Source code for supervisely.api.dataset_api

# coding: utf-8
"""create/download/update :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>`"""

# docs
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Literal, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union

from supervisely._utils import abs_url, compress_image_url, is_development
from supervisely.api.module_api import (

class DatasetInfo(NamedTuple):
    """Represent Supervisely Dataset information.

    :param id: Dataset ID.
    :type id: int
    :param name: Dataset Name.
    :type name: str
    :param description: Dataset description.
    :type description: str
    :param size: Dataset size.
    :type size: int
    :param project_id: Project ID in which the Dataset is located.
    :type project_id: int
    :param images_count: Number of images in the Dataset.
    :type images_count: int
    :param items_count: Number of items in the Dataset.
    :type items_count: int
    :param created_at: Date and time when the Dataset was created.
    :type created_at: str
    :param updated_at: Date and time when the Dataset was last updated.
    :type updated_at: str
    :param reference_image_url: URL of the reference image.
    :type reference_image_url: str
    :param team_id: Team ID in which the Dataset is located.
    :type team_id: int
    :param workspace_id: Workspace ID in which the Dataset is located.
    :type workspace_id: int
    :param parent_id: Parent Dataset ID. If the Dataset is not nested, then the value is None.
    :type parent_id: Union[int, None]

    id: int
    name: str
    description: str
    size: int
    project_id: int
    images_count: int
    items_count: int
    created_at: str
    updated_at: str
    reference_image_url: str
    team_id: int
    workspace_id: int
    parent_id: Union[int, None]

    def image_preview_url(self):
        res = self.reference_image_url
        if is_development():
            res = abs_url(res)
        res = compress_image_url(url=res, height=200)
        return res

[docs]class DatasetApi(UpdateableModule, RemoveableModuleApi): """ API for working with :class:`Dataset<supervisely.project.project.Dataset>`. :class:`DatasetApi<DatasetApi>` object is immutable. :param api: API connection to the server. :type api: Api :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import supervisely as sly # Load secrets and create API object from .env file (recommended) # Learn more here: if sly.is_development(): load_dotenv(os.path.expanduser("~/supervisely.env")) api = sly.Api.from_env() # Pass values into the API constructor (optional, not recommended) # api = sly.Api(server_address="", token="4r47N...xaTatb") project_id = 1951 ds = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) """
[docs] @staticmethod def info_sequence(): """ NamedTuple DatasetInfo information about Dataset. :Example: .. code-block:: python DatasetInfo(id=452984, name='ds0', description='', size='3997776', project_id=118909, images_count=11, items_count=11, created_at='2021-03-03T15:54:08.802Z', updated_at='2021-03-16T09:31:37.063Z', reference_image_url=''), team_id=1, workspace_id=2 """ return [ ApiField.ID, ApiField.NAME, ApiField.DESCRIPTION, ApiField.SIZE, ApiField.PROJECT_ID, ApiField.IMAGES_COUNT, ApiField.ITEMS_COUNT, ApiField.CREATED_AT, ApiField.UPDATED_AT, ApiField.REFERENCE_IMAGE_URL, ApiField.TEAM_ID, ApiField.WORKSPACE_ID, ApiField.PARENT_ID, ]
[docs] @staticmethod def info_tuple_name(): """ NamedTuple name - **DatasetInfo**. """ return "DatasetInfo"
def __init__(self, api): ModuleApi.__init__(self, api) UpdateableModule.__init__(self, api)
[docs] def get_list( self, project_id: int, filters: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, recursive: Optional[bool] = False, parent_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[DatasetInfo]: """ Returns list of dataset in the given project, or list of nested datasets in the dataset with specified parent_id. To get list of all datasets including nested, recursive parameter should be set to True. Otherwise, the method will return only datasets in the top level. :param project_id: Project ID in which the Datasets are located. :type project_id: int :param filters: List of params to sort output Datasets. :type filters: List[dict], optional :recursive: If True, returns all Datasets from the given Project including nested Datasets. :type recursive: bool, optional :param parent_id: Parent Dataset ID. If set to None, the search will be performed at the top level of the Project, otherwise the search will be performed in the specified Dataset. :return: List of all Datasets with information for the given Project. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`List[DatasetInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly project_id = 1951 os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() ds = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) print(ds) # Output: [ # DatasetInfo(id=2532, # name="lemons", # description="", # size="861069", # project_id=1951, # images_count=6, # items_count=6, # created_at="2021-03-02T10:04:33.973Z", # updated_at="2021-03-10T09:31:50.341Z", # reference_image_url=""), # DatasetInfo(id=2557, # name="kiwi", # description="", # size="861069", # project_id=1951, # images_count=6, # items_count=6, # created_at="2021-03-10T09:31:33.701Z", # updated_at="2021-03-10T09:31:44.196Z", # reference_image_url="") # ] """ if filters is None: filters = [] if parent_id is not None: filters.append({"field": ApiField.PARENT_ID, "operator": "=", "value": parent_id}) recursive = True return self.get_list_all_pages( "datasets.list", { ApiField.PROJECT_ID: project_id, ApiField.FILTER: filters, ApiField.RECURSIVE: recursive, }, )
