Source code for supervisely.api.pointcloud.pointcloud_episode_annotation_api

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from supervisely.api.entity_annotation.entity_annotation_api import EntityAnnotationAPI
from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField
from supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_annotation import (
from supervisely.video_annotation.key_id_map import KeyIdMap

[docs]class PointcloudEpisodeAnnotationAPI(EntityAnnotationAPI): """ :class:`PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation<supervisely.pointcloud_annotation.pointcloud_episode_annotation.PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation>` for a point clouds episodes. :class:`PointcloudEpisodeAnnotationAPI<PointcloudEpisodeAnnotationAPI>` object is immutable. :param api: API connection to the server. :type api: Api :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") dataset_id = 62664 ann_info = print(ann_info) """ _method_download = "" _entity_ids_str = ApiField.POINTCLOUD_IDS
[docs] def download(self, dataset_id: int) -> dict: """ Download information about PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation by dataset ID from API. :param dataset_id: :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>` ID in Supervisely. :type dataset_id: int :return: Dictionary woth information about PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation in json format :rtype: :class:`dict` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly from pprint import pprint os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 62664 ann_info = pprint(ann_info) # Output: { # 'datasetId': 62664, # 'description': '', # 'frames': [ # {'figures': [{'classId': None, # 'createdAt': '2023-04-05T08:55:52.445Z', # 'description': '', # 'geometry': {'dimensions': {'x': 2.3652234, # 'y': 23.291742, # 'z': 3.326648}, # 'position': {'x': 86.29707472161449, # 'y': -14.472597682830635, # 'z': 0.8842007608554671}, # 'rotation': {'x': 0, # 'y': 0, # 'z': -1.6962800995995606}}, # 'geometryType': 'cuboid_3d', # 'id': 87830452, # 'labelerLogin': 'almaz', # 'objectId': 5565741, # 'updatedAt': '2023-04-05T08:55:52.445Z'}, # {'classId': None, # 'createdAt': '2023-04-05T08:55:52.445Z', # 'description': '', # 'geometry': {'indices': [783, # 784, # ... # 28326, # 30294]}, # 'geometryType': 'point_cloud', # 'id': 87830456, # 'labelerLogin': 'almaz', # 'objectId': 5565740, # 'updatedAt': '2023-04-05T08:55:52.445Z'}], # 'index': 0, # 'pointCloudId': 19618654},... # ], # 'tags': [] # } """ response =, {ApiField.DATASET_ID: dataset_id}) return response.json()[0]
[docs] def download_bulk(self, dataset_id, entity_ids): """Not supported for point cloud episodes.""" raise RuntimeError("Not supported for episodes")
[docs] def append( self, dataset_id: int, ann: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation, frame_to_pointcloud_ids, key_id_map: KeyIdMap = None, ) -> None: """ Loads an PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation to a given point cloud ID in the API. :param pointcloud_id: Point cloud ID in Supervisely. :type pointcloud_id: int :param ann: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation object. :type ann: PointcloudEpisodeAnnotation :param frame_to_pointcloud_ids: List of dictionaries with frame_id and name of pointcloud episodes :type frame_to_pointcloud_ids: List[dict] :param key_id_map: KeyIdMap object. :type key_id_map: KeyIdMap, optional :return: None :rtype: :class:`NoneType` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() pcd_episodes_id = 198704259 api.pointcloud_episode.annotation.append(pcd_episodes_id, pointcloud_ann) """ if key_id_map is None: # create for internal purposes (to link figures and tags to objects) key_id_map = KeyIdMap() figures = [] pointcloud_ids = [] for frame in ann.frames: for fig in frame.figures: if frame_to_pointcloud_ids.get(frame.index) is None: # skip unmapped frames continue figures.append(fig) pointcloud_ids.append(frame_to_pointcloud_ids[frame.index]) if len(pointcloud_ids) == 0: return self._api.pointcloud_episode.object.append_bulk(pointcloud_ids[0], ann.objects, key_id_map) self._api.pointcloud_episode.figure.append_to_dataset( dataset_id, figures, pointcloud_ids, key_id_map )