Source code for supervisely.api.image_annotation_tool_api

# coding: utf-8
from typing import Optional

from supervisely.api.module_api import ApiField, ModuleApiBase
from supervisely.collection.str_enum import StrEnum

[docs]class ImageAnnotationToolAction(StrEnum): SET_FIGURE = "figures/setFigure" """""" NEXT_IMAGE = "images/nextImage" """""" PREV_IMAGE = "images/prevImage" """""" SET_IMAGE = "images/setImage" """""" ZOOM_TO_FIGURE = "scene/zoomToObject" """"""
[docs]class ImageAnnotationToolApi(ModuleApiBase):
[docs] def set_figure(self, session_id: int, figure_id: int): """Sets the figure as the current figure (selected figure) in the annotation tool. :param session_id: Annotation tool session id. :type session_id: int :param figure_id: Figure id. :type figure_id: int""" return self._act( session_id, ImageAnnotationToolAction.SET_FIGURE, {ApiField.FIGURE_ID: figure_id} )
[docs] def next_image(self, session_id: int, *args, **kwargs): """Changes the current image in the annotation tool to the next image. :param session_id: Annotation tool session id. :type session_id: int""" return self._act(session_id, ImageAnnotationToolAction.NEXT_IMAGE, {})
[docs] def prev_image(self, session_id: int, *args, **kwargs): """Changes the current image in the annotation tool to the previous image. :param session_id: Annotation tool session id. :type session_id: int""" return self._act(session_id, ImageAnnotationToolAction.PREV_IMAGE, {})
[docs] def set_image(self, session_id: int, image_id: int): """Sets the image as the current image in the annotation tool. NOTE: The image must be in the same dataset as the current image. :param session_id: Annotation tool session id. :type session_id: int :param image_id: Image id in the same dataset as the current image. :type image_id: int""" return self._act( session_id, ImageAnnotationToolAction.SET_IMAGE, {ApiField.IMAGE_ID: image_id} )
[docs] def zoom_to_figure(self, session_id: int, figure_id: int, zoom_factor: Optional[float] = 1): """Zooms the scene to the figure with the given id and zoom factor. :param session_id: Annotation tool session id. :type session_id: int :param figure_id: Figure id. :type figure_id: int :param zoom_factor: Zoom factor. Default is 1. :type zoom_factor: float, optional""" return self._act( session_id, ImageAnnotationToolAction.ZOOM_TO_FIGURE, {ApiField.FIGURE_ID: figure_id, ApiField.ZOOM_FACTOR: zoom_factor}, )
def _act(self, session_id: int, action: ImageAnnotationToolAction, payload: dict): """ """ data = { ApiField.SESSION_ID: session_id, ApiField.ACTION: str(action), ApiField.PAYLOAD: payload, } resp ="/", data) return resp.json()
# { # "sessionId": "940c4ec7-3818-420b-9277-ab3c820babe5", # "action": "scene/setViewport", # "payload": { # "viewport": { # "offsetX": -461, # width # "offsetY": -1228, # height # "zoom": 1.7424000000000024 # } # } # } # { # "sessionId": "940c4ec7-3818-420b-9277-ab3c820babe5", # "action": "scene/zoomToObject", # "payload": { # "figureId": 22129, # "zoomFactor": 1.5 # } # }