[docs] def get_info_by_id(self, id: int, raise_error: Optional[bool] = False) -> DatasetInfo: """ Get Datasets information by ID. :param id: Dataset ID in Supervisely. :type id: int :return: Information about Dataset. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`DatasetInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly dataset_id = 384126 os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() ds_info = api.dataset.get_info_by_id(dataset_id) """ info = self._get_info_by_id(id, "") if info is None and raise_error is True: raise KeyError(f"Dataset with id={id} not found in your account") return info
[docs] def create( self, project_id: int, name: str, description: Optional[str] = "", change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, parent_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> DatasetInfo: """ Create Dataset with given name in the given Project. :param project_id: Project ID in Supervisely where Dataset will be created. :type project_id: int :param name: Dataset Name. :type name: str :param description: Dataset description. :type description: str, optional :param change_name_if_conflict: Checks if given name already exists and adds suffix to the end of the name. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param parent_id: Parent Dataset ID. If set to None, then the Dataset will be created at the top level of the Project, otherwise the Dataset will be created in a specified Dataset. :return: Information about Dataset. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`DatasetInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly project_id = 116482 os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() ds_info = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) print(len(ds_info)) # 1 new_ds = api.dataset.create(project_id, 'new_ds') new_ds_info = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) print(len(new_ds_info)) # 2 """ effective_name = self._get_effective_new_name( parent_id=project_id, name=name, change_name_if_conflict=change_name_if_conflict, ) response = "datasets.add", { ApiField.PROJECT_ID: project_id, ApiField.NAME: effective_name, ApiField.DESCRIPTION: description, ApiField.PARENT_ID: parent_id, }, ) return self._convert_json_info(response.json())
[docs] def get_or_create( self, project_id: int, name: str, description: Optional[str] = "", parent_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> DatasetInfo: """ Checks if Dataset with given name already exists in the Project, if not creates Dataset with the given name. If parent id is specified then the search will be performed in the specified Dataset, otherwise the search will be performed at the top level of the Project. :param project_id: Project ID in Supervisely. :type project_id: int :param name: Dataset name. :type name: str :param description: Dataset description. :type description: str, optional :param parent_id: Parent Dataset ID. If set to None, then the Dataset will be created at the top level of the Project, otherwise the Dataset will be created in a specified Dataset. :type parent_id: Union[int, None] :return: Information about Dataset. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`DatasetInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly project_id = 116482 os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() ds_info = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) print(len(ds_info)) # 1 api.dataset.get_or_create(project_id, 'ds1') ds_info = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) print(len(ds_info)) # 1 api.dataset.get_or_create(project_id, 'new_ds') ds_info = api.dataset.get_list(project_id) print(len(ds_info)) # 2 """ dataset_info = self.get_info_by_name(project_id, name, parent_id=parent_id) if dataset_info is None: dataset_info = self.create( project_id, name, description=description, parent_id=parent_id ) return dataset_info
def _get_update_method(self): """ """ return "datasets.editInfo" def _remove_api_method_name(self): """ """ return "datasets.remove"
