Source code for supervisely.api.pointcloud.pointcloud_episode_api

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# docs
from typing import Dict

from supervisely._utils import batched
from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField
from supervisely.api.pointcloud.pointcloud_api import PointcloudApi
from supervisely.api.pointcloud.pointcloud_episode_annotation_api import (
from supervisely.api.pointcloud.pointcloud_episode_object_api import (

[docs]class PointcloudEpisodeApi(PointcloudApi): """ API for working with :class:`PointcloudEpisodes<supervisely.pointcloud_episodes.pointcloud_episodes>`. :class:`PointcloudEpisodeApi<PointcloudEpisodeApi>` object is immutable. Inherits from :class:`PointcloudApi<supervisely.api.pointcloud.PointcloudApi>`. :param api: API connection to the server. :type api: Api :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") pcd_epsodes_id = 19373295 pcd_epsodes_info = api.pointcloud_episode.get_info_by_id(pcd_epsodes_id) # api usage example """ def __init__(self, api): super().__init__(api) self.annotation = PointcloudEpisodeAnnotationAPI(api) self.object = PointcloudEpisodeObjectApi(api) self.tag = None def _convert_json_info(self, info: dict, skip_missing=True): res = super()._convert_json_info(info, skip_missing=skip_missing) if res.meta is not None: return res._replace(frame=res.meta[ApiField.FRAME]) else: raise RuntimeError( "Error with point cloud meta or API version. Please, contact support" )
[docs] def get_frame_name_map(self, dataset_id: int) -> Dict: """ Get a dictionary with frame_id and name of pointcloud by dataset id. :param dataset_id: :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>` ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :return: Dict with frame_id and name of pointcloud. :rtype: Dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 62664 frame_to_name_map = api.pointcloud_episode.get_frame_name_map(dataset_id) print(frame_to_name_map) # Output: # {0: '001', 1: '002'} """ pointclouds = self.get_list(dataset_id) frame_index_to_pcl_name = {} if len(pointclouds) > 0 and pointclouds[0].frame is None: pointclouds_names = sorted([ for x in pointclouds]) for frame_index, pcl_name in enumerate(pointclouds_names): frame_index_to_pcl_name[frame_index] = pcl_name else: frame_index_to_pcl_name = {x.frame: for x in pointclouds} return frame_index_to_pcl_name
[docs] def notify_progress( self, track_id: int, dataset_id: int, pcd_ids: list, current: int, total: int, ): """ Send message to the Annotation Tool and return info if tracking was stopped :param track_id: int :param dataset_id: int :param pcd_ids: list :param current: int :param total: int :return: str """ response = "point-clouds.episodes.notify-annotation-tool", { "type": "point-cloud-episodes:fetch-figures-in-range", "data": { ApiField.TRACK_ID: track_id, ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.POINTCLOUD_IDS: pcd_ids, ApiField.PROGRESS: {ApiField.CURRENT: current, ApiField.TOTAL: total}, }, }, ) return response.json()[ApiField.STOPPED]
[docs] def get_max_frame_idx(self, dataset_id: int) -> int: """ Get max frame index for episode by dataset id. This method is useful for uploading pointclouds to the episode in parts. :param dataset_id: :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>` ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :return: Max frame index. :rtype: int :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 62664 max_frame = api.pointcloud_episode.get_max_frame(dataset_id) print(max_frame) # Output: # 1 """ pointclouds = self.get_list(dataset_id) frames = [x.frame for x in pointclouds] if len(frames) == 0: return None max_frame = max(frames) return max_frame
def _upload_bulk_add( self, func_item_to_kv, dataset_id, names, items, metas=None, progress_cb=None, ): if metas is None: max_frame = self.get_max_frame_idx(dataset_id) if max_frame is None: max_frame = range(len(items)) else: max_frame = range(max_frame + 1, max_frame + 1 + len(items)) metas = [{ApiField.FRAME: i} for i in max_frame] else: if len(metas) != len(items): raise RuntimeError( 'Can not match "metas" and "items" lists, len(metas) != len(items)' ) missing_frame_indices = [ idx for idx, meta in enumerate(metas) if ApiField.FRAME not in meta ] if len(missing_frame_indices) == len(metas): raise RuntimeError("No 'frame' key found in all 'metas'.") elif len(missing_frame_indices) > 0: missing_frame_names = [names[idx] for idx in missing_frame_indices] raise RuntimeError( f"No 'frame' key found in 'metas' for names {missing_frame_names}." ) results = [] if len(names) == 0: return results if len(names) != len(items): raise RuntimeError('Can not match "names" and "items" lists, len(names) != len(items)') for batch in batched(list(zip(names, items, metas))): images = [] for name, item, meta in batch: item_tuple = func_item_to_kv(item) images.append( { ApiField.NAME: name, item_tuple[0]: item_tuple[1], ApiField.META: meta, } ) response = "point-clouds.bulk.add", {ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.POINTCLOUDS: images}, ) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(images)) results.extend([self._convert_json_info(item) for item in response.json()]) name_to_res = { img_info for img_info in results} ordered_results = [name_to_res[name] for name in names] return ordered_results