docs] def create( self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = "", change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> TeamInfo: """ Creates Team with given name. :param name: Team name. :type name: str :param description: Team description. :type description: str :param change_name_if_conflict: Checks if given name already exists and adds suffix to the end of the name. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :return: Information about Team. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`TeamInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() new_team ="Flowers") print(new_team) # Output: TeamInfo(id=228, # name='Flowers', # description='', # role='admin', # created_at='2021-03-11T11:18:46.576Z', # updated_at='2021-03-11T11:18:46.576Z', # UsageInfo(plan='free') ) """ effective_name = self._get_effective_new_name( name=name, change_name_if_conflict=change_name_if_conflict ) response = "teams.add", {ApiField.NAME: effective_name, ApiField.DESCRIPTION: description}, ) return self._convert_json_info(response.json())
def _get_update_method(self): """ """ return "teams.editInfo"
[docs] def get_activity( self, team_id: int, filter_user_id: Optional[int] = None, filter_project_id: Optional[int] = None, filter_job_id: Optional[int] = None, filter_actions: Optional[List] = None, progress_cb: Optional[Union[tqdm, Callable]] = None, start_date: Optional[str] = None, end_date: Optional[str] = None, labeler_id: Optional[int] = None, review_status: Optional[Literal["done", "accepted", "rejected"]] = None, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Get Team activity by ID. :param team_id: Team ID in Supervisely. :type team_id: int :param filter_user_id: User ID by which the activity will be filtered. :type filter_user_id: int, optional :param filter_project_id: Project ID by which the activity will be filtered. :type filter_project_id: int, optional :param filter_job_id: Job ID by which the activity will be filtered. :type filter_job_id: int, optional :param filter_actions: List of ActivityAction by which the activity will be filtered. :type filter_actions: list, optional :param progress_cb: Function to check progress. :type progress_cb: tqdm or callable, optional :param start_date: Start date to get Team activity. :type start_date: str, optional :param end_date: End date to get Team activity. :type end_date: str, optional :param labeler_id: Labeler ID by which the activity will be filtered. :type labeler_id: int, optional :param review_status: Review status by which the activity will be filtered. :type review_status: str, optional, one of ['done', 'accepted', 'rejected'] :return: Team activity :rtype: :class:`List[dict]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from supervisely.api.team_api import ActivityAction as aa os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() labeling_actions = [ aa.ATTACH_TAG, aa.UPDATE_TAG_VALUE, aa.DETACH_TAG, ] team_activity =, filter_actions=labeling_actions) print(team_activity) # Output: [ # { # "userId":7, # "action":"detach_tag", # "date":"2021-01-15T15:11:55.985Z", # "user":"cxnt", # "projectId":1817, # "project":"App_Test_Poly", # "datasetId":2370, # "dataset":"train", # "imageId":726985, # "image":"IMG_8144.jpeg", # "classId":"None", # "class":"None", # "figureId":"None", # "job":"None", # "jobId":"None", # "tag":"hhhlk", # "tagId":4720, # "meta":{} # }, # { # "userId":7, # "action":"attach_tag", # "date":"2021-01-15T14:24:58.480Z", # "user":"cxnt", # "projectId":1817, # "project":"App_Test_Poly", # "datasetId":2370, # "dataset":"train", # "imageId":726985, # "image":"IMG_8144.jpeg", # "classId":"None", # "class":"None", # "figureId":"None", # "job":"None", # "jobId":"None", # "tag":"hhhlk", # "tagId":4720, # "meta":{} # } # ] """ from datetime import datetime filters = [] if labeler_id is not None: filters.append( {"field": ActivityAction.LABELER_ID, "operator": "=", "value": labeler_id} ) if review_status is not None: filters.append( { "field": ActivityAction.REVIEW_STATUS, "operator": "=", "value": review_status, } ) if filter_user_id is not None: filters.append({"field": ApiField.USER_ID, "operator": "=", "value": filter_user_id}) if filter_project_id is not None: filters.append( { "field": ApiField.PROJECT_ID, "operator": "=", "value": filter_project_id, } ) if filter_job_id is not None: filters.append({"field": ApiField.JOB_ID, "operator": "=", "value": filter_job_id}) if filter_actions is not None: if type(filter_actions) is not list: raise TypeError( "type(filter_actions) is {!r}. But has to be of type {!r}".format( type(filter_actions), list ) ) filters.append({"field": ApiField.TYPE, "operator": "in", "value": filter_actions}) def _add_dt_filter(filters, dt, op): dt_iso = None if dt is None: return if type(dt) is str: dt_iso = dt elif type(dt) is datetime: dt_iso = dt.isoformat() else: raise TypeError( "DT type must be string in ISO8601 format or datetime, not {}".format(type(dt)) ) filters.append({"field": ApiField.DATE, "operator": op, "value": dt_iso}) _add_dt_filter(filters, start_date, ">=") _add_dt_filter(filters, end_date, "<=") method = "teams.activity" data = {ApiField.TEAM_ID: team_id, ApiField.FILTER: filters} first_response =, data) first_response = first_response.json() total = first_response["total"] per_page = first_response["perPage"] pages_count = first_response["pagesCount"] results = first_response["entities"] def set_tqdm(progress_cb, results, total): = total progress_cb.update(len(results) - progress_cb.n) progress_cb.refresh() if progress_cb is not None: if isinstance(progress_cb, tqdm): set_tqdm(progress_cb, results, total) else: progress_cb(len(results), total) if pages_count == 1 and len(first_response["entities"]) == total: pass else: for page_idx in range(2, pages_count + 1): temp_resp =, {**data, "page": page_idx, "per_page": per_page}) temp_items = temp_resp.json()["entities"] results.extend(temp_items) if progress_cb is not None: if isinstance(progress_cb, tqdm): set_tqdm(progress_cb, results, total) else: progress_cb(len(results), total) if len(results) != total: logger.warn( f"Method '{method}': new events were created during pagination, " f"downloaded={len(results)}, total={total}" ) return results
def _convert_json_info(self, info: dict, skip_missing=True) -> TeamInfo: """ """ res = super()._convert_json_info(info, skip_missing=skip_missing) res_dict = res._asdict() if isinstance(res_dict.get("usage"), dict): res_dict["usage"] = UsageInfo(**res_dict["usage"]) return TeamInfo(**res_dict)