[docs] def copy_batch( self, dst_project_id: int, ids: List[int], new_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, with_annotations: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> List[DatasetInfo]: """ Copy given Datasets to the destination Project by IDs. :param dst_project_id: Destination Project ID in Supervisely. :type dst_project_id: int :param ids: IDs of copied Datasets. :type ids: List[int] :param new_names: New Datasets names. :type new_names: List[str], optional :param change_name_if_conflict: Checks if given name already exists and adds suffix to the end of the name. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param with_annotations: If True copies Datasets with annotations, otherwise copies just items from Datasets without annotations. :type with_annotations: bool, optional :raises: :class:`RuntimeError` if can not match "ids" and "new_names" lists, len(ids) != len(new_names) :return: Information about Datasets. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`List[DatasetInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dst_proj_id = 1980 ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 0 ds_ids = [2532, 2557] ds_names = ["lemon_test", "kiwi_test"] copied_datasets = api.dataset.copy_batch(dst_proj_id, ids=ds_ids, new_names=ds_names, with_annotations=True) ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 2 """ if new_names is not None and len(ids) != len(new_names): raise RuntimeError( 'Can not match "ids" and "new_names" lists, len(ids) != len(new_names)' ) new_datasets = [] for idx, dataset_id in enumerate(ids): dataset = self.get_info_by_id(dataset_id) new_dataset_name = if new_names is not None: new_dataset_name = new_names[idx] src_images = self._api.image.get_list( src_image_ids = [ for image in src_images] new_dataset = self._api.dataset.create( dst_project_id, new_dataset_name, dataset.description, change_name_if_conflict=change_name_if_conflict, ) self._api.image.copy_batch(, src_image_ids, change_name_if_conflict, with_annotations ) new_datasets.append(new_dataset) return new_datasets
[docs] def copy( self, dst_project_id: int, id: int, new_name: Optional[str] = None, change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, with_annotations: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> DatasetInfo: """ Copies given Dataset in destination Project by ID. :param dst_project_id: Destination Project ID in Supervisely. :type dst_project_id: int :param id: ID of copied Dataset. :type id: int :param new_name: New Dataset name. :type new_name: str, optional :param change_name_if_conflict: Checks if given name already exists and adds suffix to the end of the name. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param with_annotations: If True copies Dataset with annotations, otherwise copies just items from Dataset without annotation. :type with_annotations: bool, optional :return: Information about Dataset. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`DatasetInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dst_proj_id = 1982 ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 0 new_ds = api.dataset.copy(dst_proj_id, id=2540, new_name="banana", with_annotations=True) ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 1 """ new_datasets = self.copy_batch( dst_project_id, [id], [new_name], change_name_if_conflict, with_annotations ) if len(new_datasets) == 0: return None return new_datasets[0]
[docs] def move_batch( self, dst_project_id: int, ids: List[int], new_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, with_annotations: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> List[DatasetInfo]: """ Moves given Datasets to the destination Project by IDs. :param dst_project_id: Destination Project ID in Supervisely. :type dst_project_id: int :param ids: IDs of moved Datasets. :type ids: List[int] :param new_names: New Datasets names. :type new_names: List[str], optional :param change_name_if_conflict: Checks if given name already exists and adds suffix to the end of the name. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param with_annotations: If True moves Datasets with annotations, otherwise moves just items from Datasets without annotations. :type with_annotations: bool, optional :raises: :class:`RuntimeError` if can not match "ids" and "new_names" lists, len(ids) != len(new_names) :return: Information about Datasets. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`List[DatasetInfo]` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dst_proj_id = 1978 ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 0 ds_ids = [2545, 2560] ds_names = ["banana_test", "mango_test"] movied_datasets = api.dataset.move_batch(dst_proj_id, ids=ds_ids, new_names=ds_names, with_annotations=True) ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 2 """ new_datasets = self.copy_batch( dst_project_id, ids, new_names, change_name_if_conflict, with_annotations ) self.remove_batch(ids) return new_datasets
[docs] def move( self, dst_project_id: int, id: int, new_name: Optional[str] = None, change_name_if_conflict: Optional[bool] = False, with_annotations: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> DatasetInfo: """ Moves given Dataset in destination Project by ID. :param dst_project_id: Destination Project ID in Supervisely. :type dst_project_id: int :param id: ID of moved Dataset. :type id: int :param new_name: New Dataset name. :type new_name: str, optional :param change_name_if_conflict: Checks if given name already exists and adds suffix to the end of the name. :type change_name_if_conflict: bool, optional :param with_annotations: If True moves Dataset with annotations, otherwise moves just items from Dataset without annotation. :type with_annotations: bool, optional :return: Information about Dataset. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: :class:`DatasetInfo` :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() dst_proj_id = 1985 ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 0 new_ds = api.dataset.move(dst_proj_id, id=2550, new_name="cucumber", with_annotations=True) ds = api.dataset.get_list(dst_proj_id) print(len(ds)) # 1 """ new_dataset = self.copy( dst_project_id, id, new_name, change_name_if_conflict, with_annotations ) self.remove(id) return new_dataset
[docs] def move_to_dataset(self, dataset_id: int, destination_dataset_id: int) -> None: """Moves dataset with specified ID to the dataset with specified destination ID. :param dataset_id: ID of the dataset to be moved. :type dataset_id: int :param destination_dataset_id: ID of the destination dataset. :type destination_dataset_id: int :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly api = sly.Api.from_env() dataset_id = 123 destination_dataset_id = 456 api.dataset.move_to_dataset(dataset_id, destination_dataset_id) """ "datasets.move", {ApiField.SRC_ID: dataset_id, ApiField.DEST_ID: destination_dataset_id} )
def _convert_json_info(self, info: dict, skip_missing=True): """ """ res = super()._convert_json_info(info, skip_missing=skip_missing) if res.reference_image_url is not None: res = res._replace(reference_image_url=res.reference_image_url) if res.items_count is None: res = res._replace(items_count=res.images_count) return DatasetInfo(**res._asdict())
[docs] def remove_permanently( self, ids: Union[int, List], batch_size: int = 50, progress_cb=None ) -> List[dict]: """ !!! WARNING !!! Be careful, this method deletes data from the database, recovery is not possible. Delete permanently datasets with given IDs from the Supervisely server. All dataset IDs must belong to the same team. Therefore, it is necessary to sort IDs before calling this method. :param ids: IDs of datasets in Supervisely. :type ids: Union[int, List] :param batch_size: The number of entities that will be deleted by a single API call. This value must be in the range 1-50 inclusive, if you set a value out of range it will automatically adjust to the boundary values. :type batch_size: int, optional :param progress_cb: Function for control delete progress. :type progress_cb: Callable, optional :return: A list of response content in JSON format for each API call. :rtype: List[dict] """ if batch_size > 50: batch_size = 50 elif batch_size < 1: batch_size = 1 if isinstance(ids, int): datasets = [{ApiField.ID: ids}] else: datasets = [{ApiField.ID: id} for id in ids] batches = [datasets[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(datasets), batch_size)] responses = [] for batch in batches: response ="datasets.remove.permanently", {ApiField.DATASETS: batch}) if progress_cb is not None: progress_cb(len(batch)) responses.append(response.json()) return responses
[docs] def get_list_all( self, filters: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, sort: Optional[str] = None, sort_order: Optional[str] = None, per_page: Optional[int] = None, page: Union[int, Literal["all"]] = "all", ) -> dict: """ List all available datasets from all available teams for the user that match the specified filtering criteria. :param filters: List of parameters for filtering the available Datasets. Every Dict must consist of keys: - 'field': Takes values 'id', 'projectId', 'workspaceId', 'groupId', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' - 'operator': Takes values '=', 'eq', '!=', 'not', 'in', '!in', '>', 'gt', '>=', 'gte', '<', 'lt', '<=', 'lte' - 'value': Takes on values according to the meaning of 'field' or null :type filters: List[Dict[str, str]], optional :param sort: Specifies by which parameter to sort the project list. Takes values 'id', 'name', 'size', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt' :type sort: str, optional :param sort_order: Determines which value to list from. :type sort_order: str, optional :param per_page: Number of first items found to be returned. 'None' will return the first page with a default size of 20000 datasets. :type per_page: int, optional :param page: Page number, used to retrieve the following items if the number of them found is more than per_page. The default value is 'all', which retrieves all available datasets. 'None' will return the first page with datasets, the amount of which is set in param 'per_page'. :type page: Union[int, Literal["all"]], optional :return: Search response information and 'DatasetInfo' of all datasets that are searched by a given criterion. :rtype: dict :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly import os os.environ['SERVER_ADDRESS'] = '' os.environ['API_TOKEN'] = 'Your Supervisely API Token' api = sly.Api.from_env() filter_1 = { "field": "updatedAt", "operator": "<", "value": "2023-12-03T14:53:00.952Z" } filter_2 = { "field": "updatedAt", "operator": ">", "value": "2023-04-03T14:53:00.952Z" } filters = [filter_1, filter_2] datasets = api.dataset.get_list_all(filters) print(datasets) # Output: # { # "total": 2, # "perPage": 20000, # "pagesCount": 1, # "entities": [ DatasetInfo(id = 16, # name = 'ds1', # description = None, # size = '861069', # project_id = 22, # images_count = None, # items_count = None, # created_at = '2020-04-03T13:43:24.000Z', # updated_at = '2020-04-03T14:53:00.952Z', # reference_image_url = None, # team_id = 2, # workspace_id = 2), # DatasetInfo(id = 17, # name = 'ds1', # description = None, # size = '1177212', # project_id = 23, # images_count = None, # items_count = None, # created_at = '2020-04-03T13:43:24.000Z', # updated_at = '2020-04-03T14:53:00.952Z', # reference_image_url = None, # team_id = 2, # workspace_id = 2 # ) # ] # } """ method = "datasets.list.all" request_body = {} if filters is not None: request_body[ApiField.FILTER] = filters if sort is not None: request_body[ApiField.SORT] = sort if sort_order is not None: request_body[ApiField.SORT_ORDER] = sort_order if per_page is not None: request_body[ApiField.PER_PAGE] = per_page if page is not None and page != "all": request_body[ApiField.PAGE] = page first_response =, request_body).json() total = first_response.get(ApiField.TOTAL) per_page = first_response.get("perPage") pages_count = first_response.get("pagesCount") def _convert_entities(response_dict: dict): """ Convert entities dict to DatasetInfo """ response_dict[ApiField.ENTITIES] = [ self._convert_json_info(item) for item in response_dict[ApiField.ENTITIES] ] if page == "all": results = first_response["entities"] if pages_count == 1 and len(results) == total: pass else: for page_idx in range(2, pages_count + 1): temp_resp = method, {**request_body, "page": page_idx, "per_page": per_page} ) temp_items = temp_resp.json()["entities"] results.extend(temp_items) if len(results) != total: raise RuntimeError( "Method {!r}: error during pagination, some items are missed".format(method) ) pass elif page is None or page <= pages_count: pass else: raise RuntimeError( f"Method {method}: error during pagination, some items are missed. Number of total pages [{pages_count}] is less than the page number requested [{page}]." ) _convert_entities(first_response) return first_response
[docs] def get_info_by_name( self, project_id: int, name: str, fields: List[str] = None, parent_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[DatasetInfo, None]: """Return Dataset information by name or None if Dataset does not exist. If parent_id is not None, the search will be performed in the specified Dataset. Otherwise the search will be performed at the top level of the Project. :param project_id: Project ID in which the Dataset is located. :type project_id: int :param name: Dataset name. :type name: str :param fields: List of fields to return. If None, then all fields are returned. :type fields: List[str], optional :param parent_id: Parent Dataset ID. If the Dataset is not nested, then the value is None. :type parent_id: Union[int, None] :return: Information about Dataset. See :class:`info_sequence<info_sequence>` :rtype: Union[DatasetInfo, None] """ filters = [{"field": ApiField.NAME, "operator": "=", "value": name}] items = self.get_list(project_id, filters, parent_id=parent_id) return _get_single_item(items)
[docs] def get_tree(self, project_id: int) -> Dict[DatasetInfo, Dict]: """Returns a tree of all datasets in the project as a dictionary, where the keys are the DatasetInfo objects and the values are dictionaries containing the children of the dataset. Recommended to use with the dataset_tree method to iterate over the tree. :param project_id: Project ID for which the tree is built. :type project_id: int :return: Dictionary of datasets and their children. :rtype: Dict[DatasetInfo, Dict] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly api = sly.Api.from_env() project_id = 123 dataset_tree = api.dataset.get_tree(project_id) print(dataset_tree) # Output: # { # DatasetInfo(id=2532, name="lemons", description="", ...: { # DatasetInfo(id=2557, name="kiwi", description="", ...: {} # } # } """ datasets = self.get_list(project_id, recursive=True) dataset_tree = {} def build_tree(parent_id): children = {} for dataset in datasets: if dataset.parent_id == parent_id: children[dataset] = build_tree( return children for dataset in datasets: if dataset.parent_id is None: dataset_tree[dataset] = build_tree( return dataset_tree
[docs] def tree(self, project_id: int) -> Generator[Tuple[List[str], DatasetInfo], None, None]: """Yields tuples of (path, dataset) for all datasets in the project. Path of the dataset is a list of parents, e.g. ["ds1", "ds2", "ds3"]. For root datasets, the path is an empty list. :param project_id: Project ID in which the Dataset is located. :type project_id: int :return: Generator of tuples of (path, dataset). :rtype: Generator[Tuple[List[str], DatasetInfo], None, None] :Usage example: .. code-block:: python import supervisely as sly api = sly.Api.from_env() project_id = 123 for parents, dataset in api.dataset.tree(project_id): parents: List[str] dataset: sly.DatasetInfo print(parents, # Output: # [] ds1 # ["ds1"] ds2 # ["ds1", "ds2"] ds3 """ def yield_tree( tree: Dict[DatasetInfo, Dict], path: List[str] ) -> Generator[Tuple[List[str], DatasetInfo], None, None]: """Yields tuples of (path, dataset) for all datasets in the tree.""" for dataset, children in tree.items(): yield path, dataset new_path = path + [] if children: yield from yield_tree(children, new_path) yield from yield_tree(self.get_tree(project_id), [])